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Denissssse edited this page Aug 24, 2023 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the WindowsIconCustomization wiki!

How to Join

Please fork the repository and modify it, then submit a PR

Figma File

Download from repo or click the link

How to Design?

File type icons indicate specific files or file formats.

Multicolor file type icons look best at 16, 48, and 96 pixel sizes in most Microsoft UIs.

These icons are available as SVGs and.webps. SVGs are vectors and are therefore more versatile and can be resized easily, but not all browsers support SVGs. PNGs have wider browser support but require many sizes to remain visually crisp.

How to Create *.ico File?

  1. Select what you want to export frame

  1. We recommend you use greenfish icon editor to create *.ico file.It is open source and free You can download it from here

  1. Open png file in Gfie, click on add button to create other size resources

  1. File>Save as...,in dialog,select the file type as *.ico

How to Replace File Type Icons?

Download Types from

and do it as it said

How to Replace Folder Icons?

In order to use this set of icons, you need to manually replace imageres.dll.mun and shell32.dll.mun

Their paths are



  1. You need to manually take ownership of these files, and then obtain read, write and delete permissions

  2. Copy it to the user folder to modify, replace the icon assets in the dll file. You can do this with software like Green Fish Icon Editor or Resources Hacker.

  3. Note that if you are prompted that the target file is occupied, you must first start the command prompt or terminal, and then use the task manager to end the explorer.exe process - because this process occupies these files

  4. You have to use command prompt or terminal to copy the file to the target location, replacing the previous file

  • Green Fish Icon Editor This is an open source application for editing icon files of various operating systems (convert png images to ico or icns or vice versa), and can also edit files containing icon resources. For example, Windows often embeds ico files in dll.

  • Resources Hacker This is a freeware to replace ico/bmp or other resources in dll or exe.