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Releases: microsoft/PowerBI-JavaScript

Version 2.19.1

21 Feb 13:33
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Remove access token from exceptions

Version 2.19.0

21 Feb 13:33
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Added access token expiry callback (accessTokenProvider) to EventHooks
Added new 'info' event
Added the ability to change the name of the global powerbi object (using powerBISDKGlobalServiceInstanceName)

Version 2.18.7

12 Dec 11:27
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Add method getTheme() to get the theme of the report
Add background color and wallpaper color information to getPages and getActivePage APIs
ESLint fixes
Unit tests improvements

Version 2.18.6

17 Oct 06:02
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Add setZoom and getZoom APIs to control the report's zoom level

v2.18.0: Version 2.18.0

22 Mar 15:26
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Add settings property openLinksInNewWindow
Support pane object in Q&A embed (filters pane only)
Extend on-load filters to support settings page level filters
Support IPaginatedReportsCommandSettings to control paginated reports parameters panel
Add allPages option to capture bookmarks API

v2.16.5: Version 2.16.5

22 Mar 11:40
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Support capturing bookmarks with personalized visuals (ICaptureBookmarkOptions property personalizeVisuals)
Add visualClicked and visualSelected events
Add page rename API
Extend custom menu extensions by adding supported for nested menus (IGroupedMenuExtension)
Add settings property to hide Power BI watermark in Edit or Create mode (authoringHintsEnabled)
Support saving report to a different workspace by specifying targetWorkspaceId in saveAs API (ISaveAsParameters)

bookmarks & Export Data support

18 Mar 09:43
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  • Added Bookmark APIs.
  • Added Export Data APIs.


31 Aug 20:54
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This release includes new communication system which allows robust messaging to and from the iframe. This enabled us to provide many new powerful features allowing deeper integration and programmatic interaction with the embedded report.

Some of the major new features include:

  • Getting and setting filters which are scoped to either the whole report or a single page.
  • Page navigation or responding to pageChanged events.
  • Controlling visibility of internal page navigation and filter pane.
  • Setting a default page or filter to be applied when loading the report.

For more information see our wiki