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A WebDriver API to generate native system input events for the purposes of test automation, either locally or on a remote machine.


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Note: requires Selenium 3.141.59.

A platform independent WebDriver API implementation for native I/O control, either locally or on a remote machine:

  • Screenshots
  • Mouse moves
  • Drag and Drop
  • Keyboard inputs
  • Find and click image on screen
  • Remoting: Selenium server/grid support
  • Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, Ruby
RemoteWebDriver robo = new RoboDriver();

// find the default screen,
WebElement screen = robo.findElementByXPath("//screen[@default=true]");

// type keys 
screen.sendKeys("hello robodriver");

// click to the screen at x,y position
new Actions(robo)
	.moveToElement(screen, 100, 200)

Python, JavaScript, Ruby...

Any language binding can be used when running robodriver with Selenium server, see also chapter Remote Execution below.

Example in Python:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains

server_endpoint = ""

# connect robodriver to the Selenium server
    'browserName': 'io.test.automation.robodriver', 
    'platform':    'ANY' }
robo = webdriver.Remote(server_endpoint, robo_capabilities)

# type 'HELLO' to the default screen by sending native keyboard events
ActionChains(robo)         \
    .key_down(Keys.SHIFT)  \
    .send_keys('hello')    \
    .key_up(Keys.SHIFT)    \

Drag & Drop

For drag and drop it is needed to provide a source and target element. For those elements a //rectangle of a screen can be used, defined by x,y coordinates of its left upper corner, width and height can be zero, for example:

Note: The origin of robodriver WebElement objects like screens and rectangles is at the top left-hand with X coordinates increasing to the right and Y coordinates increasing downwards. This is different to Selenium DOM elements and W3C Actions, where the origin of a Browser WebElement is the center of the element.

WebElement source = screen.findElement(
	By.xpath(String.format("//rectangle[@dim='%d,%d,0,0']", xFrom, yFrom)));
WebElement target = screen.findElement(
	By.xpath(String.format("//rectangle[@dim='%d,%d,0,0']", xTo, yTo)));
new Actions(robo)
	.dragAndDrop(source, target)

Capture Screenshot or Rectangle

To capture full screen or rectanlge areas the screen and rectangle element objects can be used:

// get screenshot from default monitor
File screenshotFile = robo.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

// get screenshot from a specific monitor
WebElement screen = robo.findElementByXPath("/screen[0]");
File screenshotFile = screen.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

// capture a specific area from the default screen,
// at pixel position 50,100 (from left upper corner) and width = 300, height = 500
WebElement screenRectangle = robo.findElementByXPath(
    "//screen[@default=true]//rectangle[@dim='50, 100, 300, 500']");
File screenRectangleFile = screenRectangle.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

Find and Click Image on Screen

To find and click for example to an icon //rectangle supports also URIs to find an image on the screen.

Find Image by data URI

This is convenient in remote scenarios.

WebElement image = remoteRobo.findElementByXPath(

Find Image by file URI

File imageToFind = new File("images/send-mail.png");

WebElement image = remoteRobo.findElementByXPath(


Easiest way to build robodriver.jar is using Maven and build file pom.xml, install Maven from Apache Maven Project

  1. Clone the project.

  2. Open a shell window in the folder, usually: ../robodriver.

  3. Ensure Chrome is installed and extend the environment search path to find latest chromedriver binary, it is needed for test runs .

  4. Build and run tests with maven command mvn install, to skip the test runs you can use mvn install -DskipTests.

  5. See robodriver.jar file in output folder ./target.


The utility Keyboard opens a window that logs Selenium key codes and also system dependent virtual key codes for the current keyboard in use. To start this tool use maven to build robodriver and run mvn exec:java from the command line. The Selenium class Keys do not support all virtual keys of a specific keyboard, for example to type a grave or acute the virtual key code constants can be used. Use Keyboard to find the specific VK-IDs or see VK_xxx constants of KeyEvent javadoc.

Example: Keyboard outputs typing a latin capital letter A with acute

Keys.SHIFT           VK_SHIFT                       (key=Shift, char='�', ext-code=0x10)
Keys.<NO VK>         VK_DEAD_ACUTE                  (key=Dead Grave, char='`', ext-code=0x81)
Keys.<NO VK>         VK_A                           (key=A, char='A', ext-code=0x41)

In your script you can use the VK_xxx constant names, they are interpreted by robodriver on replay:

new Actions(robo)
screen.sendKeys("VK_DEAD_ACUTE", "A"); 
new Actions(robo)

The implementation can be found in class

Remote Execution

Selenium server can be extended to use robodriver to drive applications on a remote machine. With that robodriver becomes client binding language agnostic. On server startup the robodriver.jar will be loaded by the dynamic webdriver loading feature of the Selenium server. See also the webdriver provider file META-INF/services/org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.DriverProvider

  1. Download Selenium Standalone Server from the Selenium Project

  2. Build robodriver.jar using Maven build file pom.xml, see above.

  3. Start server with robodriver.jar in the classpath, for example:

java -cp ./robodriver.jar;./selenium-server-standalone-v.v.jar org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3

Note: robodriver.jar must be before the Selenium server JAR in the classpath. This is required because of a needed patch to support W3C Actions protocol for the robodrivers DriverProvider implementation and will be obsolete as soon Selenium server supports to configure the needed dialect. For the patched code see classes in package org.openqa.selenium....

Portable example in Java:

URL serverEndpoint = new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub");

DesiredCapabilities roboCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
roboCapabilities.setCapability("browserName", "io.test.automation.robodriver");
roboCapabilities.setCapability("platform", "ANY");

RemoteWebDriver robodriver = new RemoteWebDriver(serverEndpoint, roboCapabilities);