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Project Description

This project serves as an example of the template to build portfolio/product/blog websites. It is completely static which means it doesn't need a server and during the build time it generates all the files needed for the website to work.

For a good and quick introduction to storyblok-astro.js integration, you can go through (The Storyblok Astro Ultimate Tutorial)[].


  • npm install

  • touch .env => add variables described in Environment variables section.

  • Create a new Storyblok space, choose a billing plan, find space ID, and generate a new token.

    quickstart quickstart2

  • npm run prepare-space => select import data to a new space. Proceed with the installer.

  • Add localhost to Preview URL

    quickstart3 quickstart4

npm run dev

Internal Links issue

Unfortunately, internal links don't work after running the script. You will have to add them manually in each Link and LinkButton component.


The project uses field-level translations. Most of the stories' fields are already translated. To use translated fields, add language in settings:


Its key components are:

  • Astro.js as an HTML-first framework gives things like JSX-like syntax, modules, and fenced js that run during the build time. If you before made such a project with React.js/Next.js. And you see it as too much for this kind of work, dealing with state, effects, useRefs, client site navigation, and shipping all the stuff as a JS bundle. Astro.js can feel like a big relief. It leaves the best part of React DX and gets rid of all bloated stuff, that you probably will never need in this kind of project.
  • TailwindCSS will allow us to build pretty much reusable components. And if the too much logic in the components is not an issue in this kind of website. We will just write all styles in line with no harm to readability.
  • Storyblok is a great choice for editing as a nontechnical person, through a visual editor you can modify each Page, Section of the Page, and each component. It also gives us a lifetime free tier for one user, even for commercial purposes.
  • Hosting on Netlify. Simple. GitHub and Storyblok integrations give us enough space to push our builds on code change and Storyblok content change. A free tier also allows us to build commercial projects and gives 100GB bandwidth, which is suitable for small websites.

Project Structure

Inside of the project, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
├── src/
│   ├── components/
│   ├── layouts/
│   ├── pages/
│   │   └── [...slug].astro
│   ├── storyblok/
│   │   └── *.astro
│   ├── styles/
│   └── utils/
└── package.json

Astro looks for .astro or .md files in the src/pages/ directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name. However, to build pages we get data from the Storyblok. that's why there is only one file [...slug].astro. We treat Storyblok's Page stories as a data source.

In the storyblok/ directory we keep all the Storyblok stories. Which then we have to register in an astro.config.mjs file.

There's nothing special about src/components/, but that's where we like to put any Astro/React/Vue/Svelte/Preact components.

Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public/ directory.

Website update

The website will be updated on push to main or through the Stroyblok hook when you update, add or remove a story.

Generating types for Storyblok

Each time you change the of Storyblok's block you have to generate types for the app

To do that you have to install npm i -g storyblok. Then log in with your user's credentials.

In the project root directory run storyblok pull-components --space 277873h Where 277873h is your space id. Then run npm run generate-sb-types

Full tutorial can be found here


The majority of styles are written in TailwindCSS. font families, font sizes, and colors were overridden in the tailwind.config.mjs. With this config, there is no possibility to use the default ones eg. bg-red200.


Astro.js offers an Image component we can use and with the netlify config under the netlify.toml we can get automatic optimization (converting images to webp or avif format, image compression, avoiding Cumulative Layout Shift). therefore avoid using pure <img /> tag.

For the full guide to work with images in the Astro project, check the official documentation


The project does not use any frontend library in place its needed we can use the native <script /> tag.


TypeScript is supported across .tsx and .astro files.

Environment variables

From now on, the project requires only three environments:



All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run generate-sb-types Generaty types for Storyblok component based on components.277873.json file
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI

Web Components

When using reusable components that include JavaScript logic, the project relies on (Native Web Components)[](Without UI Framework). The example can be seen in /src/storyblok/FaqCard.astro


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