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Releases: MeepsKitten/AUsefulDownloadableInstallerContainingAwesomeness

A.U.D.I.C.A Mod Installer 1.0.0

25 Jun 22:55
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A Useful Downloadable Installer Containing Awesomeness

A.U.D.I.C.A is an installer that automatically installs tools that will allow you to browse/install mods from within Audica: Rhythm Shooter.


  1. Run AudicaModInstaller.exe
  2. Select your Audica install folder by pressing the button with three dots. If you are playing on Steam this should be filled automatically and you will not be required to select the folder manually
  3. Click Install and wait for it to say "Finished!"
  4. Launch Audica!
  5. If you would like to install mods go to the settings menu In-Game and click "Download Mods"