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Adria_Sellares edited this page Mar 7, 2021 · 75 revisions

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Mega Bomberman is an action-maze game, where the main character will have to use a specific set of tools to travel a series of mazes, with the main purpose of defeating the antagonist in the game's story . Bomberman is a game where you must make short time decisions and memorize the enemies behaviour in order to succeed.This requires some sense fo strategy and patience. It has two play modes singleplayer and multiplayer, the multiplayer mode it's a free-for-all.

Mega Bomberman screenshot

Mega Bomberman screenshot

Making a brief reminder of the past of maze-style videogames, this type of games began in 1959 with Mouse in the Maze . This genre stood out in the earlies 80's after the realease of Namco's Pacman, and many years after with the Bomberman saga.

Similar Games

Bomberman is a very unique saga and that's one of the main reasons of why is difficult to choose a game that resembles bomberman. Some people think that Hudson Soft was influenced by Namco's Pacman and,i mean,if pacman wouldn't have succeeded, maze genre games hadn't been what they are.That's why i think pacman could be a similar gamebecause of a few features, However,the only games that are akin to bomberman are the ones from the same saga.

  • Bomberman is a action,maze-based videogame developed by Hudson soft. This game is the first game in the bomberman saga. The story of this game is about a robot who works in a underground bomb factory ,he had been put to work by evil forces. In that Factory there's a rumor that if you escape the underground factory and make it to the surface you could become a human.


Front cover of Bomberman

  • Atomic Punk is an action puzzle game developed by Hudson soft where the player gets to control Bomberman as well as his son called Atomic Punk. The story is about Atomica, Bomberman's world, has been invaded by thieves. And the only ones who can save Atomica are Atomic Punk and Bomberman.

Atomic Punk

Front cover of Atomic Punk

Market Positioning

Mega Bomberman and Bomberman 94' were the start of High quality maze games, that requires a little bit of strategy. Hudson Soft with Bomberman 94' had achieved a great game that succeded in japan. However, it was with Westone and Sega that the sales and international recognition of the the games were improved.

Technical Profile

Motorola 68000 CPU

Graphic processing unit Sega 315-5313

  • Resolution: Sega mega drive used three types of resolutions 320x224px in NTSC regions(North America), 320x240px in PAL regions(Most of Asia,Africa,Europe,South America,Oceania) not many games used that resolution because they weren't able to make it work , that's one of the reasons, why games like Mega Bomberman were played at 256x224. The console provide a 512 color palette.

  • FPS(FramesPerSecond): most of the Sega mega drive's games were 60FPS.


Bomberman 94', also known as Mega Bomberman was originally released for the PC-Engine on december 10 of 1993 in Japan ,developed by Hudson Soft, directed by Yoshiyuki Kawaguchi, designed by Shinichi Nakamoto and composed by Jin Chikuma.

One year later was re-developed by westone and re-published by Sega as Mega Bomberman on the Sega Mega Drive, this new version had a few differences with the original like,different music and more options on the multiplayer. A few years later, at 2006 The PC Engine Bomberman 94' was launched in japan through Wii's online shop.
On 2009 Bomberman 94' was released in japan on PS3,PSP.It was not until 2009 that another bomberman was realeased outside Japan and it was the one before Bomberman 94', our fellow friend, Bomberman93'. Since then they didn't stop making remakes for the new generation of consoles for example on 2017 a bomberman was launched for WiiU.

Mega Bomb

Mega Bomberman Edition

Bomb 94'

Bomberman 94'

Bomb 93'

Bomberman 93'