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⚖️ Local Balance
:balance_scale: Local Balance
Component is not locally balanced
🔰 Start values
:beginner: Start values
Modified start values
💔 No retro compatibility
:broken_heart: No retro compatibility
For changes that break retrocompatibility
Something isn't working
🕐 Waiting
:clock1: Waiting
For issues and PR waiting for some specific action
🏚️ architecture
:derelict_house: architecture
Changes related to the library architecture
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or request
🖼️ Icons
:framed_picture: Icons
For changes affecting the icons
🛠️ Faults
:hammer_and_wrench: Faults
For changes related to failures modeling
This doesn't seem right
👨‍💻 Example
:man_technologist: Example
Modified or added examples
Related to MML2 version
🆕 New component
:new: New component
For new components added to the library
🐧 OpenModelica
:penguin: OpenModelica
Changes related to OpenModelica
❓ Dynamica questions
:question: Dynamica questions
Question to be asked to dynamica
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
Release / Version tags
Removals and Deprecations
Changes that should be omitted from the release notes
Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, etc)
Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
✅ Convergence
:white_check_mark: Convergence
For issues related to model convergence
👩‍💻 Github
:woman_technologist: Github
For github settings or templates changes
This will not be worked on
🔢 Declaration
:1234: Declaration
Changes related to unit/start/nominal/min/max