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ApplicationPool Class1
This article describes the syntax, methods, properties, inheritance, and requirements for the ApplicationPool Class1.

ApplicationPool Class1

Represents an IIS application pool.


class ApplicationPool : Object  


The following table lists the methods exposed by the ApplicationPool class.

Name Description
Create Creates an application pool.
GetState Returns the run-time state of an application pool.
Recycle Recycles an application pool.
RevertToParent Reverts an application pool's configuration value or values to those of its parent application pool.
Start Starts an application pool.
Stop Stops an application pool.


The following table lists the properties exposed by the ApplicationPool class.

Name Description
AutoStart A read/write boolean value. true if the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) will start the application pool automatically either when the application pool is created or when IIS is started; otherwise, false. The default is true.
Cpu An ApplicationPoolProcessorSettings object that contains the CPU settings for an application pool.
Enable32BitAppOnWin64 A read/write boolean value. true if 32-bit applications (both managed and native) can run on 64-bit versions of Windows; otherwise, false. The default is false.
Failure An ApplicationPoolFailureSettings object that defines the properties that determine the actions to be taken when an application pool or worker process fails.
ManagedPipelineMode A read/write sint32 value that indicates the managed pipeline mode. The possible values are listed in the Remarks section.
ManagedRuntimeVersion A read/write string value that contains the version of the common language runtime (CLR) that the application pool preloads. The default is "v2.0". If the property is written to, IIS recycles the application pool and loads the newly specified [!INCLUDEdnprdnshort] version for it.
Name A read-only string value that contains the unique name of the application pool. The key property. The maximum length is 64 characters. Spaces and periods are permitted, but the following characters cannot be used:

& / \ : * ? | " < > [ ] + = ; , @
PassAnonymousToken A read/write boolean value. true if the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) creates and passes a token for the built-in IUSR anonymous user account to the Anonymous authentication module; otherwise, false. The default is true.

The Anonymous authentication module uses the token to impersonate the built-in account. When PassAnonymousToken is false, the token will not be passed. Note: The IUSR anonymous user account replaces the IIS_MachineName anonymous account. The IUSR account can be used by IIS or other applications. It does not have any privileges assigned to it during setup.
ProcessModel A ProcessModelSettings object that defines the configuration settings for IIS worker processes.
QueueLength A read/write uint32 value that indicates the number of requests that HTTP.sys will queue for an application pool before rejecting further requests. The default is 1000. When the limit is exceeded, HTTP.sys rejects additional requests with a 503 (service unavailable) error.
Recycling A RecyclingSettings object that defines the recycling configuration settings for application pools and worker processes.


This class contains no subclasses.


An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or a set of worker processes. Application pools set boundaries for the applications they contain, which means that any applications that are running outside a specified application pool cannot affect the applications within that application pool.

If a managed application runs in an application pool with Integrated mode, the server will use the integrated request-processing pipelines of IIS and [!INCLUDEvstecasp] to process the request. However, if a managed application runs in an application pool with ISAPI mode, the server will continue to route requests for managed code through Aspnet_isapi.dll and process requests as if they were running in IIS 6.0.

Most managed applications should run successfully in application pools with Integrated mode, but you may have to run applications in ISAPI mode for compatibility reasons. Test the applications in Integrated mode first to determine whether you really need ISAPI mode.

The following table lists the possible values for the ManagedPipelineMode property. The default is 0 (Integrated).

Value Keyword Description
0 Integrated The managed pipeline runs in Integrated mode.
1 Classic The managed pipeline runs in ISAPI mode.


The following example displays the name and mode (Integrated or ISAPI) of the application pools on a server.

' Connect to the WMI WebAdministration namespace.  
Set oWebAdmin = GetObject("winmgmts:root\WebAdministration")  
' Retrieve the application pools on the server.   
Set oAppPools = oWebAdmin.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM ApplicationPool")  
For Each oAppPool In oAppPools  
    WScript.Echo "--------------------------------------"  
    WScript.Echo "Application pool name:    " & oAppPool.Name  
    If oAppPool.ManagedPipelineMode = 0 Then  
        sAppPoolMode = "Integrated"  
    ElseIf oAppPool.ManagedPipelineMode = 1 Then  
        sAppPoolMode = "ISAPI"  
    End if  
    WScript.Echo "Application pool mode:    " & sAppPoolMode  

Inheritance Hierarchy


Application Pool


Type Description
Client - [!INCLUDEiis70] on [!INCLUDEwinvista]
- [!INCLUDEiis75] on [!INCLUDEwin7]
- [!INCLUDEiis80] on [!INCLUDEwin8]
- [!INCLUDEiis100] on [!INCLUDEwin10]
Server - [!INCLUDEiis70] on [!INCLUDEwinsrv2008]
- [!INCLUDEiis75] on [!INCLUDEwinsrv2008r2]
- [!INCLUDEiis80] on [!INCLUDEwinsrv2012]
- [!INCLUDEiis85] on [!INCLUDEwinsrv2012r2]
- [!INCLUDEiis100] on [!INCLUDEwinsrv2016]
Product - [!INCLUDEiis70], [!INCLUDEiis75], [!INCLUDEiis80], [!INCLUDEiis85], [!INCLUDEiis100]
MOF file WebAdministration.mof

See Also

Object Class
Configuring Application Pools in IIS 7.0