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Getting Started with Azure AI Phi-3 Chat API, GPT-4 Assistants API and Azure Translator


This is a lightweight python project to demonistrate how-to

  1. Create and manage GPT-4 assistants and threads.
  2. Create Phi-3-mini chat.
  3. Use Azure Translator to complement the model translation capabilities to improve the low resource languages translation quality.
  4. Use fast python async calls with Quart and Uvicorn.


  • You created AIServices resource/project ( and deployed GPT-4 and Phi-3-mini models. You will need this information to modify ".env_template."
  • [optional] Install VS code
  • Install node.js and npm using
  • Clone this repo
  • Launch VS code
  • Select the project folder
  • Start VS code terminal and run the following install commands:
    • npm install
    • npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @chatscope/chat-ui-kit-react
    • npm install react-select
    • python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

.env must be added to the root directory:

  • modify ".env_template" and rename to ".env"

Launch the app

  1. Start VS code and open the app folder from "File" tab
  2. Create 2 terminals
  3. In terminal 1 run: python -m uvicorn app:app --port 5000 --reload
    • Wait for Application startup complete.
  4. In terminal 2 run: npm start
    • You should see: Landing page

You can:

  1. Type query in Ask anything.
  2. Use slider switch for Azure AI Translator.
  3. Select deployment model (phi-3-mini-4k-instruct as an example for chat and GPT-4 for assistants).
  4. Change query paramters as needed.
  5. Clear chat to remove session chat history.


  • When Azure Traslator is enabled, this repo supports translation from source language to French, German, Chinese, Spanish and English.
  • You can add more target lanaguages by modifying get_target_language() found in backend/ and backend/


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