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pipette: Stream and pipe utilities for Node

This Node module provides several utility classes that offer pipe and stream-related functionality. It particularly emphasizes providing a consistent event packaging and ordering for streams.

Building and Installing

npm install pipette

Or grab the source and

npm install


npm test


node ./test/test.js

Event Sequence Philosophy

All of the classes in this module provide a consistently ordered sequence of events, which is meant to be a sensible synthesis of the (somewhat inconsistent) Node specification for the various core stream classes.

In particular, a stream will emit some number of data events (possibly zero), each with a single payload argument. This will be followed by either an end event with no payload or an error event with an arbitrary payload. This is followed by a close event with no payload. After that, a stream will not emit any further events, and it is furthermore guaranteed to be detached from its upstream source(s), if any.

More schematically, as a "railroad" diagram:

        +--------------------+      +-------+
        |                    |   +->| end() |----------+
        v  +---------------+ |   |  +-------+          |  +---------+
(start)-+->| data(payload) |-+-+-+                     +->| close() |->(finish)
        |  +---------------+   ^ |  +----------------+ |  +---------+
        |                      | +->| error(payload) |-+
        +----------------------+    +----------------+

Of particular note are the cases of inconsistently-defined close events. Some streams (core Node stream classes, for example) will emit a close event with a non-empty payload value to indicate an unexpected termination. The classes in this module consistently translate such cases to an error event with the error payload followed by a no-payload close event. For the purposes of this module, a "non-empty payload" is one that is neither undefined nor false. This takes care of the quirky definitions of net.Socket (which includes a boolean error indicator in its close event) and http.ClientResponse (which may include an arbitrary error object in its close event).

The particularly nice thing about this arrangement is that if one wants to consistently do something after a stream has finished, one can write the something in question as a close event handler, rather than splaying the logic between both an end and an error handler.

In the rest of the documentation, it should be taken as implicit that all the classes' event sequences follow this order.

Layering Philosophy

Four of these classes (Cat, Sink, Slicer, and Valve) provide a layer on top of other streams. The implementation philosophy is that these listen for events from their "upstream" sources, but they do not otherwise attempt to interact with those streams. In particular:

  • They do not make upstream calls to the flow-control methods pause() and resume().

  • They do not attempt to make upstream setEncoding() calls.

  • They do not call upstream destroy() even when they themselves are being destroy()ed.

In addition, these layering classes check upon construction that their upstream sources are in fact streams that have not yet been ended (that is, that they are still capable of emitting events). If a stream source argument fails this check, then the constructor call will throw an exception indicating that fact. The check is somewhat conservative (on the side of accepting) and meant to accept stream-like event emitters in addition to checking bona fide Stream instances. Details: If a given source is a Stream per se, then the value of source.readable is taken at face value. Otherwise, a source is considered to be ended if and only if it (or a prototype in its chain) defines a readable property and that property's value is falsey.

Constructing stacked readers

Many Node stream classes are designed as an atomic unit that includes both reader and writer methods intermingled in a single object. This module takes a different tack:

  • Any given object is either a reader or a writer, never both.

  • To pass one reader's event output to another, construct the destination object passing it the source, e.g. new Valve(new OtherStream(...)).

Getting a writer

If you need to get a writer to write into one of the reader classes (or a stack of same), you can use a Pipe:

var pipe = new Pipe();
var readerStack = new OtherStream(pipe.reader);
var writer = pipe.writer;

writer.write(...); // What's written here will get read by the OtherStream.

A Note About Encodings

Node 0.6.* and 0.8.* differ in their documentation about which encodings are allowed by setEncoding(). This module accepts the union of the encodings specified by those. This includes:

  • ascii — 7-bit ASCII
  • base64 — standard Base-64 encoding for binary data
  • hex — hex encoding for binary data (two hexadecimal ASCII characters per byte)
  • ucs2 — alias for utf16le (below). This is not technically correct (per Unicode spec), but it is how Node is defined.
  • utf16le — standard little-endian UTF-16 encoding for Unicode data
  • utf8 — standard UTF-8 encoding for Unicode data

Common Options

All of the classes in this module take an optional options constructor parameter. If not undefined, this must be a map from option names to values as specified by the class.

The following are three commonly-accepted options. Classes all accept whichever of these make sense.

  • encoding — A string representing the encoding to use when emitting events. Passing this option is exactly like calling setEncoding() on the constructed instance.

  • incomingEncoding — A string representing the incoming encoding to use when interpreting incoming data events that arrive as strings (as opposed to buffers). Passing this option is exactly like calling setIncomingEncoding() on the constructed instance.

  • paused — A boolean value indicating whether the instance should be immediately paused. For most classes, this is exactly like calling pause() on the constructed instance.

API Details


The Blip class exists to emit a single data event.

This class is useful if you have data that you need to re-emit.

var blip = new Blip([data], [options])

Constructs and returns a new blip which is to emit the given data (a string or buffer) once unpaused. After emitting the data event, blips always also emit an end and a close event (in that order).

Of the common options, Blip recognizes encoding and incomingEncoding, though the latter is with a twist: The incomingEncoding (either as specified or with the default behavior) applies immediately to the given data, in order to transform it into a buffer. That is, if data is passed as a string, it will always get immediately transformed into a buffer, when an instance is constructed.

If data is omitted, then the resulting blip will just emit the ending events, without a data event first.

Blips start out paused, since there is not much point in them immediately emitting their contents upon construction (as there will necessarily be no listeners at that moment).

The constructed instance obeys the full standard Node stream protocol for readers.


The Cat class (short for "concatenate" and by analogy with the traditional Unix command with the same name) emits the events from a sequence of streams, in the order of the given sequence (i.e. not interspersed).

This can be used, for example, to produce a stream that is prefixed or suffixed with a given bit of data (when used in combination with Blip, above).

var cat = new Cat(streams, [options])

Constructs and returns a new cat which is to emit the events from the given streams (each of which must be an EventEmitter and is assumed to emit the standard Node readable stream events).

The data events from each stream (in order) are in turn emitted by this instance, switching to the next stream when the current stream emits either an end or close event. After all the streams have been "consumed" in this fashion, this instance emits an end and then a close event.

If a stream should emit an error event, then that event is in turn emitted by this instance, after which this instance emits a close event. It will then become closed (emitting no further events, and producing false for cat.readable).

This class recognizes all three of the common options (see above), and no others.

The constructed instance obeys the full standard Node stream protocol for readers.


Sets the incoming encoding of the stream. This is the encoding to use when interpreting strings that arrive in data events. (This is as opposed to the encoding set by setEncoding() which determines how the collected data is transformed as it gets emitted from an instance.)

The name must be one of the unified allowed encoding names for Stream.setEncoding().

The incoming encoding starts out as undefined, which is taken to be synonymous with "utf8" should a data event be received containing a string payload.


The Dropper class is a bufferer of readable stream events, which relays those events in fixed size blocks (or multiples thereof), a.k.a. "drops" (hence the name). It handles pause/resume semantics, and it will always translate incoming values that aren't buffers into buffers, using a specified and settable incoming encoding.

The only exception to the block size is that the last data event from a Dropper may have a smaller size, if the last data it received (before an end or error) would not end up filling up a block of the specified size. In this case, the behavior is specified by the ifPartial option (see below).

Other than the fixed-size block part, the semantics of this class are basically the same as the simpler Valve class (see below).

var dropper = new Dropper(source, [options])

Constructs and returns a new dropper, which listens to the given source. This takes an optional options argument, which if present must be a map of options, including any of the common options (see above) as well as any of the following:

  • size — block (aka drop) size in bytes. Must be a positive integer. Defaults to 1.

  • allowMultiple — whether emitted data events are to be the exact block size (false) or may be an even multiple of the block size (true). Must be a boolean. Defaults to false.

  • ifPartial — what to do with a partial block at the end of the stream; one of emit (emit it as-is), ignore (drop it entirely), pad (zero-pad), error (emit an error). Defaults to emit.

The constructed instance obeys the full standard Node stream protocol for readers.

(Note: As of this writing, this is the only one of the classes in this module that takes an options object on construction. It is likely that the rest of the classes will migrate to this form.)


Sets the incoming encoding of the stream. This is the encoding to use when interpreting strings that arrive in data events. (This is as opposed to the encoding set by setEncoding() which determines how the collected data is transformed as it gets emitted from an instance.)

The name must be one of the unified allowed encoding names for Stream.setEncoding().

The incoming encoding starts out as undefined, which is taken to be synonymous with "utf8" should a data event be received containing a string payload.


The Pipe class is a simple in-memory pipe, which provides writer and reader ends. Pipes handle data encoding and obey pause/resume semantics.

This class is useful if you have code that wants to call writable stream style methods, and you want it to be directly attached to some other code that expects to be listening for events. For example:

var listeningThingy = ...;
var writingThingy = ...;

var pipe = new Pipe();

var pipe = new Pipe([options])

Constructs and returns a new pipe pair. The result is an object with mappings for { reader, writer } for the two ends of the pipe.

The reader and writer side each implement the standard Node stream protocol for readable and writable streams (respectively).

The specified protocol allows writers to ignore the fd argument to stream.write(), and this implementation in fact ignores it.

Of the common options, the constructor accepts encoding and paused, which both apply to the reader end of the pipe.


The Sink class is an in-memory collector of all the data read from a given stream. It is in turn itself a stream that emits no more than a single data event consisting of all of the data it received, once its upstream source has ended. It also has direct accessors method to get at the data or a stream-ending error, to provide a bit of flexibility in how the class is used.

This class is useful for cases where you don't care about incremental processing and just want to deal with the whole enchilada (as it were). This can be used to collect an entire post body from an HTTP request, for example:

var httpServer = http.createServer(onRequest);

function onRequest(request, response) {
  var postData = new Sink(request);
  postData.on("data", onPostData);

  function onPostData(data) {
    console.log("Got post:", data.toString());

var sink = new Sink(source, [options])

Constructs and returns a new sink, which listens to the given source stream. Once the stream has ended (via either an end or close event), this instance emits a single data event containing all of the data received from the source (if there was any data at all), followed by an end and then a close event.

If the source should ever emit an error event, then this will cause the sink instance to first emit any data it received (as a single data event), followed by an error event that corresponds to the one it received, and finally followed by a close event. After that, it will emit no further events.

This class recognizes all three of the common options (see above), and no others.

The constructed instance obeys the full standard Node stream protocol for readers.

In addition to being readable streams, sinks have a few more methods.

sink.getData() => buffer || string || undefined

Gets the final complete data for the sink, if available.

If the sink's source has not yet ended, or if it ended without ever emitting any data, this returns undefined.

If the sink received any data and has a specified encoding (via setEncoding()), this returns the string form of the data, as decoded using the named encoding.

If the sink received any data but has no specified encoding, this returns the straight buffer of data.

Note that this method can return a defined (that is, not undefined) value before the corresponding data event is emitted, particularly if the sink happens to be paused at the time the upstream stream is ended.

Also note that there is a bit of ambiguity with this method, in terms of differentiating a stream that got ended with no data ever received with one that simply hasn't yet ended. Instead of using this method for that purpose, use sink.readable (part of the standard readable stream protocol).

sink.getError() => any

Gets the error that terminated the upstream source, if available.

If the sink's source has not yet ended, or if it ended normally, this returns undefined.

If the sink's source ended with an error event, then this returns the same value that was received in that error event.

Note that this method can return a defined (not undefined) value before the corresponding error event is emitted, particularly if the sink happens to be paused at the time the upstream stream reports its error.

Also note that there is a bit of ambiguity in terms of interpreting a stream that got ended with an error event whose payload is undefined. If you need to account for this possibility, use sink.gotError().

sink.gotError() => boolean

Gets whether or not the upstream source was ended with an error.

This returns false if the source has not yet ended, or if it ended normally.

This returns true if and only if the upstream source emitted an error event that this sink instance received.

Note that this method can return true before the corresponding error event is emitted, particularly if the sink happens to be paused at the time the upstream stream reports its error.


Sets the incoming encoding of the stream. This is the encoding to use when interpreting strings that arrive in data events. (This is as opposed to the encoding set by setEncoding() which determines how the collected data is transformed as it gets emitted from an instance.)

The name must be one of the unified allowed encoding names for Stream.setEncoding().

The incoming encoding starts out as undefined, which is taken to be synonymous with "utf8" should a data event be received containing a string payload.


The Slicer class (like Sink) is an in-memory bufferer of data read from a given stream. In turn, it provides a style interface to get at the data so-read.

As the name implies, this class is useful for slicing up a stream into chunks that aren't (necessarily) the same shape as the ones that came in as data events.

Most of the "interesting" methods on the class take a callback argument to receive data back from the instance. These are all consistently called as callback(error, length, buffer, offset) with no this and with arguments defined as follows:

  • error — a boolean flag indicating whether the read was cut short due to an error or because there was insufficient data to fully comply with the request. (Note: This is different than which passes an error object here. See slicer.gotError() below for an explanation of why.)

  • length — the number of bytes read.

  • buffer — the buffer that was read into.

  • offset — the offset into buffer where the reading was done.

The ordering and meaning of the callback arguments are meant to be (a) compatible with callbacks used with and (b) somewhat more informative and unambiguous.

var slicer = new Slicer(source, [options])

Constructs a new slicer, which listens to the given source.

Of the common options, the only one recognized by this class is incomingEncoding. The class accepts no other options.

This class recognizes all three of the common options (see above), and no others.

slicer.readable => boolean

This indicates whether there is any data left to be read in the stream or whether there could be any day left to be read.

In particular, this only becomes false when it is both the case that the buffer of pending data is empty and the upstream source has ended.

This field is meant to be reasonably analogous to the readable stream field of the same name.


Causes the instance to be cleaned up and become closed. In particular, it includes detaching from the upstream source. After this method is called, other methods on this class will behave as if the upstream source ended with no error.

This method is meant to be reasonably analogous to the readable stream field of the same name.


Sets the incoming encoding of the source stream. This is the encoding to use when interpreting strings that arrive in data events.

The name must be one of the unified allowed encoding names for Stream.setEncoding().

The incoming encoding starts out as undefined, which is taken to be synonymous with "utf8" should a data event be received containing a string payload.

slicer.gotError() => boolean

Indicates whether the upstream source has indicated an error condition. This is out-of-band with respect to the data, in that there may still be data that can be successfully read even if this method returns true.

This method exists to help disambiguate the case of not having gotten an error indicator from the case of having gotten an error indicator but without any error instance payload.

slicer.getError() => any

Gets the error payload that was reported from upstream, if any. This is out-of-band with respect to the data, in that there may still be data that can be successfully read even if this method returns a defined value.

This will always return undefined, unless the upstream source reported an error with a defined payload.


Reads as much data as possible from the stream, blocking the callback only in order to make it to the head of the read queue.

To be clear, if there is no data available in the slicer at the time this read becomes potentially-serviced, then it will in fact get serviced, with the callback indicating that zero bytes were read without error.

The buffer in the callback will always be a freshly-allocated buffer that does not share its data with any other instance., callback)

Reads exactly length bytes of data from the stream if at all possible, blocking the callback until either length bytes are available or the stream has ended (either normally or with an error).

If length is passed as 0 it means "read zero bytes". This can be useful as a way to insert a no-data "sentinal" callback into the sequence of callbacks coming from this instance.

To be clear, the callback will only ever indicate a shorter length than requested if the upstream source ends without at least length bytes being available. If a short read ends up happening, then the callback will get passed true for the error flag.

The buffer in the callback will always be a freshly-allocated buffer that does not share its data with any other instance.

slicer.readInto(buffer, offset, length, callback)

Reads some amount of data from the stream into the indicated buffer (which must be a Buffer instance), starting at the indicated offset and reading exactly length bytes if at all possible.

If offset is passed as undefined it defaults to 0.

If length is passed as undefined it means "read as much as possible without blocking". This is different than passing 0 which means simply "read zero bytes". (This latter case can actually be useful. See, callback) above.)

As with read(), the only time the length will be shorter than what was requested will be if the stream ends without there being at least length bytes to read. If a short read ends up happening, then the callback will get passed true for the error flag.


The Valve class is a bufferer of readable stream events, which relays those events consistently. It handles pause/resume semantics, and it will always translate incoming values that aren't buffers into buffers, using a specified and settable incoming encoding.

One of the major use cases of this class is to use it to capture the data coming from a network stream that's already in the middle of producing data, particularly when you don't immediately know where that data needs to go to. The author has run into this on multiple occasions when trying hand off reading from an HTTP connection across a tick boundary, along these lines for example (obviously simplified here):

var thingThatWantsToRead = {
  startReading: function (stream) {
    stream.on("data", ...);

function httpRequestCallback(request, response) {
  var valve = new Valve(request, true);

  process.nextTick(function () {

Another handy use for Valve is just to provide consistent data payloads (always buffers, or always properly encoded strings) and the consistent event ordering generally guaranteed by this module. In particular on the event type front, the standard Node HTTP and HTTPS streams are inconsistent with the core Stream in that they can emit close events that contain either a boolean error flag or a full-on Error instance. By layering a Valve on top of them, these get translated into a consistent error-then-close sequence.

Similarly, if you want to implement a Stream as part of your own API but don't want to deal with all the fiddly bits, you can write a straightforward EventEmitter, and then expose it via a Valve, as in:

function MyEventEmitter() {;

util.inherits(this, events.EventEmitter);

function createMyStream() {
  var coreEmitter = new MyEventEmitter();
  return new pipette.Valve(coreEmitter);

The Valve will "sanitize" the events coming from your class, while also providing the rest of the core readable Stream API.

var valve = new Valve(source, [options])

Constructs and returns a new valve, which listens to the given source.

This class recognizes all three of the common options (see above), and no others.

The constructed instance obeys the full standard Node stream protocol for readers.


Sets the incoming encoding of the stream. This is the encoding to use when interpreting strings that arrive in data events. (This is as opposed to the encoding set by setEncoding() which determines how the collected data is transformed as it gets emitted from an instance.)

The name must be one of the unified allowed encoding names for Stream.setEncoding().

The incoming encoding starts out as undefined, which is taken to be synonymous with "utf8" should a data event be received containing a string payload.

To Do

  • Consider adding a common option of pressure: boolean to indicate whether pause() and resume() should recurse upstream.


Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Submit them at the project on GitHub.

Bug reports that include steps-to-reproduce (including code) are the best. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests that update the test suite. Thanks!


Dan Bornstein (personal website), supported by The Obvious Corporation.

Thanks to for the name of the Dropper class.


Copyright 2012 The Obvious Corporation.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the top-level file LICENSE.txt and (