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Tool to calculate users similarity on Optimism blockchain

It's part of user_similarity_optimism functionality


This module calculates users similarity based on transactions data and stores it in provided MongoDB database.

After that, you can load this similarity data into user_similarity_optimism_app and request similarities from it.

Be aware, that calculation of similarity with popular smart contract will lead to $O(n^2)$ memory consumption. Therefore, highly recommended removing from analysis smart contract, which has very large number of users.

Also, it's reasonable from the gained information perspective: if some smart contract is used by almost every participant in the network, then there is no new and useful information that wallet interacted with this smart contract in terms of determining wallet behaviour and interests.

Module uses some data cleaning steps:

  • removing smart contract, which has the largest number of users from the analysis. See REMOVE_CONTRACTS_PERCENTILE variable in static_config.env
  • removing some hardcoded list of smart-contract from analysis. See REMOVE_CONRACTS variable in static_config.env
  • removing users with high number of interactions (mostly bots) from analysis. See REMOVE_WALLETS_PERCENTILE variable in static_config.env

Because of percentile cleaning usage, it is possible, that using data from shorter period will lead to increase in memory consumption. It happens, because on a short period of time the most popular smart contracts are not so separated from other in terms of interactions number. Therefore, they are not cleaned from analysis by 99-th percentile cut.



Calculation server

The main bottleneck of current module is RAM, so at least 16GB of RAM needed. Memory consumption can be much higher ($O(n^2)$, where $n$ - is number of users of the most popular smart contract), if use more data or if not using popular smart contract interactions removal.

MongoDB Server

Any kind of preferred infrastructure for MongoDB server is possible. At least 10 GB of available disk space needed. Better to have 20GB or more of available disk space.

Data source

Either you can use provided public transactions data or use your own data connector.

To use public data user environmental variable USE_PUBLIC_DATE in static_config.env

To use your own data connector you have to implement DataConnector abstract class and provided some setting in config file (if needed).

Run MongoDB server

To store similarity module use MongoDB.

You have to run MongoDB server and provide its host, port, database and collection to the module in .env file

Running from Docker image

It's the easiest way to run the module

1. Create .env file

Copy .env file from

Put it on your machine

Change values in .env file like described below

2. Pull image from docker

sudo docker pull randromtk/user_similarity_optimism_calculator:dev

3. Run docker container

sudo docker run -it --env-file <path to .env file> <image tag>
  • <path to .env file> - path to file, that you created before
  • <image tag> - image tag. Might be obtained by running sudo docker images command, in our example is "randromtk/user_similarity_optimism_calculator:dev"

To run locally (but this works only for Linux)

sudo docker run -it --env-file <path to env file with local mongo host> --network="host" <image tag>


sudo docker run -it --env-file new.env fd32c3c27e35

Running from the source code

0. Clone repository

git clone

1. Create virtual environment

It's recommended to use virtual environment while using module

If you don't have venv installed run (ex. for Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install python3-venv

then create and activate virtual environment

python3 -m venv simcalc_optimism
source simcalc_optimism/bin/activate

2. Install requirements


pip install -r user_similarity_optimism_calculator/requirements.txt

3. Set environmental variables


  • .env - Need to take file from current repository as example, change it, and keep it in module directory (in the same directory as
  • static_config.env - better not to change


Flag to use publicly available Optimism blockchain data.

Flag to user publicly available Optimism blockchain data.
# If `True` data from Metronomo public bucket will be used
# If `False` - you have to write your own class to get the data from your own storage 

For public data START_DATE and DATES_RANGE variables do nothing - data will be taken from static source. We update this example data from time to time, but not regularly.

Variables to access MongoDB server. You HAVE to set your own

- MONGO_HOST - host of mongodb server to write similarities data to
- MONGO_PORT - port of mongodb server  to write similarities data to
- MONGO_DATABASE  - mongo database name to write similarities data to
- MONGO_COLLECTION  - mongo collection name to write similarities data to

Dates choosing. You might use any START_DATE and DATE_RANGE as you want

- START_DATE - the last date of the dates period in `ddmmyyyy` format
- DATES_RANGE - number of days to take into power users calculation. For example, if start date is 12122022 and range 30 then dates will be since 13-11-2022 to 12-12-2022 inclusively


Config file with environment variables to get public Optimism data from Metronomo cloud storage. DO NOT CHANGE


Variables to configure data removal for similarity calculation.

Change with caution, preferably not change. Leaving popular contracts in calculation will lead to exponential memory and time complexity.

REMOVE_CONTRACTS - these contracts will be removed from similarity calculation (and from user vector representation)
REMOVE_CONTRACTS_PERCENTILE - Percentile of number overall contract interactions. Contracts in this boundary will be left in calculation. Contracts outside - will be removed
REMOVE_WALLETS_PERCENTILE - Percentile of number of overall user interactions. Wallets in this boundary will be left in calculation. Wallets outside - will be removed

4. Run the module

python3 -m user_similarity_optimism_calculator

Similarity result will be stored in MongoDB on host, port provided in .env, in database and collections provided in .env


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