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This library aims to make it much easier to implement control scheme-specific input hints into a Unity project. It works best with controllers (i.e. when there's no composite inputs) but attempts to resolve composite inputs as well.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This library is still in its infancy as I figure out how to work the new Input System. There are some issues and limitations it has that I haven't been able to figure out yet:

  • There isn't great support for composite controls (like WASD). Currently, it should simply try to break up a composite into its component parts, and parse each of those separately.
  • There is some error handling for when a controller or button name can't be resolved, but it needs some improving.

Example usage

Say you have an Action Map titled "Menus", and within that, an action named "Confirm". You'd like to have text in your game that says "Press A to Confirm" when using an Xbox controller, and "Press Enter to Confirm" when using a keyboard. To do this, you would simply have a TextMeshPro component with the text:

Press {{Menus/Confirm}} to Confirm

See the instructions below for getting the system set up.

Setting up

Configuring the Input Hint Manager

Add the "Input Hint Manager" component to a Game Object in your Scene, and drop your Input Action Asset into the "Input Actions" slot of the Input Hint Manager.

Image of Input Hint Manager

Creating an Input Hint Asset

Input Hint Assets store input hints; for example, they can map the "buttonSouth" button on a DualShock controller - the Cross button - to a TextMeshPro sprite of that button.

To create a new Input Hint Asset, navigate to "Create -> Input Hints -> Input Hint Asset" in the Project tab.

Set the Name field in the new Input Hint Asset to the name of the controller you want to include input hints for.

Set the length of Items to the number of input hints you'd like for this controller. Each item within the Items list relates a single input to a display string.

  • Key - This is the "Name" (not "Display Name") of this input as shown in the Input Debugger*.
  • Text Mesh Pro String - This string will replace instances of the Key, when encountered.

Image of Input Hint Asset

Add each Input Hint Asset you create to the Input Hint Manager component.

Displaying Hints in a TextMeshPro Object

Attach the "Text Mesh Pro With Input Hints" component to all GameObjects with TextMeshPro components that you would like to have button hints on.

Image of Text Mesh Pro With Input Hints


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