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OS X Bundle Utilities

This repository contains a set of utility scripts related to packaging Qt applications under OS X.


update-mac-bundle-lib-names.rb is a script to replace references to libraries in binaries in a Mac OS X bundle to refer to copies of the libraries in the bundle instead of system-wide locations.

It was originally written for use with a Qt application to ensure that the application in the bundle used the copies of the Qt libraries instead of copies installed to system-wide locations.

See update-mac-bundle-lib-names.rb for more details and usage.


hdiutil-codesign.rb is a wrapper around the hdiutil command which CPack uses to generate .dmg disk images for Mac applications.

In CPack's config file, set CPACK_COMMAND_HDIUTIL to point to this wrapper script instead of hdiutil.

When CPack invokes this script with the path of a directory to compress into a .dmg image, the wrapper script will first codesign the contents of the app bundle in the directory and then invoke the real hdiutil tool to create the .dmg image.