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neilpeterson committed Apr 13, 2021
1 parent 9745e6d commit b3122ae
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This reference implementation shows a set of best practices for building and running a microservices architecture on Microsoft Azure, using Kubernetes.

## Scenario

​Fabrikam, Inc. (a fictional company) is starting a drone delivery service. The company manages a fleet of drone aircraft. Businesses register with the service, and users can request a drone to pick up goods for delivery. When a customer schedules a pickup, a backend system assigns a drone and notifies the user of an estimated delivery time. While the delivery is in progress, the customer can track the drone's location with a continuously updated ETA.

The Drone Delivery application is a sample application that consists of several microservices. Because it's a sample, the functionality is simulated, but the APIs and microservices interactions are intended to reflect real-world design patterns.


<nepeters note - are all of these services represented in the deployment>

- **Ingestion service**: receives client requests and buffers them.
- **Third-party Transportation service**: manages third-party transportation options. - is this the queue?
- **Package service**: manages packages.
- **Scheduler service**: dispatches client requests and manages the delivery workflow.
- **Delivery service**: manages deliveries that are scheduled or in transit.
- Supervisor service: monitors the workflow for failures and applies compensating transactions. - what is this?
- Account service: manages user accounts. - what is this?
- Drone service: schedules drones and monitors drones in flight. - what is this?
- Delivery History service: stores the history of completed deliveries. - what is this?

## Deployment prerequisites

Clone a copy of the drone service application to your development computer or cloud shell environment.

git clone

Generate an SSH RSA key pair. These keys are used when deploying the AKS cluster. The SSH rsa key pair can be generated using ssh-keygen, among other tools, on Linux, Mac, or Windows. If you already have an ~/.ssh/ file, you could provide the same later on. For more information on creating an SSH RSA key pair, see [How to create and use an SSH key pair](

ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096

Create a service principal.

export SP_DETAILS=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" -o json) && \
export SP_APP_ID=$(echo $SP_DETAILS | jq ".appId" -r) && \
export SP_CLIENT_SECRET=$(echo $SP_DETAILS | jq ".password" -r) && \
export SP_OBJECT_ID=$(az ad sp show --id $SP_APP_ID -o tsv --query objectId)

Populate several environment variables, these valuse are used throughout the application deployment.

export SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE="~/.ssh/"
export LOCATION="eastus"
export RESOURCE_GROUP="aks-microservices-001"
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv)
export SUBSCRIPTION_NAME=$(az account show --query name --output tsv)
export TENANT_ID=$(az account show --query tenantId --output tsv)
export DEPLOYMENT_SUFFIX=$(date +%S%N)
export K8S=$PROJECT_ROOT/k8s
export HELM_CHARTS=./charts

## Deployment

This template created a few resource groups and managed identities that are used throughout the reference implementation.

export DEV_PREREQ_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=azuredeploy-prereqs-${DEPLOYMENT_SUFFIX}-dev
az deployment sub create --name $DEV_PREREQ_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --location $LOCATION --template-file ${PROJECT_ROOT}/azuredeploy-prereqs.json --parameters resourceGroupName=$RESOURCE_GROUP resourceGroupLocation=$LOCATION

In the last step, several managed identities were deployed and are used throughout this implementation. Run these commands to store details about these identities for use throughout the remaining steps.

export IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=$(az deployment sub show -n $DEV_PREREQ_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.identitiesDeploymentName.value -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_ID_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.deliveryIdName.value -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DELIVERY_ID_NAME --query principalId -o tsv) && \
export DRONESCHEDULER_ID_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.droneSchedulerIdName.value -o tsv) && \
export DRONESCHEDULER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DRONESCHEDULER_ID_NAME --query principalId -o tsv) && \
export WORKFLOW_ID_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.workflowIdName.value -o tsv) && \
export WORKFLOW_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $WORKFLOW_ID_NAME --query principalId -o tsv) && \
export RESOURCE_GROUP_ACR=$(az deployment group show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.acrResourceGroupName.value -o tsv)

<nepeters - can we remove this step>

until az ad sp show --id ${DELIVERY_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} &> /dev/null ; do echo "Waiting for AAD propagation" && sleep 5; done
until az ad sp show --id ${DRONESCHEDULER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} &> /dev/null ; do echo "Waiting for AAD propagation" && sleep 5; done
until az ad sp show --id ${WORKFLOW_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} &> /dev/null ; do echo "Waiting for AAD propagation" && sleep 5; done

Get the latest Kubernetes version available in the region into which you are creating the AKS cluster.

export KUBERNETES_VERSION=$(az aks get-versions -l $LOCATION --query "orchestrators[?default!=null].orchestratorVersion" -o tsv)

Deploy the AKS cluster.

<nepeters - cat ssh, how is this suposed to work>

az deployment group create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $DEV_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --template-file ${PROJECT_ROOT}/azuredeploy.json \
--parameters servicePrincipalClientId=${SP_APP_ID} \
servicePrincipalClientSecret=${SP_CLIENT_SECRET} \
servicePrincipalId=${SP_OBJECT_ID} \
kubernetesVersion=${KUBERNETES_VERSION} \
sshRSAPublicKey="$(cat ~/.ssh/" \
deliveryIdName=${DELIVERY_ID_NAME} \
deliveryPrincipalId=${DELIVERY_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} \
droneSchedulerIdName=${DRONESCHEDULER_ID_NAME} \
droneSchedulerPrincipalId=${DRONESCHEDULER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} \
workflowIdName=${WORKFLOW_ID_NAME} \
workflowPrincipalId=${WORKFLOW_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} \

Finally, collect a few values that are used throughout the remainder of this reference implementation.

export ACR_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DEV_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.acrName.value -o tsv) && \
export ACR_SERVER=$(az acr show -n $ACR_NAME --query loginServer -o tsv) && \
export CLUSTER_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DEV_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.aksClusterName.value -o tsv)

## Prepare Kubernetes environment

az aks install-cli

az aks get-credentials --resource-group=$RESOURCE_GROUP --name=$CLUSTER_NAME

kubectl create namespace backend-dev

curl | bash

<nepeters - what is this step>

kubectl apply -f $K8S/k8s-rbac-ai.yaml

## Configure AAD pod identity and key vault flexvol infrastructure

Instal the AAD POD identity Helm Chart.

helm repo add aad-pod-identity
helm install aad-pod-identity aad-pod-identity/aad-pod-identity --set=installCRDs=true --set nmi.allowNetworkPluginKubenet=true --namespace kube-system

Install flexvol.

kubectl create -f

## Install ingress controller

helm install nginx-ingress-dev stable/nginx-ingress --namespace ingress-controllers --set rbac.create=true --set controller.ingressClass=nginx-dev --version 1.24.7 --create-namespace

Obtain the load balancer ip address and assign a domain name.

until export INGRESS_LOAD_BALANCER_IP=$(kubectl get services/nginx-ingress-dev-controller -n ingress-controllers -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" 2> /dev/null) && test -n "$INGRESS_LOAD_BALANCER_IP"; do echo "Waiting for load balancer deployment" && sleep 20; done
export INGRESS_LOAD_BALANCER_IP_ID=$(az network public-ip list --query "[?ipAddress!=null]|[?contains(ipAddress, '$INGRESS_LOAD_BALANCER_IP')].[id]" --output tsv)
export EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN=$(az network public-ip update --ids $INGRESS_LOAD_BALANCER_IP_ID --dns-name $EXTERNAL_INGEST_DNS_NAME --query "dnsSettings.fqdn" --output tsv)

Create a self-signed certificate for TLS.

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -out ingestion-ingress-tls.crt -keyout ingestion-ingress-tls.key -subj "/CN=${EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN}/O=fabrikam"

## Setup cluster resource quota

kubectl apply -f $K8S/k8s-resource-quotas-dev.yaml

## Deploy the Delivery service

Extract resource details from deployment.

export COSMOSDB_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DEV_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.deliveryCosmosDbName.value -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_KEYVAULT_URI=$(az deployment group show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DEV_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.deliveryKeyVaultUri.value -o tsv)

Build the Delivery service.

export DELIVERY_PATH=$PROJECT_ROOT/src/shipping/delivery

<nepeters - can we use ACR Build here>

Build and publish the container image.

docker build --pull --compress -t $ACR_SERVER/delivery:0.1.0 $DELIVERY_PATH/.
az acr login --name $ACR_NAME
docker push $ACR_SERVER/delivery:0.1.0

New commands:

az acr build -r $ACR_NAME -t $ACR_SERVER/delivery:0.1.0 ./src/shipping/delivery/.

Deploy the Delivery service.

export DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.deliveryPrincipalResourceId.value -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DELIVERY_ID_NAME --query clientId -o tsv)
export DELIVERY_INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME=delivery-ingress-tls

helm install delivery-v0.1.0-dev $HELM_CHARTS/delivery/ \
--set image.tag=0.1.0 \
--set image.repository=delivery \
--set dockerregistry=$ACR_SERVER \
--set ingress.hosts[0].name=$EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN \
--set ingress.hosts[0].serviceName=delivery \
--set ingress.hosts[0].tls=true \
--set ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecretName=$DELIVERY_INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME \
--set ingress.tls.secrets[0].name=$DELIVERY_INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME \
--set ingress.tls.secrets[0].key="$(cat ingestion-ingress-tls.key)" \
--set ingress.tls.secrets[0].certificate="$(cat ingestion-ingress-tls.crt)" \
--set identity.clientid=$DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID \
--set identity.resourceid=$DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID \
--set cosmosdb.collectionid=$COLLECTION_NAME \
--set keyvault.uri=$DELIVERY_KEYVAULT_URI \
--set reason="Initial deployment" \
--set \
--namespace backend-dev

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
### YamlMime:Architecture
title: Microservices architecture on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) reference implementation
description: Deploy a microservices architecture on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
author: doodlemania2 pnp 05/07/2020
ms.topic: conceptual
ms.service: architecture-center
ms.subservice: reference-architecture
- containers
- microservices
- reference-architecture
- e2e-aks
name: Microservices architecture on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- containers
summary: Learn how to deploy a microservices architecture on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
- azure-active-directory
- azure-container-registry
- azure-kubernetes-service
- azure-load-balancer
- azure-monitor
- azure-pipelines
thumbnailUrl: /azure/architecture/browse/thumbs/aks.png
content: |
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