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Dot Files

My custom dot files for Debian/Ubuntu and Windows using Starship Prompt


This is my custom dot files for Debian/Ubuntu and Windows using Starship Prompt. I use this dot files to make my life easier when I need to setup a new machine or reinstall my OS. I use Starship Prompt because it's fast, customizable and easy to use.

Debian/Ubuntu Features

  • Starship Prompt
  • bash
  • fish
  • Custom aliases
  • Custom functions
  • Scrollable history with arrow keys (Up and Down)
  • Command history completion with Tab
  • Previous command search with arrow keys (Up and Down)
  • Hugo Static Site Generator integration

Windows Features



Install the fonts Linux

sudo mkdir -v /usr/local/share/fonts/FiraCode
sudo cp -v src/fonts/FiraCode/* /usr/local/share/fonts/FiraCode/
sudo fc-cache -fv

Install the dot files

Install Starship Prompt with the following command: curl -fsSL |sudo sh -s -- --yes. This will install Starship Prompt in /usr/local/bin/starship. Now clone this repository and copy the files to your home, /etc/skel and /root directories with the following commands:

git clone
cd skel

Copy the files to your home directory with the following command:

# Copy files to home directory

cp -av src/linux/._ ~/
cp -av src/linux/._ /etc/skel/
cp -av src/linux/.\* /root/
cp -av src/starship.toml ~/.config/

If copying the startship.toml file to ~/.config/ doesn't work, you may need to create the directory first with the following command: mkdir -p ~/.config/. Now you can copy the starship.toml file to ~/.config/ with the following command: cp -av src/starship.toml ~/.config/.

Check out the new shell: source ~/.bashrc and finish the installation.

Copy the files to /etc/skel and /root directories with the following commands:

sudo mkdir -v /{etc/skel,root}/.config
sudo cp -v src/starship.toml /{etc/skel,root}/.config/
sudo cp -v src/linux/.* /{etc/skel,root}/

Help and Web

A dot file for displaying help info relating to functions and aliases is included. To use it just type copy the command cp -av src/linux/.helpful ~/ and then type helpful in the terminal.

Also a hidden .web is required for the Starship Prompt to work with default font styles for most browsers. The file is created when you log into a new shell if the file doesn't exist. To create the file manually, type touch ~/.web in the terminal.


Install the fonts Windows

Copy-Item -Path src\fonts\FiraCode\* -Destination C:\Windows\Fonts\ -Recurse -Force

You may need to reopen PowerShell as an administrator to install the fonts.

Open PowerShell and install Starship Prompt and git with winget:

winget install --accept-package-agreements  --accept-package-agreements "Starship.Starship"
winget install --accept-package-agreements  --accept-package-agreements "Git.Git"

Clone this repository and copy the files to your home directory with the following commands:

git clone
cd skel

Copy the files to your home directory with the following PowerShell command:

Copy-Item -Path src\windows\* -Destination $HOME\Documents\Powershell\ -Recurse -Force

You may need to create the powershell directory first with the following PowerShell command: New-Item -Path $HOME\Documents\Powershell\ -ItemType Directory. Now you can copy the files to your home directory with the following PowerShell command: Copy-Item -Path src\windows\* -Destination $HOME\Documents\Powershell\ -Recurse -Force. If you are still using PowerShell 5.1, then do the following:

Copy-Item -Path src\windows\* -Destination $HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\ -Recurse -Force

Create and .config directory in your home directory and copy the starship.toml file to it with the following PowerShell commands:

New-Item -Path $HOME\.config -ItemType Directory
Copy-Item -Path src\starship.toml -Destination $HOME\.config\ -Force

Reload your PowerShell profile with the following command:

. $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\profile.ps1


Bash user profile.







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