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Laravel L5-Swagger Example

This is an example Laravel application that demonstrates how to use L5-Swagger to generate API documentation, attach custom headers to your API, and set up multiple routes for your documentation.


Follow these steps to set up the Laravel application with L5-Swagger:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd your-repo
  2. Install the composer dependencies:
    composer install
  3. Create a .env file:
    cp .env.example .env
  4. Generate an application key:
    php artisan key:generate
  5. Configure your database in the .env file:
  6. Migrate and seed the database:
    php artisan migrate --seed
  7. Publish the L5-Swagger configuration:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider "L5Swagger\L5SwaggerServiceProvider"
    php artisan l5-swagger:generate (you can change here default to admin ---> config/l5-swagger.php file)
  8. Open your .env file and update the Swagger settings:
  9. Start the Laravel development server:
    php artisan serve

This example includes multiple routes to demonstrate the flexibility of L5-Swagger in documenting your API. You can define your routes in the routes/api.php file. The Swagger documentation will automatically update to include these routes.

This example includes multiple documentation to showcase different aspects of your API. You can define separate documentation for various API versions or sections.

In Config/l5-swagger.php file:

'default'        => 'default', // you can change admin to any name you want
'documentations' => [
   'defaults' => [
       'routes' => [
           'api'     => 'documentation',
           'docs'   => '/api/default/docs',
           'oauth2_callback'   => '/api/default/callback',
   'admin' => [
       'routes' => [
           'api'     => 'documentation/admin',
           'docs'   => '/api/admin/docs',
           'oauth2_callback'   => '/api/admin/callback',

To provide clarity, this example includes JSON response examples for each endpoint, helping users understand the expected data format.

 * @OA\Get(
 *     path="/api/admin/products",
 *  ....,
 *     security={{"passport": {}}},
 *  ....,
  *     @OA\Response(
 *         response=200,
 *         description="List of products",
 *         @OA\JsonContent(
 *             type="object",
 *             example={
 *                 "data": {
 *                     {
 *                         "id": 1,
 *                         "title": "Dr.",
 *                         "description": "Voluptates dolorem facilis molestias voluptas optio et. Magnam exercitationem nulla neque est provident cum. Voluptatibus corrupti quam qui voluptatem maxime delectus. Tempora consequuntur fugit voluptatem qui adipisci enim.",
 *                         "created_at": "2023-10-28T16:47:58.000000Z",
 *                         "updated_at": "2023-10-28T16:47:58.000000Z"
 *                     }
 *                 },
 *                 "links": {
 *                     "first": "http://swagger-app.test/api/products?page=1",
 *                     "last": "http://swagger-app.test/api/products?page=2",
 *                     "prev": null,
 *                     "next": "http://swagger-app.test/api/products?page=2"
 *                 },
 *                 "meta": {
 *                     "current_page": 1,
 *                     "from": 1,
 *                     "last_page": 2,
 *                     "links": {
 *                         {
 *                             "url": null,
 *                             "label": "« Previous",
 *                             "active": false
 *                         },
 *                         {
 *                             "url": "http://swagger-app.test/api/products?page=1",
 *                             "label": "1",
 *                             "active": true
 *                         },
 *                         {
 *                             "url": "http://swagger-app.test/api/products?page=2",
 *                             "label": "2",
 *                             "active": false
 *                         },
 *                         {
 *                             "url": "http://swagger-app.test/api/products?page=2",
 *                             "label": "Next »",
 *                             "active": false
 *                         }
 *                     },
 *                     "path": "http://swagger-app.test/api/products",
 *                     "per_page": 10,
 *                     "to": 10,
 *                     "total": 20
 *                 }
 *             }
 *         )
 *     ),
 * )

All major HTTP methods, including POST, PATCH, DELETE, and GET, are demonstrated using L5-Swagger.

Passport is integrated to secure your API endpoints. Users will find examples of how to use Passport for authentication and access control.

In Config/l5-swagger.php file:

'passport' => [ // Unique name of security
    'type'        => 'apiKey', // The type of the security scheme. Valid values are "basic", "apiKey" or "oauth2".
    "description" => 'Enter token in format (Bearer <token>)',
    'in'          => 'header',
    "name"        => "Authorization",
    'scheme'      => 'bearer',
    'flows'       => [
        "password" => [
            "authorizationUrl" => config('app.url') . '/oauth/authorize',
            "tokenUrl"         => config('app.url') . '/oauth/token',
            "refreshUrl"       => config('app.url') . '/token/refresh',
            "scopes"           => [],

In Controller file of method

 * @OA\Get(
 *     path="/api/admin/products",
 *  ....,
 *     security={{"passport": {}}},
 *  ....,

Custom headers are integrated into the main Swagger UI index blade file. This enhances the user experience by showcasing how to include headers directly in the interactive API documentation. Path is resources/views/vendor/l5-swagger/index.blade.php

requestInterceptor: function(request) {
        request.headers['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = '{{ csrf_token() }}';
        request.headers['Content-Lang'] = 'en';
        request.headers['Content-Timezone'] = 'Asia/Calcutta';
        request.headers['Content-Timezone'] = 'Asia/Calcutta';
        request.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
        return request;


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute it as needed.


If you have suggestions, improvements, or find issues, please feel free to create a GitHub issue or submit a pull request.


Mirali Thanki
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