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Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine.
windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, BoolToObjectConverter, BoolToVisibilityConverter, CollectionVisibilityConverter, EmptyCollectionToObjectConverter, EmptyStringToObjectConverter, StringFormatConverter, StringVisibilityConverter


Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine.

Converter Purpose
BoolNegationConverter Converts a boolean to the inverse value (True to False and vice versa)
BoolToObjectConverter Converts a boolean value into an object. The converted value is selected between the values of TrueValue and FalseValue properties
BoolToVisibilityConverter Converts a boolean value into a Visibility enumeration
CollectionVisibilityConverter Converts a collection into a Visibility enumeration (Collapsed if the given collection is empty or null)
DoubleToObjectConverter Converts a double value into an object based on a value to be greater than, less than, or in-between.
DoubleToVisibilityConverter Converts a double value into a Visibility enumeration based on a value to be greater than, less than, or in-between.
EmptyCollectionToObjectConverter Converts a collection into an object. The converted value is selected between the values of EmptyValue and NotEmptyValue properties
EmptyObjectToObjectConverter Converts a check on a null value into an object. The converted value is selected between the values of EmptyValue and NonEmptyValue properties
EmptyStringToObjectConverter Converts a string into an object. The converted value is selected between the values of EmptyValue and NotEmptyValue properties
FormatStringConverter Converts an IFormattable value into a string. The ConverterParameter provides the string format
ResourceNameToResourceStringConverter Converter to look up the source string in the App Resources strings and returns its value, if found
StringFormatConverter Converts a source object to the formatted string version using string.Format. The ConverterParameter provides the string format
StringVisibilityConverter Converts a string value into a Visibility enumeration (if the value is null or empty returns a collapsed value)
ToolbarFormatActiveConverter Compares if Formats are equal and returns bool
VisibilityToBoolConverter This class converts a Visibility enumeration to a boolean value

BoolToObjectConverter Examples

BoolToObjectConverter can be used to generalize the behavior of BoolToVisibilityConverter by allowing to pass the two values it can return. You can use it to switch Visibility by declaring it :

<Page ...

    <converters:BoolToObjectConverter x:Key="BoolToVisibilityConverter" TrueValue="Visible" FalseValue="Collapsed"/>

and using it like that :

<Image Visibility="{x:Bind Path=MyBoolValue, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}}" />

It can also be used to switch between two values of brush.

Note : you can use a resource for the brush or pass the color string and have it converted to a brush automatically.

    <converters:BoolToObjectConverter x:Key="BoolToBrushConverter" TrueValue="Green" FalseValue="{StaticResource NopeBrush}" />

and using it like that :

<Border Background="{x:Bind Path=MyBoolValue, Converter={StaticResource BoolToBrushConverter}}" />

An other example is to switch between two images by specifying their source :

    <converters:BoolToObjectConverter x:Key="BoolToImageConverter" TrueValue="ms-appx:///Assets/Yes.png" FalseValue="ms-appx:///Assets/No.png" />

and using it like that :

<Image Source="{x:Bind Path=MyBoolValue, Converter={StaticResource BoolToImageConverter}}" />

BoolToVisibilityConverter Examples

BoolToVisibilityConverter can be used to easily change a boolean value to a Visibility based one. If targeting 14393 or later, this is done automatically through x:Bind. First, declare the converter in your resources:

    <converters:BoolToVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolToVisibilityConverter"/>

and use it like this :

<Image Visibility="{Binding Path=MyBoolValue, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}}" />

you can also invert the boolean as a ConverterParameter:

<Image Visibility="{Binding Path=MyBoolValue, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}, ConverterParameter=True}" />

or if you want to not pass a parameter, you can use BoolToObjectConverter to create an InverseBoolToVisibilityConveter:

    <converters:BoolToObjectConverter x:Key="InverseBoolToVisibilityConverter" TrueValue="Collapsed" FalseValue="Visible"/>

DoubleToVisibilityConverter Examples

DoubleToVisibilityConverter can be used to easily change a double value to a Visibility based one based on a given threshold value. If both GreaterThan and LessThan are set, the converter will set the visibility if the target value is in-between those two values. Otherwise, it will look for the target being greater than or less than the specified value.

If a True value is provided for a ConverterParameter than the equation will be inverted.

    <converters:DoubleToVisibilityConverter x:Key="GreaterThanToleranceVisibilityConverter" GreaterThan="65.0"/>

and use it like this :

<Button x:Name="ScrollBackButton"
        Visibility="{Binding ScrollableWidth, Converter={StaticResource GreaterThanToleranceVisibilityConverter}, ElementName=ScrollViewer, FallbackValue=Collapsed, TargetNullValue=Collapsed}"/>

EmptyObjectToObjectConverter Examples

EmptyObjectToObjectConverter, EmptyCollectionToObjectConverter, and EmptyStringToObjectConverter work similarly to the BoolToObjectConverter except using EmptyValue and NotEmptyValue instead of TrueValue/FalseValue.

They inspect the type of 'empty'/null object value and return the specific value EmptyValue or NotEmptyValue based on the result. That result can also be inverted withe a ConverterParameter.

For instance you can generalize the CollectionVisibilityConverter using the EmptyCollectionToObjectConverter:

    <converters:EmptyCollectionToObjectConverter x:Key="CollectionVisibilityConverter" EmptyValue="Collapsed" NotEmptyValue="Visible"/>

this can be used as follows to hide a list with no items and instead show text through inversion with the ConverterParameter:

<ListView Visibility="{Binding Path=MyCollectionValue, Converter={StaticResource CollectionVisibilityConverter}}" />

<TextBlock Text="No Items." Visibility="{Binding Path=MyCollectionValue, Converter={StaticResource CollectionVisibilityConverter}, ConverterParameter=True}">

StringFormatConverter Examples

StringFormatConverter allows you to format a string property upon binding wrapping string.Format.
It only allows for a single input value (the binding string), but can be formatted with the regular string.Format methods. First, add it to your page resources:

    <converters:StringFormatConverter x:Key="StringFormatConverter"/>

then use it like so:

<TestBlock Text="{Binding IsLoading, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Is Loading: {0}'}" />

<TextBlock Text="{Binding RangeMin, ElementName=RangeSelector, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='{}{0:0.##}'}" 


Device family Universal, 10.0.16299.0 or higher
Namespace Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Converters
NuGet package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI