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Published 1.1.4

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@erictraut erictraut released this 23 Nov 20:58

Enhancement: Exposed the useLibraryForTypes setting in the command-line version of pyright ("--lib" switch).

Enhancement: Updated typeshed type stub files to the latest version from the typeshed repo.

Enhancement: Revamped how properties are handled. Rather than define a custom "PropertyType" that requires its own handling everywhere, a property is now modeled as regular ObjectType whose associated class type has a special ClassTypeFlag. This eliminates a bunch of edge cases that didn't previously work with properties, including support for custom properties.

Bug Fix: Changed code to allow comma delimiters within namedtuple field definition strings.

Bug Fix: Changed import logic to better match behavior of python loader. If there's an empty directory and a python file with the same name, the import resolution logic now selects the file rather than failing resolution.

Bug Fix: Fixed stack overflow due to infinite recursion in lazy binding callback caused by import loops in some packages like numpy.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug where symbols that couldn't be resolved through wildcard imports were resolved as unbound rather than unknown.

Bug Fix: Added code to switch the working directory to the root of the extension before invoking the python interpreter to query sys.path.

Bug Fix: Fixed recent regression that caused symbols imported through "from X import Y" statement not to be flagged as an error if Y was not defined in X's namespace.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in document symbol provider where it was not providing the correct ranges. This caused the "outline" view in VS Code not to report which outline item contained errors.

Bug Fix: Added support for static evaluation of "typing.TYPE_CHECKING" (in addition to just "TYPE_CHECKING").