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Redgate and Visual Studio 2017

Demo Overview

In this demo, Donovan Brown, will show:

High-level flow

  1. Redgate Data Tools now available for FREE to all VSE users (in the VSE installer)

  2. Don’t let your database slow down your releases, develop and deploy your application and your database side-by-side in existing MS tools (VS, TFS/VSTS) using Redgate ReadyRoll

  3. Migrations shifts the creation of the database deployment script as far left as possible so that it can be reviewed and tested early (more control over deployments)

  4. SQL Prompt makes writing SQL code easier and smarter

Rough Outline

Three of Redgate’s tools are now available to install in Visual Studio Enterprise – Redgate ReadyRoll Core, Redgate SQL Prompt Core, and Redgate SQL Search.

Now that BikeSharing360 has been live for a while, we want to start thinking about maintenance of our bikes – Redgate ReadyRoll makes it easy to make and deploy these changes. We’ll add a column to the bikes table that lists the last date that a bike was serviced. We’ll use VSTS to add these changes to source control, showing how easy it is to make these deployments and show a preview of what changes will be made.

Key Takeaways

  1. Don’t let your database slow down your releases, develop and deploy your application and your database side-by-side in existing MS tools (VS, TFS/VSTS) using Redgate ReadyRoll.

  2. ReadyRoll is an alternative to SSDT Database Projects that allows developers to have more control over the end database deployment script. ReadyRoll is a migrations-driven approach which shifts the creation of the database deployment script left so that it can be source controlled and tested early for fast feedback. This gives developers more control over exactly how database changes will be deployed to the different environments.

  3. SQL Prompt makes writing SQL code easier and smarter

VSTS and Azure Configuration

For this demo, you will need a VSTS project with the correct code base and a build and release pipeline which compiles and deploys the redgate readyroll database project. You will also need a private VSTS build and release agent hosted in Azure, as well as a database server and two Azure databases for the Dev and Prod deployment environments.

Task 1: Create demo project in VSTS and import the code

  1. Browse to your VSTS account and click New Project

  2. Give your project a name (RedgateDemoProj) and click Create

  3. Click import a repository

  4. Click Import button

  5. Enter in the Clone URL text box and click Import

  6. Wait for import to complete

Task 2: Create private build and release agent for VSTS in Azure

This demo works best if you create your own private VSTS build and release agent. The following steps describe how to create and configure your private agent in an azure VM. In order for the automated unit testing to work, you will also need to install VS2015. The ReadyRoll tasks require .NET 3.5 installed as well.

  1. Browse to your azure portal and select Virtual machines

  2. Click Add

  3. Enter Visual Studio in the search text box and select Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 on Windows Server 2016 (x64)

  4. Select Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 on Windows Server 2016 (x64)

  5. Click Create button

  6. Give your VM a name, a user name, password, select your subscritpion, create a new resource group and select a location and click the OK button

  7. Select DS2 and click Select button

  8. Click the OK button

  9. Click the OK button

  10. Wait for the deployment to finish

  11. Login to the VM by clicking on the Connect button

Task 3: Configure the private VSTS build and release agent machine

To configure the private VSTS build and release agent, you will need to install SSMS, VS2015 (so unit tests will build correctly) and download and configure the VSTS agent.

Installing Sql Server Management Studio and install VS2015

  1. RDP into your agent machine using the username and password you picked when creating the VM

  2. Open IE, browse to and click Download SQL Server Management Studio (16.5.3)

  3. Click Run

  4. Click Install

  5. Wait for SSMS installation to finish, then click Close

  6. Download and install VS2015 onto this machine

Installing and configuring VSTS Agent

  1. Browse to your VSTS instance and select the team project you created earlier

  2. Hover over the gears icon and select Agent queues

  3. Click Download agent

  4. Click Download

  5. Click Save

  6. After the zip file downloads, open a powershell window and follow the instructions

  7. After configuring VSTS agent, verify the agent shows up in your Default queue and is green

Task 4: Creating your Azure databases for dev and prod

The Redgate demo pushes database changes to two databases, both hosted in Azure. One will be used for the Dev environment, one will be used for the Prod environment.

  1. Browse to the Azure portal and click SQL databases

  2. Click Add

  3. Enter bikesharing-services-ridesname_dev for Database name, choose your subscription and select Use existing Resource group and select the resource group you created for your build and release VM

  4. Click Configure required settings under Server

  5. Click Create a new server

  6. Enter bikesharing-services-dbserver for Server name, enter a Server admin login and password, select a Location and click Select

  7. Click Create

  8. Wait for DB to be created

  9. Click Refresh

  10. Click Add

  1. Enter bikesharing-services-ridesname_prod for Database name, choose your subscription and select Use existing Resource group and select the resource group you created for your build and release VM

  2. Make sure bikesharing-services-dbserver is selected under Server and click Create

  3. Wait for prod DB to be created

Task 5: Create build definition

  1. Browse to your VSTS demo project and click on the build tab

  2. Click on New definition

  3. Click on Visual Studio

  4. Click on Apply

  5. Click on Add Task

  6. In the search field, type in command

  7. Drag the command task under the NuGet restore task

  8. Click on the Run task

  9. Type Setup Shadow DB for Display name. Type C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe for Tool. Type create $(ShadowInstanceName) -s for Arguments

  10. Click on Build solution task

  11. In MSBuild Arguments type in:

    /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\" /p:TargetServer="$(DatabaseServer)" /p:TargetDatabase="$(DatabaseName)" /p:TargetUserName="$(DatabaseUserName)" /p:TargetPassword="$(DatabasePassword)" /p:ShadowServer="(localdb)\$(ShadowInstanceName)" /p:GenerateSqlPackage=True /p:SkipDriftAnalysis=True

  12. Click on the Test Assemblies task

  13. For Test Filter criteria type in TestCategory=Unit Test

  14. Click on Add Task

  15. In the Search field, type in Archive

  16. Drag the Archive Files task under the Test Assemblies task

  17. Click on the Archive files task

  18. Under Root folder (or file to archive) type in src/BikeSharing.Services.Rides

  19. Right click Publish symbols path and select Remove selected task(s)

  20. Right click the Copy Files to task and select Remove selected task(s)

  21. Click Add Task

  22. Type copy in the search field

  23. Drag Copy and Publish Build Artifacts task under the Publish Artifact task

  24. Click on Copy Publish Artifact task

  25. For Display name type Copy Publish Artifact: drop. For Contents type BikeSharing.Services.RidesName/bin/$(BuildConfiguration). For Artifact Name type in drop. For Artifact Type select Server.

  26. Click Add Task

  27. In the search field, type in copy

  28. Drag an drop the Copy and Publish Build Artifacts task to the end

  29. Click on the Copy Publish Artifact task

  30. For Display name type in Copy Publish Artifact: UITests. For Contents type in BikeSharing360.Tests/bin/$(BuildConfiguration). For Artifact Name type in drop. For Artifact Type select Server

  31. Click on the Build solution task

  32. Click on the link next to Solution and then click the Unlink button

  33. Enter BikeSharing360Redgate.sln for Solution

  34. Click on Variables tab

  35. Add the following variables. DatabaseServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUserName, DatabasePassword, ShadowInstanceName

    To get the database server name and database name, from your azure portal, browse to the dev database.

    The DatabaseUserName and DatabasePassword are whatever you set when you created these databases and the ShadowInstanceName is Shadow

  36. Click on the Triggers tab

  37. Enable Continuous Integration

  38. Click on the Options tab

  39. Select Default for Default agent queue

  40. Click on Save & queue and click on Save & queue

  41. Click on Queue

  42. Verify build completes successfully

Task 6: Create release pipeline

The Redgate demo has a release pipeline that deploys an resource group based on an ARM template, deploys the web app to the resource group, deploys the database schema changes, runs a quick Web Performace Test on the site and then runs some Selenium Automated UI Tests on the new environment (This demo doesn't actually run selenium tests, it just simulates it). It does this deployment to both the Dev and Prod environment.

  1. Browse to your VSTS project and click on Buil & Release tab and select Release

  2. Click on New definition

  3. Click on Aure App Service Deployment template and then click Next

  4. Check Continuous deployment(create release and deploy whenever a build completes) and select the Default queue and click Create

  5. Rename the environment Dev

  6. Chose your Azure Subscrption. For App Service name and click Authorize

  7. For App Service name and enter $(WebSiteName), for Package or folder browse to the file with the ellipses. It should be something similar to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/RedgateDemoProj-Visual Studio-CI/drop/

  8. Click on Add tasks

  9. Click the Add button next to the Azure Resource Group Deployment task

  10. Click the Close button

  11. Drag the Azure Deployment task above Deploy Azure App Service task

  12. Select your subscription in Azure subscriptions.
    Enter $(WebSiteName) for Resource group.
    Select West US for Location. Select $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/RedgateDemoProj-Visual Studio-CI/drop/BikeSharing360.IaC/WebSite.json for Template. Select $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/RedgateDemoProj-Visual Studio-CI/drop/BikeSharing360.IaC/WebSite.parameters.json for Template parameters Enter -hostingPlanName $(WebSiteName) for Override template parameters

  13. Click Add tasks

  14. Scroll down and click the Add button next to Deploy ReadyRoll Database Package and then click Close

  15. Click on Deploy to

  16. For Package to Deploy, enter $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/RedgateDemoProj-Visual Studio-CI/drop/Release/BikeSharing.Services.RidesName_DeployPackage.ps1 For Release Version, enter $(Release.ReleaseId) For Target SQL Server Instance, enter $(DatabaseServer) For Target Database Name, enter $(DatabaseName) For Database Username enter $(DatabaseUserName) For Database Password enter $(DatabasePassword)

  17. Click on Add tasks

  18. Click on Test, then click on the Add button next to Cloud-based Web Performance Test and then click Close

  19. Click on Quick Web Performance Test

  20. For Website URL enter For Test Name enter Homepage

  21. Click on Add tasks

  22. Click on Test then scroll down and click the Add button next to Visual Studio Test and then click Close

  23. Click on Test Assemblies

  24. For title enter Selenium Automated UI Tests: Dev for the title Select Version 2 For Test filter criteria enter TestCategory=UITest For Test runtitle under REorting options, enter Selenium Dev UI Tests

  25. Click on the ellipses on the Dev environment and select Configure variables

  26. Enter bikesharing-services-ridesname_dev for the DatabaseName. For WebSiteName, enter VS2017LaunchBikeShare360D (this name does need to be unique so you may need to give your website a unique name. If you need to change the website name, make sure you use the same name when you use it in the website url). click OK

  27. Click on Variables

  28. Enter in variables for DatabaseServer, DatabaseUserName and DatabasePassword. You can find the database server name by browsing to your Azure portal browsing to your dev database. The DatabaseUserName and DatabasePassword are what you set them when you created the database server.

  29. Click on Environments

  30. Click on Add enviroment and then select Clone selected Environments

  31. Select Specific users, then enter yourself as an approver. Make sure Default is selected for the agent queue and click Create

  32. Rename environment to Prod

  33. Click on Quick Web Performance Test Homepage

  34. For Website Url enter

  35. Click on the ellipses in the Prod environment and select Configure variables

  36. For DatabaseName enter bikesharing-services-ridesname_prod For WebSiteName enter VS2017LaunchBikeShare360P Click OK

  37. Click Save

  38. Click OK

This completes building out the release pipeline. DO NOT KICK OFF A RELEASE AT THIS TIME. The release pipeline will fail until we configure the databases to use Readyroll migrations. We will do this in the next section.

Demo machine configuration

Make sure your demo machine has git installed as well as Visual Studio 2017 with the Data storage and processing workload installed. Make sure all 3 Redgate tools are checked (Redgate ReadyRoll, Redgate SQL Prompt and Redgate SQL Search).

Task 1: Clone Repo

  1. Browse to your VSTS project and click on the Code tab

  2. Click on Clone

  3. Click on Clone in Visual Studio and then select Visual Studio

  4. Click Allow

  5. Sign into your account

  6. Choose where you want to clone the repo and click Clone

Task 2: Configure Visual Studio

  1. Open BikeSharing360Redgate.sln from the folder that you cloned the project into.

  2. Open the ReadyRoll window. If it isn’t already there, click ReadyRoll | ReadyRoll

  3. Click View then select SQL Server Object Explorer

  4. open up (localdb)\ProjectsV13 and see if there is a database named BikeSharing.Services.RidesName.

    If there isn't, create one by right clicking the Databases folder and select Add New Database

    For Database Name enter BikeSharing.Services.RidesName and click OK

  5. click the Deploy in the readyroll window

  6. Open the BikeSharing.Services.RidesName database up and make sure the baseline database deployed to your local database

  7. Click on Add SQL Server

  8. Enter the server name (you can get this from your azure portal). Select SQl Server Authentication for Authentication. Enter the user name and password you create when you created the database server in Azure, click Remeber Password and select master for the Database Name and click Connect

  9. Open up the cloud database you just added to verify that your dev and prod databases are there

Task 3: Configure the Dev and Prod database to use ReadyRoll migrations

  1. Click on Configure database connection

  2. Click on Show connection Properties

  3. Click on the database server you set in Azure under Recent Connections, then change the Database name to the dev database and click OK

  4. Click Deploy BikeSharing.Services.RidesName in the ReadyRoll window

  5. Click the ReadyRoll Core Edition tab

  6. Click on Configure database connection

  7. Click on the dev database under recent connections, then under Database name, select the prod database and click OK

  8. In the ReadyRoll window, click on Deploy BikeSharing.Services.RidesName

  9. Click on the ReadyRoll Core Edition tab

  10. Click on Configure database connection

  11. Enter (localdb)\ProjectsV13 for Server Name, Authentiation, choose Windows Authentication, under Database Name select BikeSharing.Services.RidesName and click OK

This finishes configuring the demo machine.


  1. Open the solution BikeSharing360Redgate.sln in your Visual Studio 2017

    Talking Point: Managing your database changes and incorporating them into your DevOps pipeline has always been difficult. Keeping track of what scripts need to be run, getting the database states just right is a pain and very error prone. However, there are some fantastic tools from Redgate which help us manage our database changes as well as creating a fully automated CI/CD Pipeline. With each copy of Visual Studio Enterprise, you get Ready Roll, SQL Prompt, and SQL Search for free. Now, with VSE and the included Redgate tools, you can check in and out your database schema right alongside your source code. You can also easily create your CI/CD pipeline which will seamlessly deploy those changes to the database’s in all your environments.

  2. Right click solution and add | new | project

    Talking Point: To create a database project from scratch is super easy, just right click your solution, add new project, click on the SQL server node in the tree and select ReadyRoll SQL Server Database project. We've already created a ReadyRoll project so let's just jump into it (Click Cancel)

  3. Expand bikesharing-services-ridesName database in SQL Server Object Explorer. Expand the Tables folder.

    Talking Point: This ReadyRoll db project is already connected to our dev db instance.

  4. Right click dbo.bikes and select View Designer.

    Talking Point: If I need to change the schema of my database, all I need to do is just change the schema in SQL Server Object Explorer or SSMS or whatever tool of choice and make my change to the DB schema. ReadyRoll detects those changes you made to your dev database and will add the correct migration script to your project.

  5. In the Designer window, add a new SQL column. Set its name to LastServicedAt, its data type to datetime2(7), and make sure the checkbox under allow nulls is checked.

    Talking Point: In this project, I’m going to need to add a new column to the bikes table. I need to add a LastServicedAt column.

  6. Click update in the top left corner. Then click Update Database.

    Talking Point: When I’m done modifying my database, I go ahead and click the update and it will update my dev database.

  7. Open the ReadyRoll window by clicking the ReadyRoll Core Edition tab at the bottom, then click the Refresh button.

    Talking Point: Next, I go into the ReadyRoll window and click refresh. This will do a schema compare between my dev database and what ReadyRoll thinks my database is currently, and will automatically generate the migration script.

  8. Double click on the row. A tab will open displaying the changes between our old and new schema.

    Talking Point: To see exactly what it found, we can go ahead and double click on the changes, this will bring up a diff of the changes.

  9. Click Import and generate script for all database changes that are pending import.

    Talking Point: To bring this migration script into the solution, I’ll go and click the Import and generate script button.

  10. Rename the migration script to 0002_add_servicing_date_column.sql”. After renaming, make sure you click the save all button so the renamed file is saved and the project reference is saved.

    Talking Point: Lets change the name of the imported script so it has a more descriptive migration script name.

  11. Double click the migration script (0002_add_servicing_date_column.sql) to open it. In the new SQL query file, type the below code snippet at the end (after the last “GO”)

    UPDATE dbo.bikes SET LastServicedAt = InCirculationSince

    After typing this make sure you save the file.

    Talking Point: It’s super easy for us to prepopulate this column with data too. Just double click the migration script and modify it. Notice how SQL Prompt Core offers suggestions and gives quality of life improvements for writing SQL code?

  12. Select these new lines and click the Execute button (or press ctrl-shift-e) to run this code on the dev database. Click Mark as Deployed in the Script Status window.

    Talking Point: We’ll go ahead and run this script to populate the new column with data in our dev database. Since we haven’t serviced our bikes yet, LastServicing = InCirculationSince. ReadyRoll also makes it easy to add NOT NULL columns without a DEFAULT. (There is no data in the database so 0 rows will be affected. If you add some data, then this will look better)

  13. Click Refresh (Verify Script) in the ReadyRoll window

    Talking Point: Before checking in our code, let's verify that our script is correct. Notice how the ReadyRoll window now shows the script with a big green check.

  14. Check code back into VSTS and go to VSTS portal and check out the build in progress and also previous succesful build report

    <img src="media/2017-03-27_11-24-38.jpg width="640" />

    Talking Point: So now that we made those changes, let’s check in our code. This will kick off our build. As you can see, the build is just a simple straight forward build. The build takes a while so let’s again take a look at a build that has already gone through. Notice in our build report, it lists the tables that have changed. Also, if we click on Database script, we can actually see the migration scripts that get run for the deployments.

  15. Go to release, show the task. Click on old release, show the database deployment preview section and also the Database script tab.

    Talking Point: Now our build is linked to RM, so when we get a successful build, it kicks off our CD pipeline where we can easily deploy the database changes using prebuild release ReadyRoll Task. Once again, the release takes a while so let’s look at a prior release. We can see exactly what tables were changed, what migrations were ran. We can look at the Data script tab and see the exact script used as well.

Resetting demo

To reset the demo, browse to dev prod and local database and delete the extra column you added. Then removed the 002 migration script from Source and check everything back in.