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3' scRNAseq of PBMCs from malaria

Session/Software info

Typical install time on a "normal" desktop computer ~ 30 minutes

Typical run time on a "normal" desktop computer ~ 45 minutes. Exception:"PBMC Data Integration and Clustering"

Set working directory

Set working directory as parent folder of R script


Set Lib Path

myPaths <- .libPaths() myPaths <- c(myPaths, "./renviron") .libPaths(myPaths) # add new path

Downloaded packages are in zip folder, Change R library path to access them or alternatively download packages using code below (<20 minutes)

Install packages#####

install.packages("Seurat", "./renviron") install.packages("SeuratObject", "/renviron") install.packages("dplyr", "/renviron") install.packages("stringr", "/renviron") install.packages("ggplot2", "/renviron") install.packages("ggpubr", "/renviron") install.packages("tibble", "/renviron") install.packages("UpSetR", "/renviron") install.packages("ggpubr", "/renviron") install.packages("BiocManager", "/renviron") BiocManager::install("MAST", lib = "/renviron", force = TRUE)

Load packages

library(Seurat) library(SeuratObject) library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ggplot2) library(ggpubr) library(tibble) library(UpSetR) library(BiocManager) library(MAST)

Total runtime expected for all code after package loaded ~45 minutes

Import single-cell RNA-seq count data

Ensure there is a folder within working directory "Cell_ranger_outputs" that contains the below folders with these files in each folder "barcodes.tsv.gz", "features.tsv.gz","matrix.tsv.gz". Optionally data can be downloaded from this

We use the for loop to execute two commands for each sample - (1) read in the count data (Read10X()) and (2) create the Seurat objects from the read in data (CreateSeuratObject()):

for (file in c("A_filtered_feature_bc_matrix" ,"B_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","C_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","D_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","E_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","F_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","G_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","H_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","I_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","J_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","K_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","L_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","M_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","N_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","O_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","P_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","Q_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","R_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","S_filtered_feature_bc_matrix","T_filtered_feature_bc_matrix")){ seurat_data <- Read10X(data.dir = paste0("Cell_ranger_outputs/", file)) seurat_obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = seurat_data, min.cells = 3, min.features = 200, project = file) assign(file, seurat_obj) }

Take a quick look at the metadata to see how it looks

head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head( head(

We will merge these objects together into a single Seurat object. This will make it easier to run the QC steps for all sample groups together and enable us to easily compare the data quality for all the samples.

merged_seurat <- merge(x = A_filtered_feature_bc_matrix, y = c(B_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,C_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,D_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,E_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,F_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,G_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,H_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,I_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,J_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,K_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,L_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,M_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,N_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,O_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,P_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,Q_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,R_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,S_filtered_feature_bc_matrix,T_filtered_feature_bc_matrix), = c("adult1day0", "adult1day7", "adult1day28","adultc1","child1day0","child1day7","child1day28","adultc2","adult2day0", "adult2day28", "adult3day0", "adult3day28", "child2day0", "child2day28", "child3day0", "child3day28", "adult2day7", "adult3day7", "child2day7", "child3day7")) #Look at the first and last few rows of the counts matrix within the merged_seurat object to check if it has the appropriate sample-specific prefixes head( tail(

Explore merged metadata


Aside from the number of UMIs per cell (nCount_RNA) and number of genes detected per cell (nFeature_RNA), We need to calculate some additional metrics (1) the number of genes detected per UMI: this metric gives us an idea of the complexity of our dataset (more genes detected per UMI, more complex our data) (2) mitochondrial ratio: this metric will give us a percentage of cell reads originating from the mitochondrial genes

The number of genes per UMI for each cell is quite easy to calculate, and we will log10 transform the result for better comparison between samples.

Add number of genes per UMI for each cell to metadata

merged_seurat$log10GenesPerUMI <- log10(merged_seurat$nFeature_RNA) / log10(merged_seurat$nCount_RNA)

Compute percent mito ratio

merged_seurat$mitoRatio <- PercentageFeatureSet(object = merged_seurat, pattern = "^MT-") merged_seurat$mitoRatio <-$mitoRatio / 100

Create the metadata dataframe by extracting the slot from the Seurat object

metadata <- head(metadata) metadata$cells <- rownames(metadata)

Add cell IDs to metadata

metadata <- metadata %>% dplyr::rename(seq_folder = orig.ident, nUMI = nCount_RNA, nGene = nFeature_RNA)

Create sample columns: Get sample names for each of the cells based on the cell prefix

metadata$sample <- NA metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult1day0_"))] <- "adult1day0" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult1day7_"))] <- "adult1day7" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult1day28_"))] <- "adult1day28" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adultc1_"))] <- "adultc1" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child1day0_"))] <- "child1day0" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child1day7_"))] <- "child1day7" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child1day28_"))] <- "child1day28" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adultc2_"))] <- "adultc2" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult2day0_"))] <- "adult2day0" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult2day28_"))] <- "adult2day28" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult3day0_"))] <- "adult3day0" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult3day28_"))] <- "adult3day28" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child2day0_"))] <- "child2day0" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child2day28_"))] <- "child2day28" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child3day0_"))] <- "child3day0" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child3day28_"))] <- "child3day28" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult2day7_"))] <- "adult2day7" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^adult3day7_"))] <- "adult3day7" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child2day7_"))] <- "child2day7" metadata$sample[which(str_detect(metadata$cells, "^child3day7_"))] <- "child3day7"

Add metadata back to Seurat object <- metadata

Save R object as RDS to load at any time

saveRDS(merged_seurat, "merged_seurat.RDS")

Assess quality metrics

Visualise the number of cells per sample

metadata %>% ggplot(aes(x=sample, fill=sample)) + geom_bar() + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5, face="bold")) + ggtitle("NCells per sample") ggsave("raw_number of cells per sample.pdf")

Visualize the number UMIs/transcripts per cell

metadata %>% ggplot(aes(color=sample, x=nUMI, fill= sample)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + scale_x_log10() + theme_classic() + ylab("log10 Cell density") + geom_vline(xintercept = 500) + ggtitle("UMI counts(transcripts per cell)") ggsave("raw_number of UMIs or transcripts per sample.pdf")

Visualize the distribution of genes detected per cell via histogram

metadata %>% ggplot(aes(color=sample, x=nGene, fill= sample)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + theme_classic() + scale_x_log10() + geom_vline(xintercept = 300)+ ggtitle("nGenes detected per cell") ggsave("raw_distribution of genes detected per cell-histogram.pdf")

Visualize the distribution of genes detected per cell via boxplot

metadata %>% ggplot(aes(x=sample, y=log10(nGene), fill=sample)) + geom_boxplot() + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5, face="bold")) + ggtitle("NCells vs NGenes") ggsave("raw_distribution of genes detected per cell-boxplot.pdf")

Visualize the correlation between genes detected and number of UMIs and determine whether strong presence of cells with low numbers of genes/UMIs

metadata %>% ggplot(aes(x=nUMI, y=nGene, color=mitoRatio)) + geom_point() + scale_colour_gradient(low = "gray90", high = "black") + stat_smooth(method=lm) + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10() + theme_classic() + geom_vline(xintercept = 500) + geom_hline(yintercept = 250) + facet_wrap(~sample) + ggtitle("Correlation between genes and UMIs and presence of mitoRNA") ggsave("raw_correlation between genes and UMIs and presence of mitoRNA.pdf")

Visualize the distribution of mitochondrial gene expression detected per cell

metadata %>% ggplot(aes(color=sample, x=mitoRatio, fill=sample)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + scale_x_log10() + theme_classic() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5)+ ggtitle("Mitochondrial counts ratio") ggsave("raw_mitochondrial counts ratio.pdf")

Visualize the overall complexity of the gene expression by visualizing the genes detected per UMI

metadata %>% ggplot(aes(x=log10GenesPerUMI, color = sample, fill=sample)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + theme_classic() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.8)+ ggtitle("Complexity (genes detected per UMI)") ggsave("raw_complexity, genes detected per UMI.pdf")

Visualise QC by ViolinPlot

VlnPlot(merged_seurat, features = c("nUMI", "nGene","log10GenesPerUMI", "mitoRatio"), = "sample", pt.size = 0, ncol = 4) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) ggsave("raw_Vlnplot_sample.pdf", h=4.01, w=15.79)

Create for timpeoints and controls$day[$sample== "adult1day0"] <- "Day0"$day[$sample== "adult2day0"] <- "Day0"$day[$sample== "adult3day0"] <- "Day0"$day[$sample== "child1day0"] <- "Day0"$day[$sample== "child2day0"] <- "Day0"$day[$sample== "child3day0"] <- "Day0"$day[$sample== "adult1day7"] <- "Day7"$day[$sample== "adult2day7"] <-"Day7"$day[$sample== "adult3day7"] <-"Day7"$day[$sample== "child1day7"] <- "Day7"$day[$sample== "child2day7"] <-"Day7"$day[$sample== "child3day7"] <- "Day7"$day[$sample== "adult1day28"] <- "Day28"$day[$sample== "adult2day28"] <-"Day28"$day[$sample== "adult3day28"] <-"Day28"$day[$sample== "child1day28"] <- "Day28"$day[$sample== "child2day28"] <-"Day28"$day[$sample== "child3day28"] <- "Day28"$day[$sample== "adultc1"] <- "Control"$day[$sample== "adultc2"] <- "Control"

Define an order of cluster identities

day_levels <- c("Day0", "Day7", "Day28", "Control")

Re-level object@ident$day <- factor(x =$day, levels = day_levels)

QC violin plot according to Day

VlnPlot(merged_seurat, features = c("nUMI", "nGene","log10GenesPerUMI", "mitoRatio"), = "day", pt.size = 0, ncol = 4) +theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) ggsave("raw_Vlnplot_day.pdf", h=4.01, w=5.41)

Cell Filtering#####

Filter out low quality reads using manually/supervised selected thresholds to clean data and create consistency- these will change with experiment

filtered_seurat <- subset(x = merged_seurat, subset= (nUMI >= 500) & (nGene >= 250) & (log10GenesPerUMI > 0.80) & (mitoRatio < 0.20))

Output a logical vector for every gene on whether the more than zero counts per cell

Extract counts

counts <- GetAssayData(object = filtered_seurat, slot = "counts")

Output a logical vector for every gene on whether the more than zero counts per cell

nonzero <- counts > 0

Sums all TRUE values and returns TRUE if more than 10 TRUE values per gene

keep_genes <- Matrix::rowSums(nonzero) >= 10

Only keeping those genes expressed in more than 10 cells

filtered_counts <- counts[keep_genes, ]

Reassign to filtered Seurat object

filtered_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(filtered_counts, =

Create a clean (post-filtered) metadata dataframe by extracting the slot from the flitered Seurat object

metadata_clean <-

Assess quality metrics post-filter

Visualise the number of cells per sample

metadata_clean %>% ggplot(aes(x=sample, fill=sample)) + geom_bar() + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5, face="bold")) + ggtitle("NCells per sample") ggsave("filtered_number of cells per sample.pdf")

Visualize the number UMIs/transcripts per cell

metadata_clean %>% ggplot(aes(color=sample, x=nUMI, fill= sample)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + scale_x_log10() + theme_classic() + ylab("log10 Cell density") + geom_vline(xintercept = 500) + ggtitle("UMI counts(transcripts per cell)") ggsave("filtered_number of UMIs or transcripts per sample.pdf")

Visualize the distribution of genes detected per cell via histogram

metadata_clean %>% ggplot(aes(color=sample, x=nGene, fill= sample)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + theme_classic() + scale_x_log10() + geom_vline(xintercept = 300)+ ggtitle("nGenes detected per cell") ggsave("filtered_distribution of genes detected per cell-histogramt.pdf")

Visualize the distribution of genes detected per cell via boxplot

metadata_clean %>% ggplot(aes(x=sample, y=log10(nGene), fill=sample)) + geom_boxplot() + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5, face="bold")) + ggtitle("NCells vs NGenes") ggsave("filtered_distribution of genes detected per cell-boxplot.pdf")

Visualize the correlation between genes detected and number of UMIs and determine whether strong presence of cells with low numbers of genes/UMIs

metadata_clean %>% ggplot(aes(x=nUMI, y=nGene, color=mitoRatio)) + geom_point() + scale_colour_gradient(low = "gray90", high = "black") + stat_smooth(method=lm) + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10() + theme_classic() + geom_vline(xintercept = 500) + geom_hline(yintercept = 250) + facet_wrap(~sample) + ggtitle("Correlation between genes and UMIs and presence of mitoRNA") ggsave("filtered_correlation between genes and UMIs and presence of mitoRNA.pdf")

Visualize the distribution of mitochondrial gene expression detected per cell

metadata_clean %>% ggplot(aes(color=sample, x=mitoRatio, fill=sample)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + scale_x_log10() + theme_classic() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5)+ ggtitle("Mitochondrial counts ratio") ggsave("filtered_mitochondrial counts ratio.pdf")

Visualize the overall complexity of the gene expression by visualizing the genes detected per UMI

metadata_clean %>% ggplot(aes(x=log10GenesPerUMI, color = sample, fill=sample)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + theme_classic() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.8)+ ggtitle("Complexity (genes detected per UMI)") ggsave("filtered_complexity, genes detected per UMI.pdf")

QC violin plot according to Sample

VlnPlot(filtered_seurat, features = c("nUMI", "nGene","log10GenesPerUMI", "mitoRatio"), = "sample", pt.size = 0, ncol = 4) +theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) ggsave("filtered_Vlnplot_sample.pdf", h=4.01, w=15.79)

QC violin plot according to Day

VlnPlot(filtered_seurat, features = c("nUMI", "nGene","log10GenesPerUMI", "mitoRatio"), = "day", pt.size = 0, ncol = 4) +theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) ggsave("filtered_Vlnplot_day.pdf", h=4.01, w=5.41)

Save R object as RDS to load at any time

saveRDS(filtered_seurat, "filtered_seurat.RDS")


Cell Cycle scoring

#probably not needed

Define G2M and S phase cell cycle based on cannonical markers, (?????reference??????)

g2m_genes <- c("NCAPD2", "ANLN", "TACC3", "HMMR", "GTSE1", "NDC80", "AURKA", "TPX2", "BIRC5", "G2E3", "CBX5", "RANGAP1", "CTCF", "CDCA3", "TTK", "SMC4", "ECT2", "CENPA", "CDC20", "NEK2", "CENPF", "TMPO", "HJURP", "CKS2", "DLGAP5", "PIMREG", "TOP2A", "PSRC1", "CDCA8", "CKAP2", "NUSAP1", "KIF23", "KIF11", "KIF20B", "CENPE", "GAS2L3", "KIF2C", "NUF2", "ANP32E", "LBR", "MKI67", "CCNB2", "CDC25C", "HMGB2", "CKAP2L", "BUB1", "CDK1", "CKS1B", "UBE2C", "CKAP5", "AURKB", "CDCA2", "TUBB4B", "JPT1") s_genes <- c("UBR7", "RFC2", "RAD51", "MCM2", "TIPIN", "MCM6", "UNG", "POLD3", "WDR76", "CLSPN", "CDC45", "CDC6", "MSH2", "MCM5", "POLA1", "MCM4", "RAD51AP1", "GMNN", "RPA2", "CASP8AP2", "HELLS", "E2F8", "GINS2", "PCNA", "NASP", "BRIP1", "DSCC1", "DTL", "CDCA7", "CENPU", "ATAD2", "CHAF1B", "USP1", "SLBP", "RRM1", "FEN1", "RRM2", "EXO1", "CCNE2", "TYMS", "BLM", "PRIM1", "UHRF1")

Score cells for cell cycle

seurat_phase <- NormalizeData(filtered_seurat) seurat_phase <- CellCycleScoring(seurat_phase, g2m.features = g2m_genes, s.features = s_genes)

Identify the most variable genes

seurat_phase <- FindVariableFeatures(seurat_phase, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000, verbose = FALSE)

Scale the counts

seurat_phase <- ScaleData(seurat_phase)

Perform PCA

seurat_phase <- RunPCA(seurat_phase)

Remove residual RBC

#Filter out residual haemoglobin-associated genes counts <- GetAssayData(filtered_seurat, assay = "RNA") counts <- counts[-(which(rownames(counts) %in% c('HBB','HBA1','HBA2','HBG2','HBG1','HBD'))),] filtered_seurat <- subset(filtered_seurat, features = rownames(counts)) options(future.globals.maxSize = 4000 * 1024^4)

Save R object as RDS to load at any time

saveRDS(filtered_seurat, "filtered_seurat.RDS")

PBMC Data Integration and Clustering

WARNING: This task requires significant processing power: ~104gB RAM, ~6CPUs, 5hr run-time

If reviewers do not have access to a device capable, we recommend to skip to "PBMC cluster visualisation" and import object - "seurat_integrated.rds" in submission folder

Split seurat object by sample to perform cell cycle scoring and normalization on all samples

split_seurat <- SplitObject(filtered_seurat, = "sample") split_seurat <- split_seurat[c("adult1day0", "adult1day7", "adult1day28","adultc1","child1day7","child1day28","adultc2","adult2day0", "adult2day28", "adult3day0", "adult3day28", "child2day0", "child2day28", "child3day0", "child3day28", "adult2day7", "adult3day7", "child2day7", "child3day7")]

Defined G2M and S phase cell cycle based on cannonical markers, (?????reference??????)

g2m_genes <- c("NCAPD2", "ANLN", "TACC3", "HMMR", "GTSE1", "NDC80", "AURKA", "TPX2", "BIRC5", "G2E3", "CBX5", "RANGAP1", "CTCF", "CDCA3", "TTK", "SMC4", "ECT2", "CENPA", "CDC20", "NEK2", "CENPF", "TMPO", "HJURP", "CKS2", "DLGAP5", "PIMREG", "TOP2A", "PSRC1", "CDCA8", "CKAP2", "NUSAP1", "KIF23", "KIF11", "KIF20B", "CENPE", "GAS2L3", "KIF2C", "NUF2", "ANP32E", "LBR", "MKI67", "CCNB2", "CDC25C", "HMGB2", "CKAP2L", "BUB1", "CDK1", "CKS1B", "UBE2C", "CKAP5", "AURKB", "CDCA2", "TUBB4B", "JPT1") s_genes <- c("UBR7", "RFC2", "RAD51", "MCM2", "TIPIN", "MCM6", "UNG", "POLD3", "WDR76", "CLSPN", "CDC45", "CDC6", "MSH2", "MCM5", "POLA1", "MCM4", "RAD51AP1", "GMNN", "RPA2", "CASP8AP2", "HELLS", "E2F8", "GINS2", "PCNA", "NASP", "BRIP1", "DSCC1", "DTL", "CDCA7", "CENPU", "ATAD2", "CHAF1B", "USP1", "SLBP", "RRM1", "FEN1", "RRM2", "EXO1", "CCNE2", "TYMS", "BLM", "PRIM1", "UHRF1") for (i in 1:length(x = split_seurat)) { split_seurat[[i]] <- NormalizeData(object = split_seurat[[i]], verbose = FALSE) split_seurat[[i]] <- CellCycleScoring(split_seurat[[i]], g2m.features=g2m_genes, s.features=s_genes) split_seurat[[i]] <- FindVariableFeatures(object = split_seurat[[i]], selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000, verbose = FALSE) }

Find Integration Anchors and integrate data

integ.anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = split_seurat, dims = 1:20) seurat_integrated <- IntegrateData(anchorset = integ.anchors, dims = 1:20) DefaultAssay(seurat_integrated) <- "integrated"

Run the standard workflow for visualization and clustering

seurat_integrated <- ScaleData(seurat_integrated, = c("mitoRatio")) seurat_integrated <- RunPCA(seurat_integrated, npcs = 30)


seurat_integrated <- RunUMAP(seurat_integrated, dims = 1:30, reduction = "pca")

Determine the K-nearest neighbor graph

seurat_integrated <- FindNeighbors(object = seurat_integrated, dims = 1:30) seurat_integrated <- FindClusters(object = seurat_integrated, resolution=0.6) DimPlot(seurat_integrated, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE, label.size = 6) saveRDS(seurat_integrated, "seurat_integrated.RDS")

PBMC Cluster visualisation

seurat_integrated <-readRDS("seurat_integrated.rds")$donor[$orig.ident=="adult1day0"] <- "Adult1"$donor[$orig.ident=="adult2day0"] <- "Adult2"$donor[$orig.ident=="adult3day0"] <- "Adult3"$donor[$orig.ident=="child2day0"] <- "Child2"$donor[$orig.ident=="child3day0"] <- "Child3"$donor[$orig.ident=="adult1day7"] <- "Adult1"$donor[$orig.ident=="adult2day7"] <- "Adult2"$donor[$orig.ident=="adult3day7"] <- "donor7"$donor[$orig.ident=="child1day7"] <- "Child1"$donor[$orig.ident=="child2day7"] <- "Child2"$donor[$orig.ident=="child3day7"] <- "Child3"$donor[$orig.ident=="adult1day28"] <- "Adult1"$donor[$orig.ident=="adult2day28"] <- "Adult2"$donor[$orig.ident=="adult3day28"] <- "Adult3"$donor[$orig.ident=="child1day28"] <- "Child1"$donor[$orig.ident=="child2day28"] <- "Child2"$donor[$orig.ident=="child3day28"] <- "Child3"$donor[$orig.ident=="adultc1"] <- "Control1"$donor[$orig.ident=="adultc2"] <- "Control2" #Set identity at integrated_snn_res.0.6 to compare clusters at chosen resolution Idents(seurat_integrated) <- "integrated_snn_res.0.6"

Visualise canonical PBMC gene expression in cluster

DotPlot(seurat_integrated, features=c("CD14","LYZ", "S100A8", "S100A9", "IL1A", "IL1B", "TNF", "FCER1G", "CTSS", "FCGR3A", "CX3CR1", "CDKN1C", "IFITM3", "FCER1A", "CD1C", "HLA-DRA", "HLA-DRB1", "CD74", "CLEC4C", "LILRA4", "PLD4", "SERPINF1", "IL3RA", "CCR7", "GIMAP7", "IL7R", "MAL", "LTB", "NELL2", "PASK", "CD8A", "CD8B", "KLRB1", "KLRG1", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "TRDC", "NCAM1", "GNLY", "NKG7", "GZMA", "GZMB", "KLRC1", "KLRD1", "CD19", "CD79A", "BANK1", "IGHM","IGHD", "MZB1", "CD38", "JCHAIN", "IGHA1", "IGHG1", "IGHG3", "MKI67", "PCNA", "STMN1", "PCLAF", "CD34", "SPINK2", "SMIM24", "AVP", "PPBP", "ITGB3", "PF4", "NRGN"),cols=c("white", "red3")) +coord_flip()+ theme_bw(base_size=14)+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1))+theme (panel.grid.major = element_blank (), panel.grid.minor = element_blank ()) ggsave("Clustering_compare-Dotplot.pdf", h =16, w=14)

Based on canonical genes rename cluster identitites

seurat_integrated <- RenameIdents(object = seurat_integrated,
"0"= "CD4 T cells", "1"="CD4 T cells", "2"= "CD8 T cells", "3" = "NK cells", "4" = "CD8 T cells", "5" = "CD4 T cells", "6" = "γδ T cells", "7" = "CD14 Monocytes", "8" = "CD4 T cells", "9" = "NK cells", "10" = "B cells", "11" = "B cells", "12" = "CD8 T cells", "13" = "CD4 T cells", "14" = "CD4 T cells", "15" = "Uncharacterised", "16" = "CD16 Monocytes", "17" = "NKT cells", "18" = "Plasma cells", "19" = "cDCs", "20" = "pDCs", "21" = "HSPCs", "22" = "Platelets")

Visualise mKi67 expression to find proliferating cells

FeaturePlot(seurat_integrated, reduction = "umap", features = "MKI67", raster = TRUE) ggsave("MIK67-FeaturePlot.pdf", h =6, w = 6)

Using cell selector rename distinct MKI67 cluster as 'Proliferating cells'

plot <- DimPlot(seurat_integrated) cells.proliferating <- CellSelector(plot = plot) #Click done in GUI, then select cells again below seurat_integrated <- CellSelector(plot = plot, object = seurat_integrated, ident = "Proliferating cells")

Check cell selector has worked

DimPlot(seurat_integrated, reduction = "umap", label = FALSE, raster = TRUE)

Add cluster annotation in active identity to and order identities for dotplot visualisation

seurat_integrated[["annotate_cluster"]] <-Idents(object = seurat_integrated)$annotate_cluster <- factor($annotate_cluster, levels = c("CD14 Monocytes","CD16 Monocytes","cDCs","pDCs","CD4 T cells","CD8 T cells","γδ T cells","NKT cells","NK cells","B cells","Plasma cells","Proliferating cells","HSPCs","Platelets","Uncharacterised")) #Check annotation unique($annotate_cluster) #Set annotation as active identity Idents(seurat_integrated) <- "annotate_cluster" #Check annotated clusters expression of canonical genes DotPlot(seurat_integrated, features=c("CD14","LYZ", "S100A8", "S100A9", "IL1A", "IL1B", "TNF", "FCER1G", "CTSS", "FCGR3A", "CX3CR1", "CDKN1C", "IFITM3", "FCER1A", "CD1C", "HLA-DRA", "HLA-DRB1", "CD74", "CLEC4C", "LILRA4", "PLD4", "SERPINF1", "IL3RA", "CCR7", "GIMAP7", "IL7R", "MAL", "LTB", "NELL2", "PASK", "CD8A", "CD8B", "KLRB1", "KLRG1", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "TRDC", "NCAM1", "GNLY", "NKG7", "GZMA", "GZMB", "KLRC1", "KLRD1", "CD19", "CD79A", "BANK1", "IGHM","IGHD", "MZB1", "CD38", "JCHAIN", "IGHA1", "IGHG1", "IGHG3", "MKI67", "PCNA", "STMN1", "PCLAF", "CD34", "SPINK2", "SMIM24", "AVP", "PPBP", "ITGB3", "PF4", "NRGN"),cols=c("white", "red3")) +coord_flip()+ theme_bw(base_size=14)+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1))+theme (panel.grid.major = element_blank (), panel.grid.minor = element_blank ()) ggsave("AnnotatedClustering_compare-Dotplot.pdf", h =16, w=14)

Identify DEGs between days####

This is an example using CD14 monocytes of how we analysed our clusters and identified DEGs between days

Create Donor$donor[$orig.ident %in% c("adult1day0","adult1day7","adult1day28" )] <- "Adult1"$donor[$orig.ident %in% c("adult2day0","adult2day7","adult2day28" )] <- "Adult2"$donor[$orig.ident %in% c("adult3day0","adult3day7","adult3day28" )] <- "Adult3"$donor[$orig.ident %in% c("child1day7","child1day28" )] <- "Child1"$donor[$orig.ident %in% c("child2day0","child2day7","child2day28" )] <- "Child2"$donor[$orig.ident %in% c("child3day0","child3day7","child3day28" )] <- "Child3"$donor[$orig.ident=="adultc1"] <- "Control1"$donor[$orig.ident=="adultc2"] <- "Control2"

Create Day$Day[$orig.ident %in% c("adult1day0","adult2day0","adult3day0","child2day0","child3day0")] <- "Day0"$Day[$orig.ident %in% c("adult1day7","adult2day7","adult3day7","child1day7","child2day7","child3day7")] <- "Day7"$Day[$orig.ident %in% c("adult1day28","adult2day28","adult3day28","child1day28","child2day28","child3day28")] <- "Day28"$Day[$orig.ident %in% c("adultc1","adultc2")] <- "Control"

Add for the group and day

seurat_integrated$celltype_day <- paste(seurat_integrated$annotate_cluster, seurat_integrated$Day, sep = "_") ##use the to find DEGs for each subset and day combination i.e. find DEGS for CD14 Monocytes comparing Day 0 with Day 7, Day 0 with Day 28, Day 7 with Day 28. Idents(seurat_integrated) <- "celltype_day" DefaultAssay(seurat_integrated) <- "RNA" CD14Monos_d0v7 <- FindMarkers(seurat_integrated, ident.1 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day0", ident.2 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day7", test.use = "MAST") CD14Monos_d0v7['Comparison'] <- "0v7" write.csv(CD14Monos_d0v7, "CD14Monos_d0v7.csv") with(CD14Monos_d0v7, sum(p_val_adj < 0.05)) #1556 DEGs with p_val_adj < 0.05 CD14Monos_d0v28 <- FindMarkers(seurat_integrated, ident.1 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day0", ident.2 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day28", test.use = "MAST") CD14Monos_d0v28['Comparison'] <- "0v28" write.csv(CD14Monos_d0v28, "CD14Monos_d0v28.csv") with(CD14Monos_d0v28, sum(p_val_adj < 0.05)) #1677 DEGs with p_val_adj < 0.05 CD14Monos_d7v28 <- FindMarkers(seurat_integrated, ident.1 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day7", ident.2 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day28", test.use = "MAST") CD14Monos_d7v28['Comparison'] <- "7v28" write.csv(CD14Monos_d7v28, "CD14Monos_d7v28.csv") with(CD14Monos_d7v28, sum(p_val_adj < 0.05)) #286 DEGs with p_val_adj < 0.05 CD14Monos_d0vC <- FindMarkers(seurat_integrated, ident.1 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day0", ident.2 = "CD14 Monocytes_Control", test.use = "MAST") CD14Monos_d0vC['Comparison'] <- "0vC" write.csv(CD14Monos_d0vC, "CD14Monos_d0vC.csv") with(CD14Monos_d0vC, sum(p_val_adj < 0.05)) #1698 DEGs with p_val_adj < 0.05 CD14Monos_d7vC <- FindMarkers(seurat_integrated, ident.1 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day7", ident.2 = "CD14 Monocytes_Control", test.use = "MAST") CD14Monos_d7vC['Comparison'] <- "7vC" write.csv(CD14Monos_d7vC, "CD14Monos_d7vC.csv") with(CD14Monos_d7vC, sum(p_val_adj < 0.05)) #506 DEGs with p_val_adj < 0.05 CD14Monos_d28vC <- FindMarkers(seurat_integrated, ident.1 = "CD14 Monocytes_Day28", ident.2 = "CD14 Monocytes_Control", test.use = "MAST") CD14Monos_d28vC['Comparison'] <- "28vC" write.csv(CD14Monos_d28vC, "CD14Monos_d28vC.csv") with(CD14Monos_d28vC, sum(p_val_adj < 0.05)) #764 DEGs with p_val_adj < 0.05 saveRDS(seurat_integrated, "seurat_integrated_annot.rds")

Sub-cluster analysis example gamma-delta T cells####

Here is an example of how we re-import our PBMC subclusters as their own seurat object and perform further clustering,classification and DEG analysis. This code will take less than 20 minutes to run

seurat_integrated_annot <-readRDS("seurat_integrated_annot.rds") Idents(seurat_integrated_annot) <- "annotate_cluster" annotated_gd <-subset(seurat_integrated_annot, idents = "γδ T cells") #QC pdf("QC_gd.pdf", h = 8, w = 12) VlnPlot(annotated_gd, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "mitoRatio"), pt.size = 0.001) FeatureScatter(annotated_gd, "nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA") ##Based on these graphs we'll remove nFeature_RNA > 500 & nFeature_RNA < 3500 & mitoRatio > 0.015 table($Day)

Control Day0 Day28 Day7

1151 867 2877 2263

annotated_gdF <- subset(annotated_gd, subset = nFeature_RNA > 500 & nFeature_RNA < 3500 & mitoRatio > 0.015)

Control Day0 Day28 Day7

1110 819 2794 2202

##Saving filtered seurat object #Filtered data QC pdf("QC_postfilter.pdf", h = 8, w = 12) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "mitoRatio"), pt.size = 0.001) FeatureScatter(annotated_gdF, "nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA") #Findvariable genes annotated_gdF <- FindVariableFeatures(annotated_gdF, selection.method = 'vst', nfeatures = 10000)

Identify the 20 most highly variable genes

top20 <- head(VariableFeatures(annotated_gdF), 20)

plot variable features with and without labels

plot1 <- VariableFeaturePlot(annotated_gdF) plot2 <- LabelPoints(plot = plot1, points = top20, repel = TRUE) #> When using repel, set xnudge and ynudge to 0 for optimal results pdf("Top20_variable genes.pdf", h = 8, w= 15) plot1 + plot2

Scale Data and Run PCA

DefaultAssay(annotated_gdF) <- "integrated" annotated_gdF <- ScaleData(annotated_gdF, = c("mitoRatio")) annotated_gdF <- RunPCA(annotated_gdF, npcs = 30)

Examine and visualize PCA results a few different ways

print(annotated_gdF[["pca"]], dims = 1:5, nfeatures = 10) VizDimLoadings(annotated_gdF, dims = 1:2, reduction = "pca") VizDimLoadings(annotated_gdF, dims = 3:4, reduction = "pca") VizDimLoadings(annotated_gdF, dims = 5, reduction = "pca") DimHeatmap(annotated_gdF, dims = 1:15, cells = 500, balanced = TRUE) ElbowPlot(annotated_gdF)


annotated_gdF <- RunUMAP(annotated_gdF, dims = 1:30, reduction = "pca")

Determine the K-nearest neighbor graph

annotated_gdF <- FindNeighbors(object = annotated_gdF, dims = 1:30) annotated_gdF <- FindClusters(object = annotated_gdF, resolution = 0.6, verbose = TRUE)

Visualise Clustering

DimPlot(annotated_gdF, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE, label.size = 3) ggsave("gdClustering_umap.pdf", h =6, w=6)

Using cell selector investigate cells @UMAP-1 ~15

plot <- DimPlot(annotated_gdF) cells.proliferating <- CellSelector(plot = plot)

Click done in GUI, then select cells again below

annotated_gdF <- CellSelector(plot = plot, object = annotated_gdF, ident = "8") annotated_gdF[["integrated_snn_res.0.6_V2"]] <-Idents(object = annotated_gdF) Idents(annotated_gdF) <- "integrated_snn_res.0.6_V2" DimPlot(annotated_gdF, reduction = "umap", label = FALSE)

Check annotated clusters expression of canonical genes

DotPlot(annotated_gdF, features=c("CD14","LYZ", "S100A8", "S100A9", "IL1A", "IL1B", "TNF", "FCER1G", "CTSS", "FCGR3A", "CX3CR1", "CDKN1C", "IFITM3", "FCER1A", "CD1C", "HLA-DRA", "HLA-DRB1", "CD74", "CLEC4C", "LILRA4", "PLD4", "SERPINF1", "IL3RA", "CCR7", "GIMAP7", "IL7R", "MAL", "LTB", "NELL2", "PASK", "CD8A", "CD8B", "KLRB1", "KLRG1", "TRGC1", "TRGC2", "TRDC", "NCAM1", "GNLY", "NKG7", "GZMA", "GZMB", "KLRC1", "KLRD1", "CD19", "CD79A", "BANK1", "IGHM","IGHD", "MZB1", "CD38", "JCHAIN", "IGHA1", "IGHG1", "IGHG3", "MKI67", "PCNA", "STMN1", "PCLAF", "CD34", "SPINK2", "SMIM24", "AVP", "PPBP", "ITGB3", "PF4", "NRGN"),cols=c("white", "red3")) +coord_flip()+ theme_bw(base_size=14)+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1))+theme (panel.grid.major = element_blank (), panel.grid.minor = element_blank ()) ggsave("gdClustering_Filtered-investigate.pdf", h =16, w=8)

Based on canonical gene expression c8 &c7 look like artifact of clustering likely pDCs/CD14 monocytes & CD16 monocytes respectively- remove from analysis

keep_idents <- c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6") annotated_gdF_sub <- subset(annotated_gdF, integrated_snn_res.0.6_V2 %in% keep_idents) Idents(annotated_gdF_sub) <- "integrated_snn_res.0.6_V3" DimPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", label = FALSE)

Re-run UMAP

annotated_gdF_sub <- RunUMAP(annotated_gdF_sub, dims = 1:30, reduction = "pca")

Re-run Determine the K-nearest neighbor graph

annotated_gdF_sub <- FindNeighbors(object = annotated_gdF_sub, dims = 1:30) annotated_gdF_sub <- FindClusters(object = annotated_gdF_sub, resolution = 0.6, verbose = TRUE) DimPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE, label.size = 3) ggsave("gdClustering_Filtered-umap.pdf", h =6, w=6) Idents(annotated_gdF_sub) <- "integrated_snn_res.0.6" DimPlot(annotated_gdF_sub,reduction = "umap", = "Day") ggsave("gdClustering_Filtered-umap_day.pdf", h =4, w=8) DimPlot(annotated_gdF_sub,reduction = "umap", = "Phase") ggsave("gdClustering_Filtered-umap_phase.pdf", h =4, w=8) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "mitoRatio"), = "integrated_snn_res.0.6", pt.size = 0.001) ggsave("gdClustering_Filtered-QC.pdf", h =4, w=8)

This code here sets all RNA rows (genes) as all.genes then scales the gene expression across cells/barcodes

DefaultAssay(annotated_gdF_sub) <- "RNA" all.genes <- rownames(annotated_gdF_sub) annotated_gdF_sub <- ScaleData(annotated_gdF_sub, features = all.genes)

find markers for every cluster compared to all remaining cells, report

only the positive ones

annotated_gdF_sub.markers <- FindAllMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.25, logfc.threshold = 0.25) annotated_gdF_sub.markers %>% group_by(cluster) %>% slice_max(n = 2, order_by = avg_log2FC) write.csv(annotated_gdF_sub.markers, "gdClustering_TOPDEGbwClusters.csv")

Visualisation of Top20 DEG

pdf("gdClustering_Top20_DEGplots.pdf", h=14, w =14) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("YBX3", "RGCC", "CCL4L2","CCL4","KLRB1","LTB","CEBPD","CD8A", "GZMB","GNLY","AQP3","FGFBP2","GNLY","HLA-DRA","CD74")) FeaturePlot(annotated_gdF_sub,reduction = "umap", keep.scale = "feature", features = c("YBX3", "RGCC", "CCL4L2","CCL4","KLRB1","LTB","CEBPD","CD8A", "GZMB","GNLY","AQP3","FGFBP2","GNLY","HLA-DRA","CD74")) annotated_gdF_sub.markers %>% group_by(cluster) %>% top_n(n = 20, wt = avg_log2FC) -> top20 DoHeatmap(annotated_gdF_sub, features = top20$gene)

find all markers of cluster 0

pdf("gdClustering_cluster_vlnandFeatureplots.pdf", h = 12, w = 16) cluster0.markers <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = 0, ident.2 = c(1:6), min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE) cluster0.markers <- cluster0.markers[order(cluster0.markers$avg_log2FC, rev(cluster0.markers$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] head(cluster0.markers, n = 20) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("FGFBP2", "GNLY", "GZMH","GZMB", "NKG7","FCGR3A","KLRD1","LGALS1","KLRD1","CD247","CST7","CCL5", "PRF1", "KLRF1")) FeaturePlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", features = c("FGFBP2", "GNLY", "GZMH","GZMB", "NKG7","FCGR3A","KLRD1","LGALS1","KLRD1","CD247","CST7","CCL5", "PRF1", "KLRF1"))

find all markers of cluster 1

cluster1.markers <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = 1, ident.2 = c(0,2:6), min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE) cluster1.markers <- cluster1.markers[order(cluster1.markers$avg_log2FC, rev(cluster1.markers$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] head(cluster1.markers, n = 20) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("LTB", "AQP3", "TNFRSF4","ICOS", "CD4","CCR6","CD2","CCR7","IL7R","FLT3LG")) FeaturePlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", features = c("LTB", "AQP3", "TNFRSF4","ICOS", "CD4","CCR6","CD2","CCR7","IL7R","FLT3LG"))

find all markers of cluster 2

cluster2.markers <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = 2, ident.2 = c(0:1,3:6), min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE) cluster2.markers <- cluster2.markers[order(cluster2.markers$avg_log2FC, rev(cluster2.markers$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] head(cluster2.markers, n = 20) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("CEBPD", "CD8A", "KLRB1","FAM43A", "NCR3","GZMK","AQP3","IL4I1","IL7R","FURIN")) FeaturePlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", features = c("CEBPD", "CD8A", "KLRB1","FAM43A", "NCR3","GZMK","AQP3","IL4I1","IL7R","FURIN"))

find all markers of cluster 3

cluster3.markers <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = 3, ident.2 = c(0:2,4:6), min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE) cluster3.markers <- cluster3.markers[order(cluster3.markers$avg_log2FC, rev(cluster3.markers$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] head(cluster3.markers, n = 20) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("CCL4L2", "CCL4", "CCL3","IFNG", "TNF","EGR1","XCL2","CD69","NFKBID", "BTG2", "IER2","PMAIP1")) FeaturePlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", features = c("CCL4L2", "CCL4", "CCL3","IFNG", "TNF","EGR1","XCL2","CD69","NFKBID", "BTG2", "IER2","PMAIP1"))

find all markers of cluster 4

cluster4.markers <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = 4, ident.2 = c(0:3,5:6), min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE) cluster4.markers <- cluster4.markers[order(cluster4.markers$avg_log2FC, rev(cluster4.markers$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] head(cluster4.markers, n = 20) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("YBX3", "RGCC", "ID1","VIM", "IER5L","CREN","CD7","IFRD1","CXCR3")) FeaturePlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", features = c("YBX3", "RGCC", "ID1","VIM", "IER5L","CREN","CD7","IFRD1","CXCR3"))

find all markers of cluster 5

cluster5.markers <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = 5, ident.2 = c(0:4,6), min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE) cluster5.markers <- cluster5.markers[order(cluster5.markers$avg_log2FC, rev(cluster5.markers$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] head(cluster5.markers, n = 20) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("KLRB1", "CCR6","LTB", "CD8A","TNF", "IER3","IL7R","NCR3","CD69","EGR1", "GZMK", "AQP3")) FeaturePlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", features = c("KLRB1", "CCR6","LTB", "CD8A","TNF", "IER3","IL7R","NCR3","CD69","EGR1", "GZMK", "AQP3"))

find all markers of cluster 6

cluster6.markers <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = 6, ident.2 = c(0:5), min.pct = 0.25, only.pos = TRUE) cluster6.markers <- cluster6.markers[order(cluster6.markers$avg_log2FC, rev(cluster6.markers$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] head(cluster6.markers, n = 20) VlnPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features = c("HLA-DRA", "CD74","COTL1", "CD8B","TRAC", "HLA-DRB1","HLA-DQB1","GZMK","CXCR3","HLA-DPA1", "HLA-DRB5", "HLA-DPB1","IL32")) FeaturePlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", features = c("HLA-DRA", "CD74","COTL1", "CD8B","TRAC", "HLA-DRB1","HLA-DQB1","GZMK","CXCR3","HLA-DPA1", "HLA-DRB5", "HLA-DPB1","IL32"))

c2 and c5 look similar

GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6 <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF, ident.1 = "2", ident.2 = "5", grouping.var = "sample") GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6 <- GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6[order(GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6$avg_log2FC, rev(GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] head(GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6, n = 20) tail(GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6, n = 20)

Difference is mostly inflammatory gene expression but difference is not great plan to combine

Write CSV for records

write.csv(cluster0.markers, "cluster0_markers.csv") write.csv(cluster1.markers, "cluster1_markers.csv") write.csv(cluster2.markers, "cluster2_markers.csv") write.csv(cluster3.markers, "cluster3_markers.csv") write.csv(cluster4.markers, "cluster4_markers.csv") write.csv(cluster5.markers, "cluster5_markers.csv") write.csv(cluster6.markers, "cluster6_markers.csv") write.csv(GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6, "GD_cluster_markers2V5_res0.6.csv")

based upon above cluster investigation above and gene list from paper ; in particular Naive and Type3


Inflammatory "CCL4l2", CCL4 "CCL3","IFNG", "TNF"

#antigen-presenting "HLA-DRA", "CD74", "HLA-DQB1", "HLA-DRB1",""HLA-DPA1", "HLA-DPB1","HLA-DRB5" #transitional YBX3, ER5L ypel5 ifrd1 akna(cd40 related)

Idents(annotated_gdF_sub)<-"integrated_snn_res.0.6" DimPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap")$res0.6_collapsed[$integrated_snn_res.0.6 == 0] <- "Cytotoxic"$res0.6_collapsed[$integrated_snn_res.0.6 == 2] <- "Naive"$res0.6_collapsed[$integrated_snn_res.0.6 %in% c(1,5)] <- "Type3"$res0.6_collapsed[$integrated_snn_res.0.6 == 3] <- "Inflammatory"$res0.6_collapsed[$integrated_snn_res.0.6 == 4] <- "Transitional"$res0.6_collapsed[$integrated_snn_res.0.6 == 6] <- "Antigen_presenting"

Select cluster annotation

Idents(annotated_gdF_sub) <- "res0.6_collapsed"

Visualise cluster annotation with UMAP

pdf("annotatedGD_umap.pdf", h = 8, w = 8) DimPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap") DimPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", = "Day", ncol = 4) DimPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, reduction = "umap", = "sample", ncol = 4)

Visualize TOP DEG gene expressions with violin plots comparing clusters

DefaultAssay(annotated_gdF_sub) <- "RNA" GD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed <- FindAllMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, grouping.var = "res0.6_collapsed") GD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed <- GD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed %>% arrange(cluster, desc(avg_log2FC)) write.csv(GD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed, "GD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed.csv") pGD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed <- subset(GD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed, p_val_adj < 0.0500) write.csv(pGD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed, "pGD_cluster_markers_res0.6_collapsed.csv")

Order clusters in$res0.6_collapsed <- factor($res0.6_collapsed, levels = c("Cytotoxic","Inflammatory","Antigen_presenting","Transitional","Type3", "Naive"))

Dotplot of Avg Expression

DotPlot(annotated_gdF_sub, features=c("GNLY","GZMB","GZMH", "NKG7", "FCGR3A","FGFBP2", "CCL4L2", "CCL4", "CCL3", "IFNG", "TNF", "HLA-DRA", "CD74", "HLA-DQB1", "HLA-DPA1", "IER5L", "YPEL5", "IFRD1", "IL21R", "KLRB1", "NCR3", "RORA","IL7R", "LTB", "AQP3", "CCR7"), cols=c("white", "red3"), col.min = 0, col.max = 2.5, = "res0.6_collapsed") + theme_bw(base_size=14)+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 1, hjust=1))+ theme (panel.grid.major = element_blank (), panel.grid.minor = element_blank ()) ggsave("annotatedGD_dotplotID.pdf", h = 2.71, w = 9.02)

Add age$age[$donor %in% c("Adult1","Adult2","Adult3", "Control1", "Control2")] <- "Adult"$age[$donor %in% c("Child1","Child2","Child3")] <- "Child"

Subcluster frequencies across days line plots

countcluster <- table($sample,$res0.6_collapsed) write.csv(countcluster, "countcluster.csv") countcluster <- read.csv("countcluster.csv") colnames(countcluster)[which(colnames(countcluster) == "X")] <- "sample"

Assuming the Seurat object is named 'seurat_obj'

metadata_df <- %>% select(Day, donor, age, sample) %>% # Select the columns you want to add distinct() %>% # Remove duplicate rows rename_all(~tolower(.)) # Rename the columns to lowercase

Add the columns to the original table

countcluster_with_metadata <- countcluster %>% left_join(metadata_df, by = "sample") countcluster_with_metadata$Total <- rowSums(countcluster_with_metadata[, 2:7])

Define levels and comparisons

countcluster_with_metadata$donor <- factor(countcluster_with_metadata$donor) countcluster_with_metadata$day <- factor(countcluster_with_metadata$day, levels = c("Day0","Day7","Day28","Control")) ST <- list(c("Day0","Day7"), c("Day0", "Day28"),c("Day0","Control"))

create a vector of column names to loop over

cols <- c("Naive", "Type3", "Transitional", "Antigen_presenting", "Inflammatory", "Cytotoxic")

loop over each column and create a graph

for (col in cols) {

convert columns to factor if necessary

if (col %in% c("donor", "day")) { countcluster_with_metadata[[col]] <- factor(countcluster_with_metadata[[col]]) }

create graph

graph <- ggplot(countcluster_with_metadata, aes(x = day, y = ((.data[[col]] / Total) * 100))) + geom_line(aes(group = donor)) + geom_point(aes(shape = age), size = 2) + theme_bw() + scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10", limits = c(0.5, 100), expand = expansion(mult = c(0.1, 0.1))) + stat_compare_means(comparisons = ST, paired = FALSE, method = "wilcox.test", tip.length = 0, size = 2) + labs(y = paste(col, "Log (Proportions of cell type)"), x = "") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6, face = "bold"), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 6, face = "bold"), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 6, face = "bold"), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 6, face = "bold"), strip.text = element_text(size = 6, face = "bold"), legend.text = element_text(size = 4), legend.title = element_text(size = 4))

save graph as a pdf file

ggsave(paste0(col, "_lineplot_cluster.pdf"), graph, height = 2, width = 2.5) }

Begin DEG investigation of Clusters across day0 and day28$cluster_day <- paste($res0.6_collapsed,$Day, sep="_") Idents(annotated_gdF_sub) <- "cluster_day" DefaultAssay(annotated_gdF_sub) <- "RNA" Naive_0v28 <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = "Naive_Day0", ident.2 = "Naive_Day28", only.pos = TRUE) Naive_0v28 <- Naive_0v28[order(Naive_0v28$avg_log2FC, rev(Naive_0v28$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] Naive_0v28 <- Naive_0v28 %>% rownames_to_column(var = "gene") Naive_0v28['cluster'] <- "Naive" Type3_0v28 <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = "Type3_Day0", ident.2 = "Type3_Day28", only.pos = TRUE) Type3_0v28 <- Type3_0v28[order(Type3_0v28$avg_log2FC, rev(Type3_0v28$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] Type3_0v28 <- Type3_0v28 %>% rownames_to_column(var = "gene") Type3_0v28['cluster'] <- "Type3" Transitional_0v28 <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = "Transitional_Day0", ident.2 = "Transitional_Day28", only.pos = TRUE) Transitional_0v28 <- Transitional_0v28[order(Transitional_0v28$avg_log2FC, rev(Transitional_0v28$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] Transitional_0v28 <- Transitional_0v28 %>% rownames_to_column(var = "gene") Transitional_0v28['cluster'] <- "Transitional" Inflammatory_0v28 <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = "Inflammatory_Day0", ident.2 = "Inflammatory_Day28", only.pos = TRUE) Inflammatory_0v28 <- Inflammatory_0v28[order(Inflammatory_0v28$avg_log2FC, rev(Inflammatory_0v28$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] Inflammatory_0v28 <- Inflammatory_0v28 %>% rownames_to_column(var = "gene") Inflammatory_0v28['cluster'] <- "Inflammatory" Cytotoxic_0v28 <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = "Cytotoxic_Day0", ident.2 = "Cytotoxic_Day28", only.pos = TRUE) Cytotoxic_0v28 <- Cytotoxic_0v28[order(Cytotoxic_0v28$avg_log2FC, rev(Cytotoxic_0v28$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] Cytotoxic_0v28 <- Cytotoxic_0v28 %>% rownames_to_column(var = "gene") Cytotoxic_0v28['cluster'] <- "Cytotoxic" Antigen_presenting_0v28 <- FindMarkers(annotated_gdF_sub, ident.1 = "Antigen_presenting_Day0", ident.2 = "Antigen_presenting_Day28", only.pos = TRUE) Antigen_presenting_0v28 <- Antigen_presenting_0v28[order(Antigen_presenting_0v28$avg_log2FC, rev(Antigen_presenting_0v28$p_val_adj), decreasing = TRUE), ] Antigen_presenting_0v28 <- Antigen_presenting_0v28 %>% rownames_to_column(var = "gene") Antigen_presenting_0v28['cluster'] <- "Antigen_presenting"

remove degs with p values greater than 0.05

pNaive_0v28 <- subset(Naive_0v28, p_val_adj < 0.0500) pType3_0v28 <- subset(Type3_0v28, p_val_adj < 0.0500) pTransitional_0v28 <- subset(Transitional_0v28, p_val_adj < 0.0500) pInflammatory_0v28 <- subset(Inflammatory_0v28, p_val_adj < 0.0500) pCytotoxic_0v28 <- subset(Cytotoxic_0v28, p_val_adj < 0.0500) pAntigen_presenting_0v28 <- subset(Antigen_presenting_0v28, p_val_adj < 0.0500) write.csv(Naive_0v28, "Naive_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(Type3_0v28, "Type3_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(Transitional_0v28, "Transitional_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(Inflammatory_0v28, "Inflammatory_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(Cytotoxic_0v28, "Cytotoxic_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(Antigen_presenting_0v28, "Antigen_presenting_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(pNaive_0v28, "pNaive_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(pType3_0v28, "pType3_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(pTransitional_0v28, "pTransitional_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(pInflammatory_0v28, "pInflammatory_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(pCytotoxic_0v28, "pCytotoxic_0v28_DEG.csv") write.csv(pAntigen_presenting_0v28, "pAntigen_presenting_0v28_DEG.csv")

Create data frame of DEGs with adjusted P values less than 0.0500 combined

pCombined_0v28 <- bind_rows(pNaive_0v28, pType3_0v28, pTransitional_0v28, pInflammatory_0v28, pCytotoxic_0v28, pAntigen_presenting_0v28)

Remove genes that start with "RP" or "MT" from the "gene" column

pCombined_0v28_noMTRP <- pCombined_0v28[!grepl("^RP|^MT", pCombined_0v28$gene), ]

ID top 20 genes from each column with increased expression at day 0

top20.pCombined_0v28_noMTRP <- pCombined_0v28_noMTRP %>% group_by(cluster)%>% top_n(n=20, wt = avg_log2FC) head(pCombined_0v28_noMTRP)

Define Paramaters for dotplot

DEGdf <- pCombined_0v28 DEGdf$log_p <- -log10(DEGdf$p_val_adj) DEGdf$log_p_cat[DEGdf$log_p <2] <- "<2" DEGdf$log_p_cat[DEGdf$log_p >2 & DEGdf$log_p<=10] <- "2-10" DEGdf$log_p_cat[DEGdf$log_p >10 ] <- ">10" DEGdf$log_p_cat <- factor(DEGdf$log_p_cat, levels = c("<2","2-10", ">10")) DEGdf$cluster <- factor(DEGdf$cluster, levels = c("Cytotoxic","Inflammatory","Antigen_presenting","Transitional","Type3", "Naive")) DEGdf2 <- DEGdf DEGdf2 <- DEGdf2 %>% subset(gene %in% c ("VIM", "CCL4L2", "BCL2A1", "CCL4", "GZMB", "SMAP2", "NFKBIZ", "HLA-DQB1", "IL7R", "LAG3", "GRASP", "GPR183", "ISG20", "RNF19A", "ICOS", "STAT5A", "IRF4", "SELL","FASLG","NFKB1","PIM3","RELB","DUSP10", "FAM177A1","OTULIN","CYTIP","ZNF267","FURIN","RAB8B","MBNL1","IFITM2","CD82","SNX9","PLAAT4","TANK","NDUFA13","SYNJ2","TNIP2","MARCHF2","GNG2","EFHD2","CD74","NPDC1","CRTAM","CPT1A","CIB1","SRGN","TMSB10","TXNIP","H1-10","FKBP11","CD2","CLEC2B","PDE4D","LUZP1","FTH1","HIF1A","RNF145","IFI16","JAK3","TNFRSF4","EVA1B","PPP1R14B","BATF","PDCD1","HAVCR2")) DEGdf2$gene <- factor(DEGdf2$gene, levels = c ("VIM", "CCL4L2", "BCL2A1", "CCL4", "GZMB", "SMAP2", "NFKBIZ", "HLA-DQB1", "IL7R", "LAG3", "GRASP", "GPR183", "ISG20", "RNF19A", "ICOS", "STAT5A", "IRF4", "SELL","FASLG","NFKB1","PIM3","RELB","DUSP10", "FAM177A1","OTULIN","CYTIP","ZNF267","FURIN","RAB8B","MBNL1","IFITM2","CD82","SNX9","PLAAT4","TANK","NDUFA13","SYNJ2","TNIP2","MARCHF2","GNG2","EFHD2","CD74","NPDC1","CRTAM","CPT1A","CIB1","SRGN","TMSB10","TXNIP","H1-10","FKBP11","CD2","CLEC2B","PDE4D","LUZP1","FTH1","HIF1A","RNF145","IFI16","JAK3","TNFRSF4","EVA1B","PPP1R14B","BATF","PDCD1","HAVCR2"))

Create dotplot from selected genes

DEGdf_dotplot <- ggplot(DEGdf2, aes(reorder(gene, cluster), cluster))+ geom_point(aes(colour=avg_log2FC, size=log_p_cat))+ geom_point(aes(size=log_p_cat), shape=1, colour="black")+ scale_colour_gradient2(low = "white", high = "red")+ theme_bw()+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) DEGdf_dotplot

Use Venn diagram webtool to identify shared DEGS for 0 v 28 between clusters, export text file and input here in code

from GD_DEG_upset <- read_csv("venn_DEG_0v28_INPUT.csv")

GD_DEG_upset<-c("Antigen_presenting&Cytotoxic&Inflammatory&Naive&Transitional&Type3" =3, "Antigen_presenting&Cytotoxic&Inflammatory&Naive&Type3" =1, "Antigen_presenting&Cytotoxic&Naive&Transitional&Type3" =1, "Cytotoxic&Inflammatory&Naive&Transitional&Type3" =1, "Antigen_presenting&Cytotoxic&Inflammatory&Naive" =2, "Antigen_presenting&Cytotoxic&Transitional&Type3" =1, "Antigen_presenting&Cytotoxic&Naive&Type3" =2, "Cytotoxic&Inflammatory&Transitional&Type3" =1, "Cytotoxic&Naive&Transitional&Type3" =1, "Antigen_presenting&Cytotoxic&Naive" =1, "Antigen_presenting&Naive&Type3" =3, "Cytotoxic&Inflammatory&Transitional" =1, "Cytotoxic&Inflammatory&Naive" =1, "Cytotoxic&Inflammatory&Type3" =2, "Cytotoxic&Transitional&Type3" =1, "Cytotoxic&Naive&Type3" =3, "Inflammatory&Transitional&Type3" =1, "Inflammatory&Naive&Type3" =1, "Antigen_presenting&Cytotoxic" =3, "Cytotoxic&Inflammatory" =3, "Cytotoxic&Transitional" =5, "Cytotoxic&Naive" =6, "Cytotoxic&Type3" =6, "Inflammatory&Type3" =3, "Transitional&Type3" =1, "Naive&Type3" =7, "Naive" =22, "Type3" =51, "Transitional" =6, "Antigen_presenting" =3, "Inflammatory" =20, "Cytotoxic" =34 )

pdf("UpsetR_DEG_0v28.pdf", h=8, w =14) upset(fromExpression(GD_DEG_upset), nintersects = 40, nsets = 6, = c("freq"), decreasing = T, mb.ratio = c(0.6, 0.4), number.angles = 0, text.scale = 1.1, point.size = 2.8, line.size = 1, ) #Save Final version of seurat object saveRDS(annotated_gdF_sub, "gdFINAL.rds")


3' scRNAseq of PBMCs from malaria






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