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This is a simple implementation based on an old test to a job application which requires a PHP/JS system to read encrypted .dat files and dump their data into .done.dat files.


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The Exper-Dat-Reader is a project based on an old test to a job application which required a PHP/JS system to read encrypted .dat files and dump their data into .done.dat files.

The Project

In order to train the aforementioned languages, and also improve my GitHub profile, I decided to make this project anew using the Lumen framework with SQLite as database. The the frontend works with a simple Vue.js application.

How to run

Currently the process is very simple to make this beauty run on your computer. Please, certify that you are running all the commands on this steps on the root of the project.


Firstly you're gonna to need run the following command:

  composer install

This will make all the PHP dependencies to be installed. Be sure to have Composer installed either locally or globally on your machine.

After that, please run the following commands:

  cp .env.example .env

  php artisan make:key
  php artisan jwt:secret

These ones will set your env file and also your App Key and JWT Secret Key. Finally, run the below commands to set up your SQLite Database:

  touch database/database.sqlite

  php artisan migrate

Please be sure to have the absolute path to the sqlite file set on your .env file, like this one:


  # Windows and Mac users shall differ.

From now on, the backend is OK and ready to go! Just run the last command and have fun:

  php artisan serve

  # Alternatively you can run `php -S localhost:8000 -t public`.

For the frontend, please open a new terminal window and run the following command:

  npm install

After all Node.js modules are installed, you just have to run this command:

  npm run watch

  # To just compile the files, please run `npm run dev`.

Unit Testing

Before running the unit tests, please consider setting up an environment for it, or your data may be lost on some cleaning up of the files and databases. To make it, you'll need to follow some few steps, and then you will be suited up to use the test commands.


Firstly, create and additional database and populate it with the migrations.

  touch database/test.sqlite

  php artisan migrate

Remember to change it on your .env file!

Below is an example:

  # You can keep the two files.
  # DB_DATABASE=/home/your-user/Exper-Dat-Reader/database/database.sqlite

Also on your .env file, create a .dat file at any folder and put the absolute path to it on the TEST_FILE key. Don't forget to fill the file with data.

  mkdir storage/app/samples

  touch storage/app/samples/exper.dat

Again, in the .env file there must be an absolute path.


The last thing you need to do is create a folder under the storage/ one to have the files saved on the tests. You can choose any name, but the directory structure should be preserved.

  mkdir storage/app/test
  mkdir storage/app/test/data
  mkdir storage/app/test/data/in
  mkdir storage/app/test/data/out

Just the name of the folder must be used on the .env file.


  # Ending slash is optional.


If you are interested on contribute, please consider read the Contribution Guidelines.

Also, if is of your desire to fork this code, please be sure to do it! Always have faith in your the code, nonetheless!


Exper-Dat-Reader is currently licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.


This is a simple implementation based on an old test to a job application which requires a PHP/JS system to read encrypted .dat files and dump their data into .done.dat files.




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