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Pytorch implementation and metric reproduction of the paper Prototypical Networks, including both few shot learning and zero shot experiments (includes dataset for zero shot as well)

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Prototypical Networks

Pytorch implementation of Prototypical Networks Paper

Reproduce Environment

To reproduce the working environment for this project create a new conda environment with the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yaml  #environment with cuda dependencies
# to create an environment without cuda: conda env create -f environment-cpuonly.yaml

If you don't have the command conda install it from anaconda or miniconda

Repo results

Dataset Train num classes Train support samples Train query samples Test num classes Test support samples Test query samples Paper Accuracy Test accuracy Test loss
cub 50 0 10 50 0 10 54.60% 53.87% 13.5089
miniimagenet 20 5 15 5 1 1 49.42% 45.35% 28.6325
miniimagenet 20 5 15 5 5 5 68.20% 66.60% 13.6065
miniimagenet 30 1 15 5 1 1 49.42% 49.75% 20.1425
miniimagenet 30 1 15 5 5 5 68.20% 63.91% 15.5581
omniglot 60 1 5 5 1 1 98.80% 98.73% 0.809822
omniglot 60 1 5 5 5 5 99.70% 99.67% 0.219201
omniglot 60 1 5 20 1 1 96.00% 95.74% 2.65106
omniglot 60 1 5 20 5 5 98.90% 99.01% 0.61366
omniglot 60 5 5 5 1 1 98.80% 97.79% 1.76968
omniglot 60 5 5 5 5 5 99.70% 99.65% 0.282353
omniglot 60 5 5 20 1 1 96.00% 93.55% 5.15215
omniglot 60 5 5 20 5 5 98.90% 98.84% 0.794082
  • Download link of table checkpoints

CUB Dataset

To reproduce the results of Zero Shot CUB dataset download the preprocessed dataset at this link.

The archive contains GoogleLeNet visual features of CUB images and class features.

Resume training

To resume an interrupted training use the argument --run-path of An example is: python --run-path=run/0

Project structure

Project structure is very straightforward and flatten to maintain simplicity.

├── data  # where data will be downloaded
│   └── omniglot   #contains omniglot data
├── environment-cpuonly.yaml  #conda cpu environmnet
├── environment.yaml   # conda environmnet to run this project
├──   #  logging function with tensorboard
├── Makefile   
├── paper.pdf
├── run  # where experiments will be stored 
│   └── 0   # experiments are stored using index based folder name

Custom Train

If you want to train by yourself the model you can train directly by running python3 The script supports many arguments which are:

usage: [-h] --dataset {omniglot,miniimagenet,cub} --classes NUM_CLASSES --support-samples SUPPORT_SAMPLES [--query-samples QUERY_SAMPLES] [--distance {euclidean,cosine}] [--epochs EPOCHS]
                [--epoch-steps EPOCH_STEPS] [--seed SEED] [--device DEVICE] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--eval-steps EVAL_STEPS] [--run-path RUN_PATH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset {omniglot,miniimagenet,cub}, -d {omniglot,miniimagenet,cub}
                        Specify train dataset
  --classes NUM_CLASSES, --num-classes NUM_CLASSES, -c NUM_CLASSES
                        Number of classes for each task in meta learning i.e. the N in N-way with K shots
                        Number of training samples for each class in meta learning i.e. the K in N-way with K shots
  --query-samples QUERY_SAMPLES, -q QUERY_SAMPLES
                        Number of test samples for each class in meta learning
  --distance {euclidean,cosine}, --dst {euclidean,cosine}
                        Distance function to use inside PrototypicalNetwork
  --epochs EPOCHS, -e EPOCHS
                        Number of training epochs. Set by default to a very high value because paper specify that train continues until validation loss continues to decrease.
  --epoch-steps EPOCH_STEPS
  --seed SEED
  --device DEVICE
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
  --eval-steps EVAL_STEPS
                        Number of evaluation steps. By default is set to the number of steps to reach 600 episodes considering batch size as paper reports
  --run-path RUN_PATH   Set to resume a checkpoint

Custom Test

You can also test by yourself running python3 It supports also many arguments which are

usage: [-h] --run-path RUN_PATH [--support-size SUPPORT_SAMPLES] [--query-size QUERY_SAMPLES] [--num-classes NUM_CLASSES] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--seed SEED] [--steps STEPS] [--device DEVICE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --run-path RUN_PATH, -r RUN_PATH
  --num-classes NUM_CLASSES, --nc NUM_CLASSES
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE, -b BATCH_SIZE
  --seed SEED
  --steps STEPS


Pytorch implementation and metric reproduction of the paper Prototypical Networks, including both few shot learning and zero shot experiments (includes dataset for zero shot as well)






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