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Base package for syntax-extensions to python

Allows one to use/create custom syntax extensions for python as simple as possible.

How to get started

First, you need to install this package, this can be done via cloning this repo and running python -m pip install . inside of the root folder.

Then you need to select a way of preloading syntax-extensions before python runs your code with extensions. This can be done a few ways:

  • creating a file with the following content: import syntax_extensions.activate; syntax_extensions.activate.activate_encoding()
    • (This has to be somewhere in your PATH)
  • The same line could also be put inside a .pth file. Name is irrelevant, but something clear will help (e.g. syntax_extensions.pth)
    • Needs to be inside site-packages
    • The line can't be split up.
  • Creating an extra file that first executes the line, and the executes the actual main file.
  • Other options will come in the future (most notably, a preloader script that acts like for any python command)

Now you need to actually write code using this. Here an example:

# -*- coding: syntax-extensions -*-
from __syntax_extensions__ import test_base


Note that the first line is important, since it is what tells python to actually let syntax_extensions work on the file before it is parsed.

The second line tells syntax_extensions what to do. These extensions can be installed separately. At the moment, test_base is a very simple package to test that the infrastructure is working. It prints Transforming... when it is acting on the code and also adds a print('test_base') statement at the end of the file.

If you get an SyntaxError: encoding problem: syntax-extensions messages, this (probably) means that syntax_extensions isn't correctly preloaded.

How it works

Basic structure

syntax-extensions-base consists of a few parts:

-__syntax_extensions__ - A simple module serving a similar purpose as __future__: Preventing the default import semantics from complaining about a non-existence module. Also allows one to get some basic info about the extensions. -syntax_extensions - A namespace package, containing a variety of packages

  • .base The correct implementation: A parser, and a apply function (And utils in the future).
  • .activate A package containing glue code making sure that the extensions are applied. Will contain at least two methods, currently only encoding is implemented (and import is planned. This will override the default import mechanics)
  • .__main__ Will at some point in the future be the wrapper script, to allow one to execute python -m syntax_extensions without having to install some additional preloader.
  • .extensions Another namespace package. This is where other packages will put their code into.

How to create your package

Uses this template: (TODO)

In general, you need to create a directory structure of the form syntax_extensions/extensions/ without any files. As long as the parent directory of syntax_extensions is in the path, this should already be it. Now you just need to create a transform method inside the file that takes a syntax_extensions.base.parser.Module instance and transforms it inplace.


Base package for syntax-extensions to python







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