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Michal Jankowski edited this page Jul 10, 2021 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension wiki!

I believe that current content will help you to use this library.

Below you can find example of simple class:

public class Person
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }
  public int HeightInCentimeters { get; set; }

For this specific class the following validator has been created:

public class PersonValidator : AbstractValidator<Person>
  public PersonValidator()
    RuleFor(person => person.FirstName).NotNull().NotEmpty().Length(0, 20);
    RuleFor(person => person.LastName).NotNull().NotEmpty().Length(0, 20);
    RuleFor(person => person.HeightInCentimeters).GreaterThan(0).LessThanOrEqualTo(250);

As you can see I have defined some rules for each property. With this library your unit tests for validator will be very simple:

public class PersonValidatorTests_NewApproach
  // Act
  readonly PersonValidator personValidator = new PersonValidator();
  public void Given_When_PersonValidatorConstructing_Then_3PropertiesShouldHaveRules()
    // Assert
  public void Given_When_PersonValidatorConstructing_Then_RulesForFirstNameAreConfiguredCorrectly()
    // Assert
    personValidator.ShouldHaveRules(x => x.FirstName,
        .AddPropertyValidatorVerifier<NotNullValidator<Person, string>>()
        .AddPropertyValidatorVerifier<NotEmptyValidator<Person, string>>()
        .AddPropertyValidatorVerifier<LengthValidator<Person>>(0, 20)
  public void Given_When_PersonValidatorConstructing_Then_RulesForLastNameAreConfiguredCorrectly()
    // Assert
    personValidator.ShouldHaveRules(x => x.LastName,
        .AddPropertyValidatorVerifier<LengthValidator>(0, 20)
  public void Given_When_PersonValidatorConstructing_Then_RulesForHeightAreConfiguredCorrectly()
    // Assert
    personValidator.ShouldHaveRules(x => x.HeightInCentimeters,
        .AddPropertyValidatorVerifier<GreaterThanValidator<Person, int>, Person, int>(0)
        .AddPropertyValidatorVerifier<LessThanOrEqualValidator<Person, int>, Person, int>(250)

As you can see provided code will test two things:

  • number of properties that are being checked by FluentValidation rules
  • rules configuration.

Please note that order of rules definition is also verified by test.

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