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What will make this PCECD 0.2.0 ALPHA completed Release?

-	Get 99 tracks with Multi file BIN/CUE Files

- 	Remove the need for the requirement of JSON Files. (Yes it is now doable I just
	need to do all the checks in the core)

- 	Get Video based games like Sherlock Homes corrected due to the data and CDROM timing.

What is left after this build?

-	Find those pesky bugs that cause the core to crash ingame!!!

-	More sync issues with the CD Audio with some games.

-	Please note that this was a show of concept that the Pocket can do CDROM based cores. So
	I hope others might take over on this core to inprove on it.

Change log from 0.1.7:

-	Massive amount of work on getting the audio and data to the CORE from the MPU
	cpu in a reliable way.

-	Made the MPU get data from the APF bus without having two lots of BRAM. This currently
	Pasues the Instruction side of the MPU from 1 to 3 Clock cycles with duel ported BRAM
	modules. Can be used with the Amiga core???

-   Correction of the timing in the CD core so the correct Minutes, seconds and
	Frames are sent.

-   Fifo checking when sending data to the core which was causing audio skipping.

-   Removed the Processing delay as an interupt is now used on the MPU.

-   Started on the process of getting seperate BIN files to be loaded (Next release
	will have this done). Thus removing the 26 Track limit on Seperate BIN files.

-   Autoupdaters: Have removed the "bios_1_0_usa.pce" bios requirement due to there
	not being such a bios.
Assets 2