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Charging system is a telecom billing system residing in line with big data ecosystem. System listens to configured topics in Kafka server and does rating of events in real time.

Environment variables:

SPARK_HOME=D:\Softwares\Anaconda3\envs\billingEngine\Lib\site-packages\pyspark HADOOP_HOME=D:\Softwares\Anaconda3\envs\billingEngine\Lib\site-packages\pyspark

#winutils inside $HADOOP_HOME/bin for windows

#APP_HOME variable is used to identify location where config files are kept APP_HOME=D:\BillingEngine\Mediation

Configure $APP_HOME by setting the project directory in the IDE or "Environment Varibale" from the system.

Set the PYTHON_PATH in your project directory

Configure the kafka server:

  1. Open the from kafka/config directory

  2. Change the following ip addresses in : listeners, zookeeper.connect

Launching kafka in windows:

  1. Start zookeeper: bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat config/

  2. Start kafka server: bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat config\

  3. Start producer:(Simulator for project/producer console for local testing) bin\windows\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic cdr-10

  4. Start consumer: bin\windows\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server --topic cdr-10 --from-beginning

Starting Simulator:

  1. Configure config.ini a) Set the server name : open cmd; type ipconfig; get the ip address and set it on the "SERVER_IP" b) Check the port or leave the default value of 9092 c) Customer list and cell tower locations must be present in the $APP_HOME/doc folder

  2. Start the zookeeper(for windows only).

  3. Start the kafka server

  4. Open "" from "Charging_system\org\sfu\billing\simulator\controller"

  5. Run ""

  6. For debugging use the consumer command to check the message feeded on the kafka.

Starting Listener:

  1. Create Conda environment checkend in billingEngine.yaml file

  2. Add all relevant properties in config.ini file. These properties are self-explanatory


Real-Time Charging_system







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