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An extendable logging framework for Garry's Mod.

(!!) Important Information

(/!\) MetaLog is a work-in-progress script and the interface and usage information below can still change in the future.
Therefore, usage is not yet recommended or you risk that future incompatible changes will break your scripts and you will have to update to accomodate for them.

You can see the v1.0 milestone here and it lists the remaining known issues and TODOs before MetaLog can be considered a "finished" specification.

End-User Usage / Project Scope / Intended Use:

How to select which log levels to display, and where they end up appearing, will depend a lot on how MetaLog is used.
MetaLog is purely intended to be a library or framework, the backbone providing the infrastructure for flows of log messages.

By default, MetaLog simply prints log messages to the console. You can change the log level cut-off using the metalog_console_log_level console variable.

The default logger can be turned off or even removed and replaced with a more suited log display or handler. This should allow server/community owners to use MetaLog server-wide and direct the logging to wherever they think would be most helpful.
Examples include adding an additional Discord logging sink to send log messages to one or more Discord channels or to implement silly things such as making an NPC say all info log messages using text-to-speech.

The possibilities are endless, really.

Usage Example

require ("metalog")

local logger = metalog ("myScriptName")
logger:info ("This is a piece of information.")
logger:warn ("Entity(0) is, and will forever be, ", Entity (0))
logger:error ("Something broke! This is not good.")

local loggerA = metalog ("myScriptWithChannels", "categoryA")
loggerA:debugFormat ("The secret is %d.", 123)
loggerA:infoColor ("This text will be red: ", Color (255, 0, 0), "hello")

Usage Guide

  1. Require metalog in your script.

    require ("metalog")
  2. Create a logger object by calling metalog with the name of your script (id) and optionally the name of a channel.

    -- example
    logger = metalog ("myScript", "channelX")
  3. Use any of the following methods on the logger object:

    • fatal (only logs that concern errors that cause a full-scale breakage of scripts)
    • error (all other errors that indicate unintended behavior)
    • warn (warnings that are not yet quite errors but deserve some attention)
    • info (purely informative messages)
    • debug (verbose messages of mostly developer value, if it's noisy, it probably belongs here)
    -- example
    logger:warn ("The the florbish is grommicking!")

Formatted Messages

All methods (fatal, error etc.) are also available with a Format suffix (i.e. fatalFormat, errorFormat, ...) which are equivalent to their non-Format variants but the arguments are first passed through string.format.

That means:

logger:infoFormat ("Pi is roughly %f", math.pi)

is equivalent to

logger:info (string.format ("Pi is roughly %f", math.pi))

both will print "Pi is roughly 3.141593".

Color Messages

Additionally, all methods are available with a Color suffix (i.e. fatalColor, errorColor, ...) which are equivalent to their non-Color variants but all Color arguments are explicitly not considered to be part of the log data and instead they will be interpreted as for display use only.
In other words, a call to infoColor will cause color parameters to colorize the log output just like MsgC does, while a call to info would cause the color data to just be logged as pure data instead.

That means:

logger:infoColor ("A", Color (255, 0, 0), "B", Color (0, 255, 0), "C")

will print "ABC", but the sink will print B in red and C in green.

This, of course, has to be supported by the sink. There is no guarantee that the colors will always be respected by all sinks. All sinks must, however, ignore the colors of a colored message if coloring is not supported by the sink. If you wish to actually log color data as part of the log message, use the non-colored log functions instead (e.g. :info instead of :infoColor). More details on this in the sink description further down in the readme.

Alternative Usage

Instead of the above described standard way of using MetaLog, you can also call static methods without first creating a logger object. All the same methods exist as static methods on the global metalog, but you need to pass the id and channel before passing the rest of the parameters.

That means:

local logger = metalog ("myScript", "CHAN")
logger:infoFormat ("Pi is roughly %f", math.pi)
logger:infoColor ("A", Color (255, 0, 0), "B", Color (0, 255, 0), "C")
logger:warn ("Pi is exactly 3")

is equivalent to:

metalog.infoFormat ("myScript", "CHAN", "Pi is roughly %f", math.pi)
metalog.infoColor ("myScript", "CHAN", "A", Color (255, 0, 0), "B", Color (0, 255, 0), "C")
metalog.warn ("myScript", "CHAN", "Pi is exactly 3")

Usually the former way of using MetaLog is preferred because it produces cleaner code. However, if you only need a single log call in a specific file, it might not make a lot of sense to create an object first. But this is your decision, really.

Log Levels

The log levels' identifiers are:


and can be used in logging sinks to interpret the log level of a message or implement level filters. They are currently powers of two (so no two levels can be combined using AND to produce non-zero) and noisier levels are bigger in value than less noisy levels (i.e. METALOG_LEVEL_DEBUG > METALOG_LEVEL_WARN).
Please try not to hard-code the actual values in your codes but rely on these identifiers so that in the event of future changes, levels can be rearranged or otherwise modified without breakages.

Logging Sinks

MetaLog relays all log messages, regardless of log level, to all registered logging sinks. A logging sink is basically a table with the following members:

  • onMessage (function)
  • onColorMessage (function)
  • translateColorMessages (boolean)

Handling of Colored Messages

Each sink has to register an onMessage function that receives normal (that is, both "pure" and also formatted) messages.
Color messages, on the other hand, can be handled in two manners:

  • option 1: registering an onColorMessage function
  • option 2: setting translateColorMessages to true

Option 1 requires the sink to register a second callback, onColorMessage, that implements the same function signature as onMessage. The difference is that while onMessage is supposed to treat every parameter as data to be displayed, onColorMessage is supposed to treat all color parameters not as data to be displayed, but purely as coloring indicators for the following parameters.
The default MsgC function in Garry's Mod works in a similar way.

If a desired logging sink uses a display or logging target that does not support colors (such as writing to a plaintext file), you might not wish to implement an extra onColorMessage. For such purposes, this can be avoided by instead specifying translateColorMessages = true. This will cause MetaLog to automatically strip all color parameters from color messages and relay the message to the sink's onMessage as a fallback.

Note, that you have to either register an onColorMessage handler or alternatively set translateColorMessages to true. This is required in order to make sure a sink doesn't accidentally miss log messages that contain colors.

-- example sink without support for colors

megalog.registerLoggingSink ("example-sink-without-colors", {
	onMessage = function (id, channel, level, ...)
		print (id, "logged with level", level, "->", ...)
	translateColorMessages = true

-- example sink with support for colors

megalog.registerLoggingSink ("example-sink-with-colors", {
	onMessage = function (id, channel, level, ...)
		print (id, "logged with level", level, "->", ...)
	onColorMessage = function (id, channel, level, ...)
		MsgC (id, "logged with level", level, "->", ...)

onMessage and onColorMessage callbacks

Both the onMessage and onColorMessage callbacks should have this function signature:

function (id, channel, level, ...)
  • id is the id as passed to the metalog constructor
  • channel is the channel as passed to the metalog constructor
  • level is a numeric identifier representing the log level.
  • (...) contains the values that make up the log message. These do not have a standard format and will most likely contain strings, numbers and other Lua types. Literally anything goes here. It is the sink's job to format these in a desireable way.
    (onColorMessage only: Color parameters should not be displayed as data but can be used to colorize the text output akin to Garry's Mod's MsgC.)

When implementing a logging sink, you can implement filters based on the id, channel or level. The levels (METALOG_LEVEL_FATAL etc.) can be combined using bitwise operations to form a bitmask to check against, if so desired (no two level identifiers combined with AND result in something non-zero). This is purely a practical issue, though, and you can implement your filters, if any, however you desire.

MetaLog currently ships with one default logging sink, the console printer. You can find it in metalog_handlers/ml_console_printer.lua. It contains a relatively trivial sink that prints log messages to the console using a print call. Colored messages are handled by simply switching from print to MsgC instead.

The default sink's logging filter simply offers a convar-controllable log level threshold that does a greater-than-or-equal check against incoming log messages.