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My Awesome Project

This ecommerce application is built using a powerful and versatile tech stack that ensures a seamless and responsive user experience.

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How It's Made:

Tech used: JavaScript, React, Express, Node, MongoDB, Redux, and Bootstrap.

React: We've chosen React, a popular and highly efficient JavaScript library, for building the frontend of our application. React's component-based architecture allows us to create modular and reusable UI elements, making development faster and more maintainable.

Express: Our backend is powered by Express, a robust Node.js framework. Express provides a scalable and flexible foundation for handling HTTP requests and serving data to our frontend. It ensures that our application runs smoothly and efficiently.

Node.js: As the runtime environment for our backend, Node.js enables us to use JavaScript on the server-side. Its non-blocking, event-driven architecture ensures fast and responsive server operations.

MongoDB: We've opted for MongoDB as our database system due to its flexibility and scalability. This NoSQL database allows us to store and manage product data, user information, and more, all in a structured and easily accessible manner.

Redux: Managing the state of our application is crucial for providing a consistent and smooth user experience. Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, helps us centralize and manage the state of our ecommerce platform efficiently.

Bootstrap: To ensure a responsive and visually appealing design, we've integrated Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework. Bootstrap provides a wide range of pre-designed components and styles that help us create a consistent and attractive user interface.

This tech stack combination enables us to deliver a modern and user-friendly ecommerce application. By leveraging the strengths of each technology, we've created a platform that is not only visually appealing but also performs seamlessly, offering our users an exceptional shopping experience.


  • Add Password Reset
  • Add Google authentication
  • Add WebSockets

Lessons Learned:

  • Learned how to implement paypal.
  • Learned how to store ecommerce object efficiently.
  • Learned how to implement and storing JWT as cookies.


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