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Plugin API Extensions

API Extensions plugin framework allows writing standalone extensions while taking care for:

  • execution flow
  • client permissions
  • extension settings
  • error handling
  • logging
  • contexts

In addition it comes with prebuild extensions for most common needs. (see available extensions: category, product, product_search, surch_suggestions)


This cartridge supports compatibility mode of 18.10 and hight. (to work on older implementations code is written in old ES5 style and not using ES6 features)


  • Import metadata
  • Add to cartridge path
  • Configure ApiExtension (group) custom preferences (see bellow)
  • Create OCAPI / SCAPI clients and setup permissions (don't forget to enable also SCAPI hooks feature switch)


Configuration is JSON using following format:

    clientId: {
        ExtensionName: {
            enabled: bool
            allowed: bool //(for OCAPI only)
            settings: object

There is also a shorthand format:

    ExtensionName: true

which equals to

    ExtensionName: {
        enabled: true,
        allowed: true,
        settings: {}

You can also have default config will be common base for all clients.
Client specific config will be merged on top of base / default config (if exists).
Default config key is _DEFAULT_

Example config:

    "_DEFAULT_": {
		"product": {
			"OcapiMasterPrices": true

	"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000": {
		"product_search": {
			"OcapiPrices": true,
			"CustomAttributes": {
				"enabled": true,
                "allowed": true,
				"settings": {
					"attributes": ["isNew", "isSale", "productBadge"]


Control and settings

OCAPI (and recently SCPI) APIs allow passing custom http parameters.
Framework allows clients (if allowed in the site pref - see above) to:

  • enable endpoint extensions
  • set extension settings

Enable endpoint extensions

Pass csv of endpoint extensions to be enabled via extensions parameter.


Set extension settings

Pass settings as JSON using {ExtensionName} (or c_{ExtensionName}) http parameter.

...&extensions=CustomAttributes&CustomAttributes={"attributes": ["isNew", "isSale"]}
...&c_extensions=CustomAttributes&c_CustomAttributes={"attributes": ["isNew", "isSale"]}


OOTB SFCC hooks do not have any logging. If there is an error / unhandled exception the error is NOT returned nether logged.

The framework comes with advanced logging that can be used to track both

  • errors
  • execution flow

All logs are written in dedicated file:
Prefix: api-extensions
Group: api-extensions
(You might want to enable the debug level during extension development)

Errors and warnings are logged also in the common error and warning files.

Extension Development

Framework uses conventions that allow transforming simple hook handler to extension.
To do so extensions just need to be placed in the correct location:



Endpoints should be registered to related hooks
See hooks.json and product_search.js endpoint

NOTE: Endpoint naming convention:
Endpoints follow the system hook naming.
For example product search endpoint is product_search: product_search .modifyGETRespons

All hook endpoints can be seen here:

Simple extension

Extension OcapiMasterPrice to extend product resource/endpoint:


Advanced extension

Custom Context Providers

In some cases you might want to perform actions on subset of the result.
For example with product_search, the extensions probably need to operate on searchHit level.
If each extension loops through all results and loads related resources (api product) this will be also a performance issue.


  • native hook is: product_search.modifyGETResponse(searchResult)
  • while extensions needs product_search.modifyGETResponse(resSearchHit, apiProduct)
Custom Context Module

Framework allows to achieve this by introducing custom context providers.

Custom context should:

  • placed in /{endpoint}/contexts/' folder
  • implement js iterator interface and pass expected context (arguments).


Custom Context Assignment

To switch from default to custom context provider

a) simple - context property
add it as context property to your even handler function

// file: scripts/hooks/apis/product/extensions/OcapiPrices.js
exports.modifyGETResponse = function (resHit, apiProduct) { /*...*/ }
exports.modifyGETResponse.contextProvider = 'SearchHitContext';

b) advanced - ApiExtension class
ApiExtension helper class could add clarity and allows multiple handlers attached on same hook with different contexts

// file: scripts/hooks/apis/product/extensions/CustomAttributes.js
apiExtension.add('modifyGETResponse', function (searchResult) { /*...*/ }
apiExtension.add('modifyGETResponse', 'SearchHitContext', function (resHit, apiProduct) { /*...*/ }

Extension Settings

Extension settings are set in site pref config or custom request param (see above).
Runtime settings can be read from the extension using ApiExtenion

a) on ApiExtenion instance

// file: scripts/hooks/apis/product/extensions/OcapiPrices.js

b) static method

// file: scripts/hooks/apis/product/extensions/CustomAttributes.js


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