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ilham B edited this page Aug 12, 2023 · 1 revision

Wiki: Merapi Panel

Welcome to the Merapi Panel Wiki! This is your go-to resource for information about the Merapi Panel project, its features, usage guidelines, and more.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Learn how to install Merapi Panel using Composer. Follow the steps outlined in the Installation Guide.


Explore the Usage Guide to understand how to effectively use Merapi Panel in your web application projects.


Code Guidelines Review our Code Guidelines before contributing code to ensure your contributions match our standards.

Reporting Issues

Found a bug or have a feature request? Check out the Issue Tracker and learn how to report issues.

Pull Requests

Interested in contributing code? Read the Pull Request Guide for steps on creating and submitting pull requests.


Code of Conduct Our Code of Conduct outlines the expected behavior and interactions within the Merapi Panel community.


Learn about our security policies and how to report vulnerabilities responsibly in the Security Guide.


Merapi Panel is released under the MIT License.


We extend our gratitude to the open-source community for their continuous support and contributions.

This wiki is a collaborative resource, and your contributions are valuable in keeping it up to date and informative. Feel free to edit and add information as needed to provide a comprehensive and useful resource for your project's contributors and users.

Remember to replace the placeholders such as [link-to-installation-guide], [link-to-usage-guide], etc., with actual links to your project's documentation, guidelines, and resources.

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