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Query work tracking data using Analytics
Azure DevOps
Learn how to create queries of work item tracking from Analytics for Azure DevOps.
>= azure-devops-2019

Query work tracking data using Analytics

[!INCLUDE version-gt-eq-2019]

You can query your Azure DevOps work tracking data using the basic queries provided in this article. These queries address everyday needs while demonstrating various capabilities of Analytics. You can adapt most of these queries to meet your needs.

This article builds off information provided in Construct OData queries for Analytics and Metadata reference for Azure Boards Analytics.

[!INCLUDE temp]

[!INCLUDE prerequisites-simple]

All examples are scoped to a project on Azure DevOps. For examples of organization-level scoping or Azure DevOps Server, see Project and organization-scoped queries.

::: moniker range="azure-devops"


You can use the WIQL to OData Azure DevOps Marketplace extension to quickly generate an OData query based on a work item query from the Queries page. This extension supports conversion of Flat list of work items and Work items and direct links. Extensions are not supported features of Azure Boards and therefore not supported by the product team. For questions, suggestions, or issues you have when using these extensions, visit their corresponding extension page. ::: moniker-end

Filter work items based on a Changed Date

You query the WorkItems entity set to list work items that meet your field criteria.

The following query returns Product Backlog Items, Bugs, and Features that have a Changed Date greater than December 12, 2021.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/v1.0/WorkItems?
  $select=WorkItemId, WorkItemType, Title, State 
  &$filter=(Project/ProjectName eq 'Fabrikam Fiber'
    AND (WorkItemType eq 'Product Backlog Item' or WorkItemType eq 'Bug' or WorkItemType eq 'Feature')
    AND ChangedOn/Date ge 2021-12-16T23:44:15.619Z)
  &$orderby=WorkItemType desc 

Filter work items based on Area

You can modify the following query to list all work items under a specific Area Path.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Area/AreaPath eq '{area path}'
  &$select=WorkItemId, Title, State

Example query:

For example, the following syntax queries the work item count for each project defined for the fabrikam organization.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]$apply=groupby((Project/ProjectName), aggregate($count as Count))

Example response:

And the response returns data for the following five projects.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]

            "ProjectName":"Basic Fabrikam"
            "ProjectName":"Demo 11"
            "ProjectName":"Fabrikam Fiber"

Filter work items based on Iteration

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Iteration/IterationPath eq '{iteration path}'
  &$select=WorkItemId, Title, State

Example query:

For example, the following syntax queries work items for the Fabrikam Fiber project under the Iteration Path=Fabrikam Fiber\Release 1\Sprint 6.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]$select=WorkItemId, WorkItemType, Title, State&$expand=Iteration($select=IterationPath)&$filter=(Project/ProjectName eq 'Fabrikam Fiber' AND WorkItemType ne '' AND Iteration/IterationPath eq 'Fabrikam Fiber\Release 1\Sprint 6')

Example response:

And the response returns data for the following four work items.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]

         "Title":"Hello World Web Site",
         "WorkItemType":"Product Backlog Item",
            "IterationPath":"Fabrikam Fiber\\Release 1\\Sprint 6"
         "Title":"web site task",
         "State":"To Do",
            "IterationPath":"Fabrikam Fiber\\Release 1\\Sprint 6"
         "Title":"Add a new task with two new tags",
         "State":"To Do",
            "IterationPath":"Fabrikam Fiber\\Release 1\\Sprint 6"
         "Title":"New task - test for Blocked",
         "State":"To Do",
            "IterationPath":"Fabrikam Fiber\\Release 1\\Sprint 6"

Retrieve items for an iteration

You can retrieve all work items for a given iteration that fall between the first day of the iteration and the last day of the iteration. Here, your query is constrained by data contained within the work tracking data.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Iteration/IterationPath eq '{iteration path}' 
    and ChangedDate ge Iteration/StartDate 
    and ChangedDate le Iteration/EndDate
  &$select=WorkItemId, Title, State

Filter work items containing specific tags

The any operator is used here because there are a collection of tags that can be associated with a work item. From a usage perspective, the format is: {Navigation Property}/any(d:d/{Field Name} {operator} {expression}). Any item not surrounded by curly brackets ({}) is a literal. There are some variations. For example, you don't have to use "d" as used in the expression above. Following this format keeps it simple.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Tags/any(d:d/TagName eq '{tag name}')
  &$select=WorkItemId, Title, State

Filter work items for a specific team

Use the following query to list work items for a specific team.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=Teams/any(d:d/TeamName eq '{team name}')
  &$select=WorkItemId, Title, State

Filter work items based on a field ever having a specific value

The following query is similar to a work item query that uses the Was Ever operator.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItems?
  $filter=WorkItemType eq '{Type}'
     and Revisions/any(r:r/ResolvedBy/UserName eq '{User}') 

Example query:

The following query returns the work items that were ever assigned to Jamal Hartnett whose email is '' for the Fabrikam Fiber project.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"] Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/WorkItems?
  $select=WorkItemType, Title, State, 
  &$expand=AssignedTo($select=UserEmail), Area($select=AreaPath)
  &$filter=(WorkItemType ne '' AND State ne '' AND Revisions/any(r:r/AssignedTo/UserEmail eq ''))
  &$orderby=WorkItemType asc

Example response:

The response returns two work items.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]

         "Title":"New home page design",
            "AreaPath":"Design Agile"
         "Title":"Check performance",
         "WorkItemType":"User Story",
            "AreaPath":"Design Agile"

Retrieve the teams assigned under an Area Path

The following query returns the names of teams assigned to area paths under the Account Management area for the Fabrikam Fiber project.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]

> Fiber/_odata/v4.0-preview/Areas?
>      $filter=startswith(AreaPath,'Fabrikam Fiber\Account Management')
>      &$select=AreaPath&$expand=Teams($select=TeamName)
The response returns three area paths and the names of several teams assigned to each. 

> [!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]
> @odata.context	"$metadata#Areas(AreaPath,Teams(TeamName))"
> value	
> 0	
>   AreaPath             "Fabrikam Fiber\\Account Management\\Customer Profile"
>   Teams	
>       0	
>           TeamName     "Organization Management"
>       1	
>           TeamName     "Fabrikam Team"
>       2	
>           TeamName     "Customer Profile"
> 1	
>   AreaPath             "Fabrikam Fiber\\Account Management\\Shopping Cart"
>   Teams	
>       0	
>           TeamName     "Organization Management"
>       1	
>           TeamName     "Shopping Cart"
>       2	
>           TeamName     "Fabrikam Team"
> 2	
>   AreaPath             "Fabrikam Fiber\\Account Management"
>   Teams	
>       0	
>           TeamName     "Organization Management"
>       1	
>           TeamName     "Fabrikam Team"

Return the history of a specific work item

You query the WorkItemRevisions entity set to list work item history. The following query returns the value of the Title, State, and Iteration Path for each revision for a specified work item.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_odata/{version}/WorkItemRevisions?
  $filter=WorkItemId eq {Id}
  &$select=WorkItemId, Title, State, Iteration Path


Anytime a change is made to a work item, including a change to it's stack rank value, a revision is created. For more information about historical data, see Applying filters to historical data.

Example query:

For example, the following syntax queries revisions for ID=1145 in the Fabrikam Fiber project.

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"] Fiber/_odata/v1.0/WorkItemRevisions?$select=WorkItemId, Title, State&$expand=Iteration($select=IterationPath)&$filter=(Project/ProjectName eq 'Fabrikam Fiber' AND WorkItemId eq 1145 AND State ne '' AND Revision gt 1)

Example response:

And the response returns data for the four revisions:

[!div class="tabbedCodeSnippets"]

         "Title":"Sprint 2 work added in June",
            "IterationPath":"Fabrikam Fiber\\Future"
         "Title":"Sprint 2 work added in June",
            "IterationPath":"Fabrikam Fiber\\Future"
         "Title":"Sprint 2 work added in June",
            "IterationPath":"Fabrikam Fiber\\Release 1\\Sprint 2"
         "Title":"Sprint 2 work added in June",
            "IterationPath":"Fabrikam Fiber\\Release 1\\Sprint 2"

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