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Learn more about the DXGKRNL_INTERFACE structure.
Windows Vista



The DXGKRNL_INTERFACE structure contains a handle to a display adapter and a set of pointers to functions implemented by the display port driver, which is a part of Dxgkrnl.


-field Size

An integer that indicates the size, in bytes, of this structure.

-field Version

A positive integer that indicates the version of the functional interface implemented by the display port driver. Version can be one of the DXGKDDI_INTERFACE_VERSION_XXX values defined in D3dukmdt.h.

-field DeviceHandle

A handle, generated by the display port driver, that represents a display adapter. The display miniport driver passes the handle as an argument each time it calls any of the functions in DXGKRNL_INTERFACE.

-field DxgkCbEvalAcpiMethod

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbEvalAcpiMethod function.

-field DxgkCbGetDeviceInformation

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbGetDeviceInformation function.

-field DxgkCbIndicateChildStatus

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbIndicateChildStatus function.

-field DxgkCbMapMemory

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbMapMemory function.

-field DxgkCbQueueDpc

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbQueueDpc function.

-field DxgkCbQueryServices

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbQueryServices function.

-field DxgkCbReadDeviceSpace

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbReadDeviceSpace function.

-field DxgkCbSynchronizeExecution

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbSynchronizeExecution function.

-field DxgkCbUnmapMemory

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbUnmapMemory function.

-field DxgkCbWriteDeviceSpace

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbWriteDeviceSpace function.

-field DxgkCbIsDevicePresent

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbIsDevicePresent function.

-field DxgkCbGetHandleData

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbGetHandleData function.

-field DxgkCbGetHandleParent

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbGetHandleParent function.

-field DxgkCbEnumHandleChildren

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbEnumHandleChildren function.

-field DxgkCbNotifyInterrupt

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbNotifyInterrupt function.

-field DxgkCbNotifyDpc

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbNotifyDpc function.

-field DxgkCbQueryVidPnInterface

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbQueryVidPnInterface function.

-field DxgkCbQueryMonitorInterface

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbQueryMonitorInterface function.

-field DxgkCbGetCaptureAddress

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbGetCaptureAddress function.

-field DxgkCbLogEtwEvent

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbLogEtwEvent function.

-field DxgkCbExcludeAdapterAccess

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbExcludeAdapterAccess function.

-field DxgkCbCreateContextAllocation

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbCreateContextAllocation function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbDestroyContextAllocation

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbDestroyContextAllocation function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbSetPowerComponentActive

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbSetPowerComponentActive function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbSetPowerComponentIdle

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbSetPowerComponentIdle function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbAcquirePostDisplayOwnership

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbAcquirePostDisplayOwnership function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbPowerRuntimeControlRequest

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbPowerRuntimeControlRequest function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbSetPowerComponentLatency

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbSetPowerComponentLatency function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbSetPowerComponentResidency

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbSetPowerComponentResidency function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbCompleteFStateTransition

A pointer to the display port driver's DxgkCbCompleteFStateTransition function. Supported starting with Windows 8.

-field DxgkCbCompletePStateTransition

Reserved for system use. Do not use in your driver. Supported starting with Windows 8.1.

-field DxgkCbMapContextAllocation

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_MAPCONTEXTALLOCATION function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.0.

-field DxgkCbUpdateContextAllocation

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_UPDATECONTEXTALLOCATION function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.0.

-field DxgkCbReserveGpuVirtualAddressRange

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_RESERVEGPUVIRTUALADDRESSRANGE function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.0.

-field DxgkCbAcquireHandleData

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_ACQUIREHANDLEDATA function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.0.

-field DxgkCbReleaseHandleData

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_RELEASEHANDLEDATA function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.0.

-field DxgkCbHardwareContentProtectionTeardown

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_HARDWARECONTENTPROTECTIONTEARDOWN function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.0.

-field DxgkCbMultiPlaneOverlayDisabled

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_MULTIPLANEOVERLAYDISABLED function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.1.

-field DxgkCbMitigatedRangeUpdate

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_MITIGATEDRANGEUPDATE function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.1.

-field DxgkCbInvalidateHwContext

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_INVALIDATEHWCONTEXT function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.2.

-field DxgkCbIndicateConnectorChange

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_INDICATE_CONNECTOR_CHANGE function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.2.

-field DxgkCbUnblockUEFIFrameBufferRanges

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_UNBLOCKUEFIFRAMEBUFFERRANGES function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.2.

-field DxgkCbAcquirePostDisplayOwnership2

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_ACQUIRE_POST_DISPLAY_OWNERSHIP2 function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.2.

-field DxgkCbSetProtectedSessionStatus

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_SETPROTECTEDSESSIONSTATUS function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.3.

-field DxgkCbAllocateContiguousMemory

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_ALLOCATECONTIGUOUSMEMORY function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbFreeContiguousMemory

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_FREECONTIGUOUSMEMORY function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbAllocatePagesForMdl

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_ALLOCATEPAGESFORMDL function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbFreePagesFromMdl

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_FREEPAGESFROMMDL function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbPinFrameBufferForSave

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_PINFRAMEBUFFERFORSAVE function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbUnpinFrameBufferForSave

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_UNPINFRAMEBUFFERFORSAVE function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbMapFrameBufferPointer

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_MAPFRAMEBUFFERPOINTER function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbUnmapFrameBufferPointer

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_UNMAPFRAMEBUFFERPOINTER function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbMapMdlToIoMmu

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_MAPMDLTOIOMMU function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbUnmapMdlFromIoMmu

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_UNMAPMDLFROMIOMMU function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbReportDiagnostic

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_REPORT_DIAGNOSTIC function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.4.

-field DxgkCbSignalEvent

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_SIGNALEVENT function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.5.

-field DxgkCbIsFeatureEnabled

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_ISFEATUREENABLED function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.6.

-field DxgkCbSaveMemoryForHotUpdate

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_SAVEMEMORYFORHOTUPDATE function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.6.

-field DxgkCbNotifyCursorSupportChange

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_NOTIFYCURSORSUPPORTCHANGE function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.8.

-field DxgkCbQueryFeatureSupport

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_QUERYFEATURESUPPORT function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbCreatePhysicalMemoryObject

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_CREATEPHYSICALMEMORYOBJECT function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbDestroyPhysicalMemoryObject

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_DESTROYPHYSICALMEMORYOBJECT function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbMapPhysicalMemory

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_MAPPHYSICALMEMORY function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbUnmapPhysicalMemory

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_UNMAPPHYSICALMEMORY function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbAllocateAdl

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_ALLOCATEADL function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbFreeAdl

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_FREEADL function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbOpenPhysicalMemoryObject

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_OPENPHYSICALMEMORYOBJECT function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbClosePhysicalMemoryObject

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_CLOSEPHYSICALMEMORYOBJECT function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbPinFrameBufferForSave2

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_PINFRAMEBUFFERFORSAVE2 function. Supported starting with WDDM 2.9.

-field DxgkCbDisconnectDoorbell

A pointer to the display port driver's DXGKCB_DISCONNECTDOORBELL function. Supported starting with WDDM 3.1.


The functions are implemented by the display port driver and called by the display miniport driver. The display port driver provides the display miniport driver with the handle and function pointers by passing a DXGKRNL_INTERFACE structure to DxgkDdiStartDevice.



DriverEntry of Display Miniport Driver