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eConvenor is the Django-based web app which powers the eConvenor web service.

eConvenor helps progressive campaigns and organisations be more effective.

eConvenor screenshot

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If you're interested in contributing to eConvenor, check out our volunteering page.

If you want to be a part of the project, there's plenty to do. Take your pick from anything on our issue tracker!

Setting up a development instance

These instructions are written for Ubuntu Linux. If you're running a different operating system, you will probably need to adjust them.

When you see text following a $ symbol in grey box, type or paste it into a terminal window, then press Enter.

Step 1. Update your source list

Make sure your source list is up-to-date:

$ sudo apt-get update

Step 2. Install pip, virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper

If you already have these set up, skip to Step 2.

Install pip:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:

$ sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Open the ~/.bashrc file:

$ nano ~/.bashrc

Add these lines to the end of it:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/Projects
source /usr/local/bin/

Save and close the file. If you're in the Nano editor, you do that with Ctrl + O, then Enter, then Ctrl + X.

Reload ~/.bashrc:

$ source ~/.bashrc

Step 3. Set up a virtualenv

Create a virtualenv for your eConvenor development environment:

$ mkvirtualenv econvenor

Open the ~/.virtualenvs/econvenor/bin/postactivate file, which will be empty:

$ nano ~/.virtualenvs/econvenor/bin/postactivate

Paste these lines into it:

export ECONVENOR_ADMIN_URL=administration
export ECONVENOR_DATABASE_NAME=econvenor_database
export ECONVENOR_DATABASE_USER=eonvenor_database_owner
export ECONVENOR_EMAIL_PASSWORD=no_email_password
export ECONVENOR_ENVIRONMENT=development
export ECONVENOR_SECRET_KEY=13480dj3io12nrb4786ydge76gq78yd3b

Now we need to restart the virtualenv so that these setting take effect. First, deactivate the virtualenv:

$ deactivate

Now re-start the virtualenv:

$ workon econvenor

Step 4. Clone the repo

For these instructions we'll clone this repo to ~/Projects/econvenor, but you can put the eConvenor code anywhere you like.

Make the ~/Projects/econvenor directory:

$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/econvenor

Then open it:

$ cd ~/Projects/econvenor

You'll need to have Git installed. If you don't have it installed, install it now:

$ sudo apt-get install git

Clone the repo to your computer:

$ git clone

Step 5. Install dependencies

Install some system-wide dependencies which will be needed:

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev postgresql libpq-dev

Go to the directory which contains requirements.txt:

$ cd ~/Projects/econvenor/econvenor

Install the required Python packages in your virtualenv:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 6. Set up the database

Initialise the database:

$ python syncdb

As the database is being initialised you'll be asked if you'd like to create a superuser. Answer yes. Set up a superuser with account name superuser, email and password superuser.

Migrate the database:

$ python migrate

Load the example data:

$ python loaddata testdata

This has set up a user with email and password ashanderson1! and populated that account with test data.

Step 7. Create a directory for user content

Create the directory which will contain user-generated content:

$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/econvenor/econvenor/media

That's it! You should now have a complete eConvenor instance which is ready to be started!

Starting the development instance

Once you've set up a development instance, the commands below will start it up anytime.

Start the virtualenv:

$ workon econvenor

Go to the directory which contains eConvenor's file:

$ cd ~/Projects/econvenor/econvenor

Start the development server:

$ python runserver

Now point your browser to localhost:8000 and the site will load. You can sign in to eConvenor as with the password ashanderson1!.


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