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Permission Management APIs


The WebView2 team is adding support for more permission management scenarios. With the extended PermissionRequested event args and new permission APIs you will be able to:

  • Set permission for a site at any time
  • List all nondefault permissions
  • Control more permission kinds

The new SavesInProfile property on the PermissionRequestedEventArgs lets you turn off the caching of permission state so that you can intercept all permission requests. By default, state set from the PermissionRequested event handler and default permission UI is saved across sessions and you may stop receiving PermissionRequested events for some permission kinds.

The new APIs, SetPermission and GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings, provide all the information necessary to build a permission management page where a user can view and modify existing site permissions. The new permission kinds we will support are: local font list, automatic downloads, media autoplay, file editing, and system exclusive MIDI access.

See already supported permission kinds and existing event args.


Extended PermissionRequestedEventArgs: SavesInProfile

C# Sample

IDictionary<(string, CoreWebView2PermissionKind, bool), bool> _cachedPermissions =
    new Dictionary<(string, CoreWebView2PermissionKind, bool), bool>();

// In this example, the app listens to all requests and caches permission on its own
// to decide whether to show custom UI to the user.
void WebView_PermissionRequested(object sender, CoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs args)
    // Obtain a deferral for the event so that the CoreWebView2 doesn't examine
    // the properties set on the event args until after the dialog is closed.
    CoreWebView2Deferral deferral = args.GetDeferral();

    System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current.Post((_) =>
        using (deferral)
            // Do not save state to the profile so that the PermissionRequested
            // event is always raised and the app is in control of all
            // permission requests.
            args.SavesInProfile = false;
            CoreWebView2PermissionState state = CoreWebView2PermissionState.Default;
            var cachedKey =
                (args.Uri, args.PermissionKind, args.IsUserInitiated);
            if (_cachedPermissions.ContainsKey(cachedKey))
                state = _cachedPermissions[cachedKey]
                    ? CoreWebView2PermissionState.Allow
                    : CoreWebView2PermissionState.Deny;
                var allowed = ShowPermissionDialog(
                    args.Uri, args.PermissionKind, args.IsUserInitiated);
                state = allowed ? CoreWebView2PermissionState.Allow
                                : CoreWebView2PermissionState.Deny;
                _cachedPermissions[cachedKey] = allowed;
            args.State = state;
    }, null);

C++ Sample

std::map<std::tuple<std::wstring, COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_KIND, BOOL>, bool>

// In this example, the app listens to all requests and caches permission on its own
// to decide whether to show custom UI to the user.
HRESULT SettingsComponent::OnPermissionRequested(
    ICoreWebView2* sender, ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs* args)
    // Obtain a deferral for the event so that the CoreWebView2
    // doesn't examine the properties we set on the event args until
    // after we call the Complete method asynchronously later.
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Deferral> deferral;

    // Do not save state to the profile so that the PermissionRequested event is
    // always raised and the app is in control of all permission requests.
    auto extendedArgs = args.try_query<ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs3>();
    if (extendedArgs)

    // Do the rest asynchronously, to avoid calling dialog in an event handler.
    m_appWindow->RunAsync([this, deferral,
        args = wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs>(args)]
        wil::unique_cotaskmem_string uri;
        BOOL userInitiated = FALSE;

        auto cachedKey = std::make_tuple(std::wstring(uri.get()), kind, userInitiated);
        auto cachedPermission = m_cachedPermissions.find(cachedKey);
        if (cachedPermission != m_cachedPermissions.end())
            state =
                (cachedPermission->second ? COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_STATE_ALLOW
                                          : COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_STATE_DENY);
            bool allowed = ShowPermissionDialog(uri, kind, userInitiated);
            state = (allowed ? COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_STATE_ALLOW
                             : COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_STATE_DENY);
            m_cachedPermissions[cachedKey] = allowed;
    return S_OK;

SetPermission and GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings

SetPermission allows the app to change the permissions granted to the WebView outside of a PermissionRequested event.

GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings returns a collection of permissions previously granted or denied to the WebView.

C# Sample

// Gets the nondefault permission collection and updates a custom permission
// management page.
async void WebView_PermissionManager_DOMContentLoaded(object sender,
    CoreWebView2DOMContentLoadedEventArgs arg)
    // Permission management APIs are only used on the app's permission
    // management page.
    if (webView.CoreWebView2.Source !=
    // Get all the nondefault permissions and post them to the app's
    // permission management page. The permission management page can present
    // a list of custom permissions set for this profile and let the end user
    // modify them.
    IReadOnlyList<CoreWebView2PermissionSetting> permissionList =
        await webView.CoreWebView2.Profile.GetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsAsync();
    foreach (CoreWebView2PermissionSetting setting in permissionList)
        string reply = "{\"PermissionSetting\": \"" +
                        PermissionKindToString(setting.PermissionKind) + ", " +
                        setting.Origin + ", " +
                        PermissionStateToString(setting.State) +

// Called when the user wants to change permission state from the custom
// permission management page.
void WebView_PermissionManager_WebMessageReceived(object sender,
    CoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventArgs args)
    // Permission management APIs are only used on the app's permission
    // management page.
    if (args.Source !=
    string message = args.TryGetWebMessageAsString();
    // The app's permission management page can provide a way for the
    // end user to change permissions. For example, the page can have a
    // `Set Permission` button that triggers a dialog, where the user
    // specifies the desired origin, permission kind, and state.
    if (message == "SetPermission")
        // Avoid potential reentrancy from running a message loop in the
        // event handler.
        System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current.Post((_) =>
            var dialog = new SetPermissionDialog();
            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
        }, null);

async void SetPermissionState(CoreWebView2PermissionKind kind, string origin,
    CoreWebView2PermissionState state)
    // Example: webView.CoreWebView2.Profile.SetPermissionState(
    //    CoreWebView2PermissionKind.Geolocation,
    //    "",
    //    CoreWebView2PermissionState.Deny);
    await webView.CoreWebView2.Profile.SetPermissionStateAsync(
        kind, origin, state);
    // Reload the permission management page.

C++ Sample

std::wstring m_sampleUri;

ScenarioPermissionManagement::ScenarioPermissionManagement(AppWindow* appWindow)
    : m_appWindow(appWindow), m_webView(appWindow->GetWebView())
    m_sampleUri = m_appWindow->GetLocalUri(c_samplePath);
    auto webView2_13 = m_webView.try_query<ICoreWebView2_13>();
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Profile> profile;
    if (!webView2_13)
    m_webViewProfile6 = profile.try_query<ICoreWebView2Profile6>();
    if (!m_webViewProfile6)
    m_webView2 = m_webView.try_query<ICoreWebView2_2>();
    if (m_webView2)
                [this](ICoreWebView2* sender, ICoreWebView2DOMContentLoadedEventArgs* args)
                    -> HRESULT
                    wil::unique_cotaskmem_string source;
                    // Permission management APIs are only used on the app's
                    // permission management page.
                    if (source.get() != m_sampleUri)
                        return S_OK;
                    // Get all the nondefault permissions and post them to the
                    // app's permission management page. The permission management
                    // page can present a list of custom permissions set for this
                    // profile and let the end user modify them.
                            [this, sender](
                                HRESULT code, ICoreWebView2PermissionSettingCollection*
                                                  permissionSettingCollection) -> HRESULT
                                UINT32 count;
                                for (UINT32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                        permissionSettingCollection->GetValueAtIndex(i, &setting));
                                    COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_KIND kind;
                                    std::wstring kind_string =
                                    COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_STATE state;
                                    wil::unique_cotaskmem_string origin;
                                    std::wstring state_string =
                                    std::wstring reply = L"{\"PermissionSetting\": \"" +
                                                          kind_string + L", " +
                                                          origin.get() + L", " +
                                                          state_string + L"\"}";
                                return S_OK;
                    return S_OK;

    // Called when the user wants to change permission state from the custom
    // permission management page.
            [this](ICoreWebView2* sender, ICoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventArgs* args)
                -> HRESULT
                wil::unique_cotaskmem_string source;
                // Permission management APIs are only used on the app's
                // permission management page.
                if (source.get() != m_sampleUri)
                    return S_OK;
                wil::unique_cotaskmem_string message;
                // The app's permission management page can provide a way for the
                // end user to change permissions. For example, the page can have a
                // `Set Permission` button that triggers a dialog, where the user
                // specifies the desired origin, permission kind, and state.
                if (wcscmp(message.get(), L"SetPermission") == 0)
                    m_appWindow->RunAsync([this] { ShowSetPermissionDialog(); });
                return S_OK;

void ScenarioPermissionManagement::ShowSetPermissionDialog()
    PermissionDialog dialog(m_appWindow->GetMainWindow());
    if (dialog.confirmed && m_webViewProfile6)
        // Example: m_webViewProfile6->SetPermissionState(
        //    L"",
        //    SetPermissionStateCallback);
            dialog.kind, dialog.origin.c_str(), dialog.state,
            [this](HRESULT error) -> HRESULT
                // Reload the permission management page.
                return S_OK;

API Details


  // Other permission kinds not shown.

  /// Indicates permission to automatically download multiple files. Permission
  /// is requested when multiple downloads are triggered in quick succession.

  /// Indicates permission to read and write to files or folders on the device. Permission
  /// is requested when developers use the [File System Access API](
  /// to show the file or folder picker to the end user, and then request "readwrite"
  /// permission for the user's selection.

  /// Indicates permission to play audio and video automatically on sites. This
  /// permission affects the autoplay attribute and play method of the audio and video
  /// HTML elements, and the start method of the Web Audio API. See the
  /// [Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs](
  /// for details.

  /// Indicates permission to use fonts on the device. Permission is requested when
  /// developers use the [Local Font Access API](
  /// to query the system fonts available for styling web content.

  /// Indicates permission for a site to use system exlusive messages to access
  /// Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) devices. Permission is requested
  /// when developers use the [Web MIDI API](
  /// to request system exclusive MIDI access.

/// This is a continuation of the `ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs`
/// interface.
[uuid(08595a19-44f0-41b1-9ae4-5889f5edadcb), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs3: IUnknown {
  /// The permission state set from the `PermissionRequested` event is saved in
  /// the profile by default; it persists across sessions and becomes the new
  /// default behavior for future `PermissionRequested` events. Browser
  /// heuristics can affect whether the event continues to be raised when the
  /// state is saved in the profile. Set the `SavesInProfile` property to
  /// `FALSE` to not persist the state beyond the current request, and to
  /// continue to receive `PermissionRequested`
  /// events for this origin and permission kind.
  [propget] HRESULT SavesInProfile([out, retval] BOOL* value);

  /// Sets the `SavesInProfile` property.
  [propput] HRESULT SavesInProfile([in] BOOL value);

/// This is the ICoreWebView2 interface for the permission management APIs.
[uuid(5bdfc5dd-C07a-41b7-bcf2-94020975f185), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2Profile6 : ICoreWebView2Profile5 {
  /// Sets permission state for the given permission kind and origin
  /// asynchronously. The change persists across sessions until it is changed by
  /// another call to `SetPermissionState`, or by setting the `State` property
  /// in `PermissionRequestedEventArgs`. Setting the state to
  /// `COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_STATE_DEFAULT` will erase any state saved in the
  /// profile and restore the default behavior.
  /// The origin should have a valid scheme and host (e.g. ""),
  /// otherwise the method fails with `E_INVALIDARG`. Additional URI parts like
  /// path and fragment are ignored. For example, ""
  /// is treated the same as "". See the
  /// [MDN origin definition]( for more details.
  HRESULT SetPermissionState(
        [in] COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_KIND permissionKind,
        [in] LPCWSTR origin,
        [in] ICoreWebView2SetPermissionStateCompletedHandler* completedHandler);

  /// Invokes the handler with a collection of all nondefault permission settings.
  /// Use this method to get the permission state set in the current and previous
  /// sessions.
  HRESULT GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings(
      [in] ICoreWebView2GetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedHandler*

/// The caller implements this interface to handle the result of
/// `SetPermissionState`.
[uuid(83972f3b-0716-4f78-b2ae-cc60d2bb807c), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2SetPermissionStateCompletedHandler : IUnknown {
  /// Provide the completion status of the corresponding asynchronous method.
  HRESULT Invoke([in] HRESULT errorCode);

/// The caller implements this interface to handle the result of
/// `GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings`.
[uuid(64889aec-34d0-47e3-86ed-a4df204f8dcf), object, pointer_default(unique)]
ICoreWebView2GetNonDefaultPermissionSettingsCompletedEventHandler : IUnknown {
  /// Provides the permission setting collection for the requested permission kind.
  HRESULT Invoke([in] HRESULT errorCode,
      [in] ICoreWebView2PermissionSettingCollection* permissionSettingCollection);

/// Collection of `PermissionSetting`s (origin, kind, and state). Used to list
/// the nondefault permission settings on the profile that are persisted across
/// sessions.
[uuid(d862e9e0-67e7-4a33-ba7d-7db22c82f74d), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2PermissionSettingCollection : IUnknown {
  /// Gets the `ICoreWebView2PermissionSetting` at the specified index.
  HRESULT GetValueAtIndex([in] UINT32 index,
                          [out, retval] ICoreWebView2PermissionSetting** permissionSetting);

  /// The number of `ICoreWebView2PermissionSetting`s in the collection.
  [propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] UINT32* value);

/// Provides a set of properties for a permission setting.
[uuid(9c78a547-d008-49d8-a5e2-a3021976c755), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2PermissionSetting : IUnknown {
  /// The kind of the permission setting. See `COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_KIND` for
  /// more details.
  [propget] HRESULT PermissionKind([out, retval] COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_KIND*

  /// The origin of the permission setting.
  [propget] HRESULT Origin([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);

  /// The state of the permission setting.
  [propget] HRESULT State([out, retval] COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_STATE* value);
namespace Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
    enum CoreWebView2PermissionKind
        // Other permission kinds not shown.

        // Indicates permission to automatically download multiple files.
        // Permission is requested whenever multiple downloads are triggered in
        // quick succession.
        MultipleAutomaticDownloads = 7,

        // Indicates permission to read and write to files or folders on the device.
        // Permission is requested when developers use the [File System Access API](
        // to show the file or folder picker to the end user, and then request
        // "readwrite" permission for the user's selection.
        FileReadWrite = 8,

        // Indicates permission to play audio and video automatically on sites. This
        // permission affects the autoplay attribute and play method of the audio and
        // video HTML elements, and the start method of the Web Audio API. See the
        // [Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs](
        // for details.
        Autoplay = 9,

        // Indicates permission to use fonts on the device. Permission is requested when
        // developers use the [Local Font Access API](
        // to query the system fonts available for styling web content.
        LocalFonts = 10,

        // Indicates permission for a site to use system exlusive messages to access
        // Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) devices. Permission is requested
        // when developers use the [Web MIDI API](
        // to request system exclusive MIDI access.
        MidiSystemExclusiveAccess = 11,

namespace Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
    runtimeclass CoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs
        // Other members not shown.

        // The permission state set from the `PermissionRequested` event is
        // saved in the profile by default; it persists across sessions and
        // becomes the new default behavior for future `PermissionRequested` events.
        // Browser heuristics can affect whether the event continues to be raised
        // when the state is saved in the profile. Set the `SavesInProfile`
        // property to `FALSE` to not persist the state beyond the current request,
        // and to continue to receive `PermissionRequested` events for this origin
        // and permission kind.
            Boolean SavesInProfile { get; set; };

namespace Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
    runtimeclass CoreWebView2Profile
        // Other members of CoreWebView2Profile not shown.

            // Sets permission state for the given permission kind and origin
            // asynchronously. The change persists across sessions until it is
            // changed by another call to `SetPermissionState`, or by setting
            // the `State` property in `PermissionRequestedEventArgs`. Setting
            // the state to `CoreWebView2PermissionState.Default` will erase any
            // state saved in the profile and restore the default behavior.
            // The origin should have a valid scheme and host (e.g.
            // ""), otherwise the method fails.
            // Additional URI parts like path and fragment are ignored. For
            // example, "" is treated
            // the same as "". See the
            // [MDN origin definition]( for more details.
            Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction SetPermissionStateAsync(
                CoreWebView2PermissionKind PermissionKind,
                String origin,
                CoreWebView2PermissionState State);

            // Use this method to get all the nondefault permission settings
            // from the current and previous sessions.

    runtimeclass CoreWebView2PermissionSetting
        // The kind of the permission setting. See CoreWebView2PermissionKind for
        // more details.
        CoreWebView2PermissionKind PermissionKind { get; };

        // The origin of the permission setting.
        String Origin { get; };

        // The state of the permission setting.
        CoreWebView2PermissionState State { get; };