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sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats (Transact-SQL)
sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats returns statistics about the In-Memory OLTP checkpoint operations in the current database. Learn how this view differs for versions of SQL Server.
sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats dynamic management view
>=sql-server-2016 || >=sql-server-linux-2017 || =azuresqldb-mi-current

sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats (Transact-SQL)

[!INCLUDE sql-asdb-asdbmi]

Returns statistics about the [!INCLUDE inmemory] checkpoint operations in the current database. If the database has no [!INCLUDE inmemory] objects, sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats returns an empty result set.

For more information, see [[!INCLUDE inmemory] (In-Memory Optimization)](../in-memory-oltp/

USE [In_Memory_db_name]
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats;

[!INCLUDE ssSQL14] is substantially different from more recent versions, and is discussed separately.

The following table describes the columns in sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats, for [!INCLUDE sssql16-md] and later versions.

Column name Type Description
last_lsn_processed bigint Last LSN seen by the controller.
end_of_log_lsn numeric(38) The LSN of the end of log.
bytes_to_end_of_log bigint Log bytes unprocessed by the controller, corresponding to the bytes between last_lsn_processed and end_of_log_lsn.
log_consumption_rate bigint Rate of transaction log consumption by the controller (in KB/sec).
active_scan_time_in_ms bigint Time spent by the controller in actively scanning the transaction log.
total_wait_time_in_ms bigint Cumulative wait time for the controller while not scanning the log.
waits_for_io bigint Number of waits for log IO incurred by the controller thread.
io_wait_time_in_ms bigint Cumulative time spent waiting on log IO by the controller thread.
waits_for_new_log_count bigint Number of waits incurred by the controller thread for a new log to be generated.
new_log_wait_time_in_ms bigint Cumulative time spent waiting on a new log by the controller thread.
idle_attempts_count bigint Number of times the controller transitioned to an idle state.
tx_segments_dispatched bigint Number of segments seen by the controller and dispatched to the serializers. Segment is a contiguous portion of log that forms a unit of serialization. It is currently sized to 1 MB, but can change in future.
segment_bytes_dispatched bigint Total byte count of bytes dispatched by the controller to serializers, since the database restart.
bytes_serialized bigint Total count of bytes serialized since database restart.
serializer_user_time_in_ms bigint Time spent by serializers in user mode.
serializer_kernel_time_in_ms bigint Time spent by serializers in kernel mode.
xtp_log_bytes_consumed bigint Total count of log bytes consumed since the database restart.
checkpoints_closed bigint Count of checkpoints closed since the database restart.
last_closed_checkpoint_ts bigint Timestamp of the last closed checkpoint.
hardened_recovery_lsn numeric(38) Recovery starts from this LSN.
hardened_root_file_guid uniqueidentifier GUID of the root file that hardened as a result of the last completed checkpoint.
hardened_root_file_watermark bigint Internal Only. Specifies how far it is valid to read the root file up to (this is an internally relevant type only - called BSN).
hardened_truncation_lsn numeric(38) LSN of the truncation point.
log_bytes_since_last_close bigint Bytes from last close to the current end of log.
time_since_last_close_in_ms bigint Time since last close of the checkpoint.
current_checkpoint_id bigint Currently new segments are being assigned to this checkpoint. The checkpoint system is a pipeline. The current checkpoint is the one which segments from the log are being assigned to. Once it reaches a limit, the controller releases the checkpoint, and a new one created as current.
current_checkpoint_segment_count bigint Count of segments in the current checkpoint.
recovery_lsn_candidate bigint Internally Only. Candidate to be picked as recoverylsn when current_checkpoint_id closes.
outstanding_checkpoint_count bigint Number of checkpoints in the pipeline waiting to be closed.
closing_checkpoint_id bigint ID of the closing checkpoint.

Serializers are working in parallel, so once they finish, the checkpoint is a candidate for closing by close thread. But the close thread can only close one at a time and it must be in order, so the closing checkpoint is the one that the close thread is working on.
recovery_checkpoint_id bigint ID of the checkpoint to be used in recovery.
recovery_checkpoint_ts bigint Time stamp of recovery checkpoint.
bootstrap_recovery_lsn numeric(38) Recovery LSN for the bootstrap.
bootstrap_root_file_guid uniqueidentifier GUID of the root file for the bootstrap.
internal_error_code bigint Error seen by any of the controller, serializer, close, and merge threads.
bytes_of_large_data_serialized bigint Specifies the amount of data that was serialized.
db_in_checkpoint_only_mode bit True if database is in in-memory OLTP checkpoint-only mode.

Applies to: [!INCLUDE sssql22-md] and later versions.

The following table describes the columns in sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats, for [!INCLUDE ssSQL14].

Column name Type Description
log_to_process_in_bytes bigint The number of log bytes between the thread's current log sequence number (LSN) and the end-of-log.
total_log_blocks_processed bigint Total number of log blocks processed since server startup.
total_log_records_processed bigint Total number of log records processed since server startup.
xtp_log_records_processed bigint Total number of [!INCLUDE inmemory] log records processed since server startup.
total_wait_time_in_ms bigint Cumulative wait time in ms.
waits_for_io bigint Number of waits for log IO.
io_wait_time_in_ms bigint Cumulative time spent waiting on log IO.
waits_for_new_log bigint Number of waits for new log to be generated.
new_log_wait_time_in_ms bigint Cumulative time spent waiting on new log.
log_generated_since_last_checkpoint_in_bytes bigint Amount of log generated since the last [!INCLUDE inmemory] checkpoint.
ms_since_last_checkpoint bigint Amount of time in milliseconds since the last [!INCLUDE inmemory] checkpoint.
checkpoint_lsn numeric (38) The recovery log sequence number (LSN) associated with the last completed [!INCLUDE inmemory] checkpoint.
current_lsn numeric (38) The LSN of the log record that is currently processing.
end_of_log_lsn numeric (38) The LSN of the end of the log.
task_address varbinary(8) The address of the SOS_Task. Join to sys.dm_os_tasks to find additional information.


[!INCLUDE sssql19-md] and earlier versions require VIEW DATABASE STATE permission on the database.

[!INCLUDE sssql22-md] and later versions, require VIEW DATABASE PERFORMANCE STATE permission on the database.

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