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A ComputerCraft library to print large text using teletext pixels with various fonts, sizes, and text wrapping options!

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MORE FONTS for ComputerCraft

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A library to print large text using teletext pixels with various fonts, sizes, and text wrapping options!


Basic usage

Use the print function to print some text at the current cursor location:

local mf = require("morefonts")

term.setCursorPos(2, 2)


If you don't want it to end on a new line, use write instead of print:


If you want to print on a terminal at a specified location (x, y) without it scrolling when it gets to the bottom of the screen, use writeOn instead:

mf.writeOn(term, "Hey!", 3, 7)

Leaving the x and/or y as nil will automatically center it on the terminal:

mf.writeOn(term, "Wow!", nil, 2) -- horizontally centered

Font options

These three functions all have an additional optional parameter for font options, with which you can specify e.g. which font to use, which size to use, and which alignment options to use:

mf.writeOn(term, "MORE FONTS can do text wrapping!", nil, nil, {
    font = "fonts/PublicPixel",
    dx = 0,
    dy = 0,
    scale = 1,
    wrapWidth = 80,
    condense = true,
    sepWidth = 1,
    spaceWidth = 5,
    lineSepHeight = 5,
    textAlign = "left",
    anchorHor = "center",
    anchorVer = "center",


All values in the font options are optional, so you do not have to specify all of them. All numerical values in the font options except for scale are in teletext pixels (which are different from the terminal character pixels which are used for the (x, y) position for the writeTo function, every terminal character pixel consists of 2x3 teletext pixels).

Default font options

After setting your own default values for any font options, these values will automatically be applied to any text (unless they are overwritten):

    condense = true,
    font = "fonts/PublicPixel",

mf.print("hi")                            -- uses previously set default font
mf.print("hi", {font = "fonts/3x3-Mono"}) -- uses 3x3 Mono instead of default font (but is still condensed)

Any font option that you do not include in your own default font options will use the library's default value by default.

Using different fonts

The font option specifies which font is used. It can either be a string with a path to a font file, or a font object (e.g. loaded via mf.loadFont, or the default font mf.ccfont).

If you specify a path, it will automatically try to download the font from GitHub based on the provided file name if the file doesn't exist. For example, if you set the font to "fonts/PublicPixel", but your computer does not contain a PublicPixel file in the fonts folder, it will download the PublicPixel font from this repository and save it to the specified path.

Font scaling

Text size is dependent on the font that is used. Fonts that have higher resolution characters, will appear larger than fonts with lower resolution characters. You can set the scale option to make text even larger, e.g. setting the scale to 3 will triple size of the displayed text:

mf.print("HUGE", {scale = 3}) -- same size as Bigfont's Huge (with default CC font)

Fonts will look best when using integer scaling values. Using non-integer scaling values (e.g. scale = 0.5) works, but the text might look a bit wonky.

Text wrapping

This library respects new line characters ("\n") by default, but additional automatic text wrapping can be enabled by configuring the wrapWidth, which configures the number maximum number of teletext pixels after which the text should wrap to a new line:

local TERM_WIDTH, TERM_HEIGHT = term.getSize()
mf.print(long_text, {wrapWidth = 2 * TERM_WIDTH})

Remember that one terminal character pixel horizontally consists of 2 teletext pixels, so to get the full width we multiply the TERM_WIDTH by 2.

Text spacing

By default, all fonts are monospace, meaning that every character takes up the same width. Setting condense to true will condense the empty space horizontally between characters, which often looks nicer. When condensed, sepWidth determines the space between characters, and spaceWidth determines the width of space characters (" ").

You can configure additional vertical spacing between lines by setting lineSepHeight (this also works when not condensed).

The default values of sepWidth, spaceWidth, and lineSepHeight can be included with the fonts themselves, but setting your own (default) values will override the font's defaults.

Alignment & positioning

Text can be aligned left (default), centered, or right using the textAlign option:

mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dy = -18, textAlign = "left"})
mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dy = 0, textAlign = "center"})
mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dy = 18, textAlign = "right"})


Setting the text alignment will also change the default horizontal anchor position accordingly. You can manually change the horizontal anchor position using anchorHor:

mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dy = -18, textAlign = "left", anchorHor = "center"})
mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dy = 0, textAlign = "center", anchorHor = "center"})
mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dy = 18, textAlign = "right", anchorHor = "center"})


The vertical anchor position can be set using anchorVer:

mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dx = -32, anchorVer = "top"})
mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dx = 0, anchorVer = "center"})
mf.writeOn(term, "MORE\nFONTS", nil, nil, {dx = 32, anchorVer = "bottom"})


As seen in these previous examples, you can also move the text using the dx and dy options. These dx and dy values are in teletext pixels (unlike the standard x and y of the writeOn function), so this is useful for precise positioning, or if you want to shift the text a bit from the center as in the examples above.

Pine3D Edition

Want to use More Fonts with Pine3D? Use More Fonts Pine3D Edition to draw directly to draw directly to a Pine3D frame buffer!


It only has a writeOn function, it does not fill background colors, the text color is passed as an argument, and all coordinates are in teletext pixels (instead of terminal character pixels), but other than that it works exactly the same as the standalone version:

local Pine3D = require("Pine3D")
local mf = require("morefonts-pe") -- More Fonts Pine3D Edition

local frame = Pine3D.newFrame()
mf.writeOn(frame, "More Fonts",, 3, 3, {condense = true})

Get the Pine3D Edition with the following command:


Font browser

Use the font browser to preview all available fonts from GitHub. Navigate left or right to switch between fonts.


It automatically downloads new fonts when they become available on GitHub!

Adding more custom fonts

Create font from image texture

To create your own fonts that you can use with this library, you must first create a PNG image texture of the font. The width and height of this image must be multiples of 16, and every character must be put in its correct place based on the default ComputerCraft font (which is basically ASCII order with some additional characters).

Once you have your image texture, you can convert it with the Python script:

./convert/ ./my-font/PixelPlace.png

If you want to include sepWidth, spaceWidth, or lineSepHeight parameters with your font, or you want to include other metadata like the author name or font license, I recommend creating a metadata.json file in the same directory as the image texture. All properties in the metadata.json will automatically be included in the exported font file.

In the my-font folder you can see the files I used to generate my PixelPlace font as an example.

Convert TTF/OTF to image texture

Instead of creating your own image textures, you can also convert TTF or OTF fonts to image textures automatically. Just give it the path to the TTF or OTF font and the font size to use:

./convert/ GGBotNet-Public-Pixel/PublicPixel.ttf 8

If you convert someone else's font, please make sure to include the author's name, the font name, the source where you got the font from, and license & copyright information in the metadata of the font! Fonts licensed as Creative Commons or SIL Open Font License generally allow you to use and redistribute the fonts as you wish, but this often does require the appropriate attribution. Always check the license to be sure!


A ComputerCraft library to print large text using teletext pixels with various fonts, sizes, and text wrapping options!




