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771 lines (515 loc) · 27.9 KB

File metadata and controls

771 lines (515 loc) · 27.9 KB
-api-id -api-type ms.custom
winrt enum



Enum that lists all the supported types in XamlDirect.

Equivalent WinUI 2 API for UWP: Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct.XamlTypeIndex (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).


-field XamlUICommand:969

The XamlUICommand type.

-field XamlLight:855

The XamlLight type.

-field WrapGrid:556

The WrapGrid type.

-field WebViewBrush:423

The WebViewBrush type.

-field WebView:494

The WebView type.

-field VisualTransition:140

The VisualTransition type.

-field VisualStateManager:139

The VisualStateManager type.

-field VisualStateGroup:138

The VisualStateGroup type.

-field VisualState:137

The VisualState type.

-field VirtualizingStackPanel:555

The VirtualizingStackPanel type.

-field Viewbox:417

The Viewbox type.

-field VariableSizedWrapGrid:492

The VariableSizedWrapGrid type.

-field UserControl:491

The UserControl type.

-field Underline:490

The Underline type.

-field TranslateTransform:413

The TranslateTransform type.

-field TransformGroup:411

The TransformGroup type.

-field ToolTip:538

The ToolTip type.

-field ToggleSwitch:489

The ToggleSwitch type.

-field ToggleMenuFlyoutItem:554

The ToggleMenuFlyoutItem type.

-field ToggleButton:553

The ToggleButton type.

-field TimePicker:487

The TimePicker type.

-field TimelineMarker:126

The TimelineMarker type.

-field TickBar:486

The TickBar type.

-field Thumb:485

The Thumb type.

-field TextBox:483

The TextBox type.

-field TextBlock:396

The TextBlock type.

-field SymbolIconSource:933

The SymbolIconSource type.

-field SymbolIcon:482

The SymbolIcon type.

-field SwipeHintThemeAnimation:395

The SwipeHintThemeAnimation type.

-field SwipeBackThemeAnimation:394

The SwipeBackThemeAnimation type.

-field SwapChainPanel:536

The SwapChainPanel type.

-field SwapChainBackgroundPanel:535

The SwapChainBackgroundPanel type.

-field SvgImageSource:860

The SvgImageSource type.

-field Style:114

The Style type.

-field Storyboard:393

The Storyboard type.

-field StateTrigger:767

The StateTrigger type.

-field StandardUICommand:961

The StandardUICommand type.

-field StackPanel:481

The StackPanel type.

-field SplitView:728

The SplitView type.

-field SplitOpenThemeAnimation:392

The SplitOpenThemeAnimation type.

-field SplitCloseThemeAnimation:391

The SplitCloseThemeAnimation type.

-field SplinePointKeyFrame:268

The SplinePointKeyFrame type.

-field SplineDoubleKeyFrame:267

The SplineDoubleKeyFrame type.

-field SplineColorKeyFrame:266

The SplineColorKeyFrame type.

-field Span:390

The Span type.

-field SolidColorBrush:265

The SolidColorBrush type.

-field SoftwareBitmapSource:761

The SoftwareBitmapSource type.

-field Slider:534

The Slider type.

-field SkewTransform:389

The SkewTransform type.

-field SineEase:264

The SineEase type.

-field SettingsFlyout:533

The SettingsFlyout type.

-field Setter:263

The Setter type.

-field SemanticZoom:479

The SemanticZoom type.

-field SearchBox:477

The SearchBox type.

-field ScrollViewer:552

The ScrollViewer type.

-field ScrollContentPresenter:476

The ScrollContentPresenter type.

-field ScrollBar:530

The ScrollBar type.

-field ScaleTransform:381

The ScaleTransform type.

-field Run:380

The Run type.

-field RowDefinition:106

The RowDefinition type.

-field RotateTransform:378

The RotateTransform type.

-field RichTextBlockOverflow:376

The RichTextBlockOverflow type.

-field RichTextBlock:374

The RichTextBlock type.

-field RichEditBox:473

The RichEditBox type.

-field ResourceDictionary:371

The ResourceDictionary type.

-field RepositionThemeTransition:262

The RepositionThemeTransition type.

-field RepositionThemeAnimation:370

The RepositionThemeAnimation type.

-field RepeatButton:551

The RepeatButton type.

-field ReorderThemeTransition:261

The ReorderThemeTransition type.

-field RenderTargetBitmap:260

The RenderTargetBitmap type.

-field RelativeSource:259

The RelativeSource type.

-field RelativePanel:744

The RelativePanel type.

-field RectangleGeometry:258

The RectangleGeometry type.

-field Rectangle:470

The Rectangle type.

-field RadioButton:562

The RadioButton type.

-field QuinticEase:257

The QuinticEase type.

-field QuarticEase:256

The QuarticEase type.

-field QuadraticEase:255

The QuadraticEase type.

-field QuadraticBezierSegment:254

The QuadraticBezierSegment type.

-field ProgressRing:468

The ProgressRing type.

-field ProgressBar:528

The ProgressBar type.

-field PrintDocument:100

The PrintDocument type.

-field PowerEase:252

The PowerEase type.

-field PopupThemeTransition:251

The PopupThemeTransition type.

-field Popup:363

The Popup type.

-field PopOutThemeAnimation:362

The PopOutThemeAnimation type.

-field PopInThemeAnimation:361

The PopInThemeAnimation type.

-field PolyQuadraticBezierSegment:250

The PolyQuadraticBezierSegment type.

-field PolyLineSegment:249

The PolyLineSegment type.

-field Polyline:466

The Polyline type.

-field Polygon:465

The Polygon type.

-field PolyBezierSegment:248

The PolyBezierSegment type.

-field PointerUpThemeAnimation:359

The PointerUpThemeAnimation type.

-field PointerDownThemeAnimation:357

The PointerDownThemeAnimation type.

-field PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames:246

The PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames type.

-field PointAnimation:245

The PointAnimation type.

-field PlaneProjection:244

The PlaneProjection type.

-field PerspectiveTransform3D:733

The PerspectiveTransform3D type.

-field PathIconSource:931

The PathIconSource type.

-field PathIcon:464

The PathIcon type.

-field PathGeometry:243

The PathGeometry type.

-field PathFigure:93

The PathFigure type.

-field Path:463

The Path type.

-field PasswordBox:462

The PasswordBox type.

-field Paragraph:349

The Paragraph type.

-field PaneThemeTransition:241

The PaneThemeTransition type.

-field Page:525

The Page type.

-field ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames:240

The ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames type.

-field MenuFlyoutSubItem:749

The MenuFlyoutSubItem type.

-field MenuFlyoutSeparator:523

The MenuFlyoutSeparator type.

-field MenuFlyoutPresenter:522

The MenuFlyoutPresenter type.

-field MenuFlyoutItem:521

The MenuFlyoutItem type.

-field MenuFlyout:238

The MenuFlyout type.

-field MediaTransportControls:458

The MediaTransportControls type.

-field MediaPlayerPresenter:828

The MediaPlayerPresenter type.

-field MediaPlayerElement:829

The MediaPlayerElement type.

-field MediaElement:342

The MediaElement type.

-field MatrixTransform:340

The MatrixTransform type.

-field Matrix3DProjection:236

The Matrix3DProjection type.

-field ListViewItemPresenter:520

The ListViewItemPresenter type.

-field ListViewItem:561

The ListViewItem type.

-field ListViewHeaderItem:550

The ListViewHeaderItem type.

-field ListView:571

The ListView type.

-field ListBoxItem:547

The ListBoxItem type.

-field ListBox:568

The ListBox type.

-field LineSegment:234

The LineSegment type.

-field LineGeometry:233

The LineGeometry type.

-field LineBreak:335

The LineBreak type.

-field LinearPointKeyFrame:232

The LinearPointKeyFrame type.

-field LinearGradientBrush:334

The LinearGradientBrush type.

-field LinearDoubleKeyFrame:231

The LinearDoubleKeyFrame type.

-field LinearColorKeyFrame:230

The LinearColorKeyFrame type.

-field Line:452

The Line type.

-field KeySpline:78

The KeySpline type.

-field KeyboardAccelerator:897

The KeyboardAccelerator type.

-field ItemsWrapGrid:515

The ItemsWrapGrid type.

-field ItemsStackPanel:514

The ItemsStackPanel type.

-field ItemsPresenter:332

The ItemsPresenter type.

-field ItemsPanelTemplate:227

The ItemsPanelTemplate type.

-field ItemsControl:451

The ItemsControl type.

-field Italic:449

The Italic type.

-field InputScopeName:75

The InputScopeName type.

-field InputScope:74

The InputScope type.

-field InlineUIContainer:329

The InlineUIContainer type.

-field InkCanvas:748

The InkCanvas type.

-field ImageBrush:328

The ImageBrush type.

-field Image:326

The Image type.

-field IconSourceElement:939

The IconSourceElement type.

-field HyperlinkButton:546

The HyperlinkButton type.

-field Hyperlink:447

The Hyperlink type.

-field HubSection:446

The HubSection type.

-field Hub:445

The Hub type.

-field HandwritingView:920

The HandwritingView type.

-field GroupItem:512

The GroupItem type.

-field GridViewItemPresenter:511

The GridViewItemPresenter type.

-field GridViewItem:560

The GridViewItem type.

-field GridViewHeaderItem:545

The GridViewHeaderItem type.

-field GridView:570

The GridView type.

-field Grid:442

The Grid type.

-field GradientStop:64

The GradientStop type.

-field Glyphs:312

The Glyphs type.

-field GeometryGroup:216

The GeometryGroup type.

-field Frame:509

The Frame type.

-field FontIconSource:930

The FontIconSource type.

-field FontIcon:440

The FontIcon type.

-field FlyoutPresenter:508

The FlyoutPresenter type.

-field Flyout:213

The Flyout type.

-field FlipViewItem:543

The FlipViewItem type.

-field FlipView:567

The FlipView type.

-field FadeOutThemeAnimation:307

The FadeOutThemeAnimation type.

-field FadeInThemeAnimation:306

The FadeInThemeAnimation type.

-field ExponentialEase:212

The ExponentialEase type.

-field EventTrigger:211

The EventTrigger type.

-field EntranceThemeTransition:210

The EntranceThemeTransition type.

-field EllipseGeometry:209

The EllipseGeometry type.

-field Ellipse:438

The Ellipse type.

-field ElasticEase:208

The ElasticEase type.

-field EdgeUIThemeTransition:207

The EdgeUIThemeTransition type.

-field EasingPointKeyFrame:206

The EasingPointKeyFrame type.

-field EasingDoubleKeyFrame:205

The EasingDoubleKeyFrame type.

-field EasingColorKeyFrame:204

The EasingColorKeyFrame type.

-field DropTargetItemThemeAnimation:304

The DropTargetItemThemeAnimation type.

-field DrillOutThemeAnimation:783

The DrillOutThemeAnimation type.

-field DrillInThemeAnimation:782

The DrillInThemeAnimation type.

-field DragOverThemeAnimation:303

The DragOverThemeAnimation type.

-field DragItemThemeAnimation:302

The DragItemThemeAnimation type.

-field DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames:201

The DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames type.

-field DoubleAnimation:200

The DoubleAnimation type.

-field DiscretePointKeyFrame:198

The DiscretePointKeyFrame type.

-field DiscreteObjectKeyFrame:197

The DiscreteObjectKeyFrame type.

-field DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame:196

The DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame type.

-field DiscreteColorKeyFrame:195

The DiscreteColorKeyFrame type.

-field DependencyObjectCollection:437

The DependencyObjectCollection type.

-field DatePicker:436

The DatePicker type.

-field DataTemplate:194

The DataTemplate type.

-field CubicEase:192

The CubicEase type.

-field ControlTemplate:191

The ControlTemplate type.

-field ContentThemeTransition:190

The ContentThemeTransition type.

-field ContentPresenter:296

The ContentPresenter type.

-field ContentLink:925

The ContentLink type.

-field ContentDialog:506

The ContentDialog type.

-field ContentControl:435

The ContentControl type.

-field CompositeTransform3D:732

The CompositeTransform3D type.

-field CompositeTransform:295

The CompositeTransform type.

-field CommandBarOverflowPresenter:781

The CommandBarOverflowPresenter type.

-field CommandBar:542

The CommandBar type.

-field ComboBoxItem:541

The ComboBoxItem type.

-field ComboBox:566

The ComboBox type.

-field ColumnDefinition:44

The ColumnDefinition type.

-field ColorPaletteResources:952

The ColorPaletteResources type.

-field ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames:189

The ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames type.

-field ColorAnimation:188

The ColorAnimation type.

-field CollectionViewSource:41

The CollectionViewSource type.

-field CircleEase:187

The CircleEase type.

-field CheckBox:559

The CheckBox type.

-field CarouselPanel:502

The CarouselPanel type.

-field CaptureElement:288

The CaptureElement type.

-field Canvas:432

The Canvas type.

-field CalendarViewDayItem:709

The CalendarViewDayItem type.

-field CalendarView:707

The CalendarView type.

-field CalendarPanel:723

The CalendarPanel type.

-field CalendarDatePicker:774

The CalendarDatePicker type.

-field Button:540

The Button type.

-field BounceEase:186

The BounceEase type.

-field Border:286

The Border type.

-field Bold:430

The Bold type.

-field BitmapImage:285

The BitmapImage type.

-field BitmapIconSource:929

The BitmapIconSource type.

-field BitmapIcon:429

The BitmapIcon type.

-field BitmapCache:183

The BitmapCache type.

-field BindingBase:182

The BindingBase type.

-field Binding:564

The Binding type.

-field BezierSegment:181

The BezierSegment type.

-field BeginStoryboard:180

The BeginStoryboard type.

-field BackEase:179

The BackEase type.

-field AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs:35

The AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs type.

-field AutoSuggestBoxSuggestionChosenEventArgs:34

The AutoSuggestBoxSuggestionChosenEventArgs type.

-field AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs:778

The AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs type.

-field AutoSuggestBox:499

The AutoSuggestBox type.

-field AutomationPeerAnnotation:790

The AutomationPeerAnnotation type.

-field AutomationAnnotation:789

The AutomationAnnotation type.

-field ArcSegment:178

The ArcSegment type.

-field AppBarToggleButton:558

The AppBarToggleButton type.

-field AppBarSeparator:427

The AppBarSeparator type.

-field AppBarElementContainer:945

The AppBarElementContainer type.

-field AppBarButton:557

The AppBarButton type.

-field AppBar:495

The AppBar type.

-field AddDeleteThemeTransition:177

The AddDeleteThemeTransition type.

-field AdaptiveTrigger:757

The AdaptiveTrigger type.

-field ThemeShadow:964

The ThemeShadow type.


XamlDirect, IXamlDirectObject, XamlPropertyIndex, XamlEventIndex