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V1.3.7.7 Release
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SMITE Optimizer Version
- Added new setting "Disable Fog" to the fixes tab.
- Improved replacing of login information from the debug dump feature for improved security.
- Made some slight improvements to the "Common Issues" file.
- Fixed one-time crash on the first launch that happened on rare occasion.
- Implemented a new algorithm to verify configuration file integrity, faster speed and higher reliability.
> It is no longer possible to disable the verification step, as it is required for the optimizer to function.
> Removed "Check integrity/repair" from the Debug tab.
> "Buckets" are no longer modified by the program. Only the group that stores our active settings is modified.
- Metrics "action_automatic_repair_disabled" and "action_automatic_repair_enabled" are now marked as deprecated and no longer used.
- Made creating steam quicklaunch bypasses slightly more reliable by checking for the default installation path. (Community Contribution)
> If you experience errors, join the official Discord server. We're happy to help out.

Developer note:
Hi-Rez has added many new options to the .ini that could be changed to improve visuals or FPS even further.
Some values include TAA (Better antialiasing), optimizing tower/titan crumble physics, disabling SDKs (Logitech RGB, etc.), per-frame bias, and more.
There are currently no plans to add these to the SMITE Optimizer, but if demand is high enough, I'll consider it.
  • Loading branch information
MeteorTheLizard committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent c5bffc1 commit 8ae49c1
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,479 additions and 1,541 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions Changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
SMITE Optimizer Version
- Added new setting "Disable Fog" to the fixes tab.
- Improved replacing of login information from the debug dump feature for improved security.
- Made some slight improvements to the "Common Issues" file.
- Fixed one-time crash on the first launch that happened on rare occasion.
- Implemented a new algorithm to verify configuration file integrity, faster speed and higher reliability.
> It is no longer possible to disable the verification step, as it is required for the optimizer to function.
> Removed "Check integrity/repair" from the Debug tab.
> "Buckets" are no longer modified by the program. Only the group that stores our active settings is modified.
- Metrics "action_automatic_repair_disabled" and "action_automatic_repair_enabled" are now marked as deprecated and no longer used.
- Made creating steam quicklaunch bypasses slightly more reliable by checking for the default installation path. (Community Contribution)
> If you experience errors, join the official Discord server. We're happy to help out.

Developer note:
Hi-Rez has added many new options to the .ini that could be changed to improve visuals or FPS even further.
Some values include TAA (Better antialiasing), optimizing tower/titan crumble physics, disabling SDKs (Logitech RGB, etc.), per-frame bias, and more.
There are currently no plans to add these to the SMITE Optimizer, but if demand is high enough, I'll consider it.

SMITE Optimizer Version
- Updated copyright information. Happy new year!
- Added a new button to the "Fixes" tab that repairs EasyAntiCheat. (This requires administrator privileges.)
Expand Down
238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions DevTools/ExtractBase.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@

This script is part of the SMITE Optimizer and licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.
Copyright (C) 2024 - Mario "Meteor Thuri" Schien.
Contact: MrRangerLP (at)
This devtool extracts groups and keynames from freshly generated .ini files and puts them in a list that is then used to generate a base array which acts as a hive replacement.
The base array is used to restore values in the check integrity process to ensure the smite optimizer can change the values that it needs to change.
I'm not gonna win any awards with this script, too tired. -Meteor
The output isn't perfect. Empty group lines have to be removed and the row count needs to be adjusted accordingly.
This script was made in a rush to fix a program-breaking bug.
TEXTUREGROUP_ settings are only relevant for [SystemSettings] and can be removed from all other groups.

#Include <Array.au3>
#Include <File.au3>

Local $iSettingsCount = 88 + 7 ;- I'm too tired to figure out why this is needed.
Local $aModifiers[$iSettingsCount] = [ _
"AllowD3D11", _
"AllowImageReflections", _
"AllowImageReflectionShadowing", _
"bAllowDropShadows", _
"bAllowHighQualityMaterials", _
"bAllowLightShafts", _
"bAllowRagdolling", _
"bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows", _
"bJumpEnabled", _
"Bloom", _
"Borderless", _
"bSmoothFrameRate", _
"bUseConservativeShadowBounds", _
"bUseLowQualMaterials", _
"CompositeDynamicLights", _
"DepthOfField", _
"DetailMode", _
"DirectionalLightmaps", _
"Distortion", _
"DropParticleDistortion", _
"DynamicDecals", _
"DynamicLights", _
"DynamicShadows", _
"FilteredDistortion", _
"FogVolumes", _
"Fullscreen", _
"FullscreenWindowed", _
"FXAAQuality", _
"LensFlares", _
"LightEnvironmentShadows", _
"LoadMapTimeLimit", _
"MaxActiveDecals", _
"MaxAnisotropy", _
"MaxChannels", _
"MaxFilterBlurSampleCount", _
"MaximumPoolSize", _
"MaxSmoothedFrameRate", _
"MinDesiredFrameRate", _
"MinimumPoolSize", _
"MinSmoothedFrameRate", _
"MotionBlur", _
"MotionBlurPause", _
"MotionBlurSkinning", _
"ParticleLODBias", _
"PerfScalingBias", _
"PreferD3D11", _
"ResX", _
"ResY", _
"ScreenPercentage", _
"SHSecondaryLighting", _
"SpeedTreeFronds", _
"SpeedTreeLeaves", _
"SpeedTreeLODBias", _
"SpeedTreeWind", _
"StaticDecals", _
"TargetFrameRate", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_Character", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterNormalMap", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterSpecular", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_EffectsNotFiltered", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_ImageBasedReflection", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_Lightmap", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_Shadowmap", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Heightmap", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Weightmap", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleNormalMap", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleSpecular", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponNormalMap", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponSpecular", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_WorldDetail", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_WorldNormalMap", _
"TEXTUREGROUP_WorldSpecular", _
"UnbatchedDecals", _
"UpscaleScreenPercentage", _
"UseD3D11Beta", _
"UseDX11", _
"UseDynamicStreaming", _
"UseVsync", _
"VsyncPresentInterval" _

Local $sBaseSystemSettings = "C:\Users\RX1500x-METEOR\Desktop\BattleSystemSettings.ini"
Local $sBaseEngineSettings = "C:\Users\RX1500x-METEOR\Desktop\BattleEngine.ini"
Local $sBaseGameSettings = "C:\Users\RX1500x-METEOR\Desktop\BattleGame.ini"

;- SystemSettings

Local $aReadArray[0]

Local $aReturnTable[1][$iSettingsCount]

;- Retrieve all existing groups

Local $iSize = 1

For $I = 0 To uBound($aReadArray) - 1 Step 1
If StringLeft($aReadArray[$I],1) = "[" Then

If $I >= uBound($aReturnTable,1) Then
$iSize = $iSize + 1
ReDim $aReturnTable[$iSize][$iSettingsCount]

$aReturnTable[$iSize - 1][0] = $aReadArray[$I]


;- Iterate through all the keys and find its groups, add the keys to the appropriate rows

For $I = 0 To $iSettingsCount - 1 Step 1

Local $iLen = StringLen($aModifiers[$I])

For $A = uBound($aReadArray) - 1 To 0 Step -1

If StringLeft($aReadArray[$A],$iLen) = $aModifiers[$I] Then ;- We found the KeyName in the file

;- We found it so we keep going until we hit a group

For $B = $A To 0 Step -1

If StringLeft($aReadArray[$B],1) = "[" Then ;- We hit the group it belongs to

For $C = 0 To uBound($aReturnTable,1) - 1 Step 1 ;- Find the row from the ReturnTable that the group belongs to

If $aReturnTable[$C][0] = $aReadArray[$B] Then ;- Row found

For $D = 1 To $iSettingsCount - 1 Step 1 ;- Find free column to fill in KeyName
If $aReturnTable[$C][$D] = "" Then
$aReturnTable[$C][$D] = $aModifiers[$I]



; ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

;- Output the Array in AutoIt Code. (Array)

$I = 0
Local $1DSize = uBound($aReturnTable,1) - 1
Local $2DSize = uBound($aReturnTable,2) - 1

ConsoleWrite("Global Const $GameSettingsClearHive["&$1DSize&"]["&$2DSize + 1&"] = [ _"&@CRLF&@TAB&"[") ;- Initial line.

While ($I < $1DSize)

While ($B <= $2DSize)
If $B = $2DSize Then
If $I = $1DSize-1 Then
ConsoleWrite("'"&$aReturnTable[$I][$B]&"'] _"&@CRLF&"]"&@CRLF)
If $aReturnTable[$I][$B] = "" Then
ConsoleWrite("], _"&@CRLF&@TAB&"[")

ConsoleWrite("'"&$aReturnTable[$I][$B]&"'], _"&@CRLF&@TAB&"[")

If $aReturnTable[$I][$B] <> "" Then
If $aReturnTable[$I][$B+1] = "" Then

$B = $B + 1

$B = 1
$I = $I + 1

; ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion DevTools/INIToAutoItHive.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,11 @@

This script is part of the SMITE Optimizer and licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.
Copyright (C) 2020 - Mario "Meteor Thuri" Schien.
Copyright (C) 2024 - Mario "Meteor Thuri" Schien.
Contact: MrRangerLP (at)
Expand Down
21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions DevTools/MakeAppendList.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,23 @@

;- This script creates a resource append list.
;- The code is rather meh but it works for my use case so whatever.

This script is part of the SMITE Optimizer and licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.
Copyright (C) 2024 - Mario "Meteor Thuri" Schien.
Contact: MrRangerLP (at)
This script creates a resource append list.
The code is rather meh but it works for my use case so whatever.

#Include <Array.au3>
#Include <File.au3>

Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions DevTools/ResetRegistry.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
This DevTool wipes all SMITE-Optimizer related registry entries to perform a full-reset!

Expand Down
21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions Resource/CommonIssues.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
- Common Issues

If you require support, you can join our discord server by pressing the discord icon in the title bar of the SMITE Optimizer.

We are happy to help with any technical problem you might encounter, as long as it is SMITE-Optimizer or SMITE-PC-related.
Click the discord logo next to the close button of the SMITE-Optimizer to join our discord!

When you have one of the problems listed below, it is recommended to try each solution one by one.

If your issue is not listed here, we recommend opening an issue on GitHub.
> Make sure to explain the problem as detailed as possible.
> Explain what you did step by step and include a screenshot of the error.
> When possible attach a debug dump which you can create through the debug tab.
> >

You can also report bugs on our discord server in the #report-a-bug channel.

You can also report bugs on our Discord server in the #report-a-bug channel.

-- ----- ----- ----- -----
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,42 +74,51 @@ Solution: Your configuration files are corrupt. Restore a backup through the "Re
-- ----- ----- ----- -----

Problem: I applied the settings, but now my game is in Fullscreen at a low resolution!

Solution: The SMITE Optimizer does not read existing configuration files on first launch and uses your primary display device resolution when possible. Make sure to set the Window Type and Resolution and apply the changes again.

-- ----- ----- ----- -----

Problem: I applied the settings a while ago, but some of the settings are gone now!

Solution: The game received an update which partially reset your configuration files. Re-apply the SMITE Optimizer to fix it.

-- ----- ----- ----- -----

Problem: The SMITE Optimizer said it found my Steam installation, but it is invalid. -Community Contribution

Solution: Press windows key + r
Type "regedit"
Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 386360\"
Make sure "InstallLocation" is not empty and points to the SMITE folder.
To find out where SMITE was installed, go into your Steam library, right-click on SMITE > Properties > Installed Files > Browse
This will open a new Explorer window. You can copy the path and paste it into the InstallLocation data field in regedit.

> We are happy to help. Join our official Discord server by clicking the Discord icon next to the close button.

-- ----- ----- ----- -----

Problem: I'm trying to create a QuickLaunch Bypass, but the SMITE Optimizer cannot find my game.

Solution: Verify the game files through Steam or Epic Game Store.
Solution2: Uninstall the game and install it again (This re-creates the registry entries, which verifying does not do! These are required!)

-- ----- ----- ----- -----

Problem: When I start the game, it says "Version Mismatch" in the login screen!

Solution: You're using the QuickLaunch Bypass. You have to manually update the game whenever there was a patch. You do this through Steam or Epic Game Store.

-- ----- ----- ----- -----

Problem: I changed my settings to be very low overall, but my FPS didn't get better!

Solution: Newer hardware does not benefit from lower settings. It is recommended to bump the settings up higher as that will force your CPU and GPU to work harder, which CAN result in higher FPS. If you have a decent PC I recommend using my settings which can be found on GitHub in the screenshots. (Resolution scale should be 100% !!)

-- ----- ----- ----- -----

Problem: The game crashes for no reason even without using the SMITE Optimizer
Problem: The game crashes for no reason even without using the SMITE Optimizer!

Solution: Re-install your graphics drivers as well as all the redistributables for the game. You can find the in the game folder (Steam > \Steam\steamapps\common\SMITE\Binaries\Redist)
Solution2: Re/Install your Chipset drivers for your motherboard.
Solution3: Make sure your hardware and operating system is supported.
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Binary file added Resource/HelpText/Disable_Fog.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file removed SMITE Optimizer 32Bit.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed SMITE Optimizer 64Bit.exe
Binary file not shown.

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