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[Meridian Innovation Limited]Thermal Sensor SDK library on Keil

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This is the user application project of using thermal sensor XCAM from Meridian Innovation Limited. There are two series MCU: M480 & N329-. XCAM is running with USB Video Device Class(UVC), that capbale of streaming video like webcams without installing any specific drivers.

Please read XCAM_Documentation.docx for more details.

SDK Version: Release V3.08 181205



	void			M480_InitSensor(void);

	void			M480_OpenSensor(void);

	void			M480_StartSensor(void);


	void			N329_InitSensor(void);

	void			N329_OpenSensor(void);

	void			N329_VideoStreaming(void);

	int			N329_Interface_init (unsigned short interface);

	void			N329_UartDataValid_Handler (UINT8* buf, UINT32 u32Len);


	void 			InitI2C(unsigned char mode);

	void 			HighDensSequentialRead(unsigned short address,unsigned char* data, unsigned short numbytes);

	void 			HighDensPageWrite(unsigned short address,unsigned char* data, unsigned short numbytes);

	void 			ReadCalibDataN(void);

	void			InitSensorDev(unsigned short TN);

	void 			InitMBITTRIMN(unsigned char user);

	void 			InitBIASTRIMN(unsigned char user);

	void 			InitBPATRIMN(unsigned char user);

	void 			InitPUTRIMN(unsigned char user);

	void 			InitCLKTRIMN(unsigned char user);

	unsigned int 		CalcTO(unsigned int TAmb, signed int dig, signed long PiC, unsigned int dontCalcTA);

	void 			Create_color_table(RGB_COLOR_INFO_T RGB_ColorPalette[],YUV_COLOR_INFO_T YUV_ColorTable[]);

	void	 		DeadPixelMasking (DEADPIXEL pixel);

	FRAMEPOIS 		GetFramePOIs (void);

	void 			GetImageData (void);

	int			GetTargetPixelIndex(void);

	unsigned short		GetTemp(unsigned int x, unsigned int y);

	unsigned short		GetTempDisplay(void);

	void 			ResetFramePOIs(void);

	void			SetTargetPixelIndex(int index);

	void			SetTempDisplay(unsigned short flag);

	unsigned int		StartStreaming(int Mode, char Temps, char Stream);

Known Issues

  • Could not open file with correct existing file path

.\MI_Thermal\MI_XCAM_N329_SW_I2C.axf: error: L6002U: Could not open file ........\ThermalAPI_inC\example\demo\KEIL\demo_Data\N32901_SingleTask\ThermalSensorAPI_N329.lib: No such file or directory

Soultion: Probably it is because the path is too long, which may cause problem. Relocate the file to somewhere with shorter path.

  • (N329) Can I output Uart/Huart data without opening XCAM?

Solution: Move "TempCal()" to outside the usb connected checking statement "if (usbdStatus.appConnected == 1)".

  • How can I remove temperature display?

Solution: Control the blackets and Temperature display On/Off inside if(GetTempDisplay() == 1) {...}

  • How to read temperature output from UART?

First send UART command VCMD=DAT/AMT/TMP. The output is shown in Hex format. E.g: C9(HEX) = 201(DEC) = 20.1 degree / FFFFC9(HEX) = (FFFFFF - FFFFC9)54(DEC) = -5.4 degree Further details please refers to the documentation under UART/HUART Interface.

  • Temperature value format

Row * Col * 2 bytes

  • Temperature accuracy

The temperature is not fine tuned at prototyping stage. The accuracy is +-1 degree roughly.

  • How to change color palette?

The color palette is controlled by macros under COLOR_ADAPTIVE. You can activate adaptive mode with "#define COLOR_ADAPTIVE" in MI_XCAM.h. You can define which color palette is using in ThermalSensor.h.

  • What is the frequency(fps) the XCAM can run?

On N329- Single: 2-8 fps Dual: 3-6 fps