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DadJokes Quni App

This is a sample app mainly used for demonstrating/showcasing Android architecture and best practices. It's content is intended to be used in an Android course given by developers at Qusion.


The main idea is to get a random dad joke from an open api and give option to the user to share it on twitter or save it to his favorites. Back by server:


The app follows the recommendations laid out in the Guide to App Architecture. It showcases usage of modern technologies in a simple app. Clean and modern architectural patterns using Android Architecture Components. It keeps the logic away from Activities and Fragments and moves it to ViewModels, repositories and UseCases. It observes data using LiveData. Heavily uses Kotlin Coroutines alongside Apollo and GraphQL for networking solution. It shows proper theming and styling. It relies on Navigation Component to simplify into single Activity app. For dependency injection it takes advantage of the simplicity of Koin. It uses MockK for Unit testing.

Tech used

  • Android Architecture Components (LiveData, ViewModel ..)
  • Apollo Client (for GraphQL)
  • Koin (dependency injection)
  • Navigation Components
  • Material Design libs
  • MockK (unit tests)
  • Fastlane (builds)
  • Ktlint (for linting)
  • Firebase

Disclaimer: The project is still WIP.