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By José Martínez Santana

Technologies used

html5 css3 javascript typescript


Welcome to my personal portfolio, built using the architecture of a single-page application mainly with CSS and TypeScript.


  • Addition to new nodes to the DOM similar to the use of D3.js.
  • Basic validation to the addition of new nodes in the DOM when innerHTML is used against XSS attacks. Be careful if your application needs more ciber security levels.
  • It can add event listeners to the new DOM nodes created.
  • The router has the ability to take advantage of the browser's navigation history.
  • The routes of the web page can be validated using regular expressions.
  • It can handle a not existing route with a 404 error page.


Project structure

To implement the logic for the web page, add the code to the respective folders inside the src/internal directory. Here is the purpose of each folder:

Folder 📁 Purpose
events Contains the JavaScript event listener logic of the DOM.
pages Holds the JavaScript code to add in the main-container.
routes Contains routes and the handler functions to add the DOM elements of the selected web page.
templates Holds JavaScript code for the permanent elements of the web page that will not change, for example: The navigation bar.
utils Contains JavaScript code for custom processing.
views Holds the JavaScript functions that define the HTML view of the web page.

Adding a New Page/Route

To add a new page/route to the application, follow these steps:

  1. Create the new view with HTML for the content of the new page inside the src/internal/views folder.
  2. Create the new DOM node for the new page inside the src/internal/pages folder. If the new page requires a DOM node to listen to events, add the event listener function in the src/internal/events folder. Finally, add the listener to the specific element in the new view.
  3. Create a new page inside the src/internal/pages. In the file add import Page from "../../pkg/node/node";, In addition import the view and add the listener function in case the later are needed. The imported Page class helps to create the new content in the DOM. For example:
import Page from "../../pkg/node/node";
import createContactView from "../views/contact-view";
import {
} from "../events/contact-events";

 * Create the HTML section element of contact page.
async function createContact(): Promise<HTMLElement> {
  const contactPage: Page = new Page("main")
    .setAttr("class", "")
    .addListener("mouseover", ".contact-icon", showTooltipIcon)
    .addListener("mouseout", ".contact-icon", hideTooltipIcon)
    .addListener("submit", "form", checkFormSubmit);
  return contactPage.getNode;

export default createContact;
  1. In the src/internal/routes folder, open the routes.ts file, and add an import statement for the new page. For example:
import creatContact from "../pages/contact";
  1. In the JavaScript object, add the name of the route and handler function for the new page. You can use a regular expression in the path if a validation pattern is needed. For example:
const routes: Routes = {
   // Create the user web page depending on data of a given user
   "/contact": createContact;
} as const;


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. I invite you to collaborate directly in this repository: metalbolicx-porfolio


metalbolicx-porfolio is released under the MIT License.