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This is going to be a series of tools to aid with the running of, and participation in, Ars Magica campaigns. The tool sets will be split into 3 categories, to be fleshed out later.

  1. Character Tools
  • Character Creation, choose from Mage, Companion, Grog, Mythical Companion, and custom rules
  • Select which books to include/exclude
  • Generates a "live" character sheet that should provide applicable roll values
  1. Covenant Tools
  • Vis tracking, automatic (for sources that are auto success) and reminders for manual checks
  • Automatic Aura upgrade/downgrade checks/reminders (Optional, can be turned off)
  • Laboratory creation and automatic calculation if a character is assigned to it
  • Character assignment to Covenant
  • Simple or complex laboratory customization rules (simple will mimic the custom homebrew system my campaign uses, complex will use the book rules if I get to it)
  • Finance management (My campaign hand waves most of this, so will be a later addition)
  • Mundane management (Automatic aging, simple/complex systems)
  • Possibly crafter slot assignments to aid with covenant finances
  1. Campaign Tools
  • Ability to assign convenants (and all their assigned characters) as well as individual characters
  • Random event generators (Vis sources, monster encounters, political happenings?)
  • Twilight scar suggestions / twilight tools
  • ??? other tools
  1. NPC Tools (Later addition)
  • Rules for creating Fey / Demon / Angelic / Magic monsters and NPCs

Installation steps

  • If you don't have postgres install, install it (
  • Postgres must be configured to work with ruby/rails. In the case of postgresapp above, this means the following commands (Per the installation instructions)
  • Add postgressapp to your paths
  1. run sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d
  2. run echo /Applications/ | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp
  • Configure postgres to work with rails
  1. run sudo ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install pg (one time. In order to make rails work with posgres)
  • If you don't have a ruby environment manager, install rbenv
  1. Instal rbenv
  2. rbenv --version
  3. rbenv returned: rbenv: version `2.5.1' is not installed
  4. run rbenv install 2.5.1
  • If you don't have bundler, install it
  1. run gem install bundler
  2. run rbenv rehash
  • install NPM, Rails and Gem packages
  1. run npm install
  2. run bundle install
  3. run rails db:create
  4. run rails db:migrate
  5. run rails db:seed
  6. run rails s
  7. in a separate tab, run npm run start
  8. the local webserver can be accessed at http://localhost:3000/
  9. develop (Make your own account or use the existing demo account)
  10. Demo account details: email: "", password: "password"


A suite of tools to aid in the running and playing of Ars Magica






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