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Wild Life Photography -Project

Project description:

This is a a project of wild life photographer. This website is created using react , react-router , firebase authentication, etc and for backend express and mongodb is used. In this project you can add service items after login. you can also give a review of services. Also can see all the reviews of others. You can see all the services and in details page , see all the details of this certain service.After adding services to your cart you have to log in or registered first to see all your added. other then you can not see it.Register and login here using email and password and also using social media. Because of protected routes so you need to register and login first to visit this routes. this are the basics staffs you can do in this project

Technologies used in this project

  • react@18
  • react-router@6.6
  • firebase-authentication
  • react icons
  • tailwind-css
  • daisy ui
  • vanila CSS
  • react router dom
  • sweet alert2
  • react rating
  • react photo view


Web capture_22-1-2023_221158_wild-life-photographer-c1735 web app

Developed by:
Mayeda Islam