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Mike Rix Wolfe edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 3 revisions


Gary uses a JSON configuration file to hold settings: /config

On first run this file is created with default settings:

    "local irc":
      "server": "localhost",
      "nick": "Gary ",
      "channels": ["#test"]


Connections is an associative array of connection_name : connection_settings key/value pairs.



  • nick: the name of the bot.
  • server: the hostname of the irc server.
  • channels: channels to join. A list of strings. Can be []


  • port: defaults to 6667. The port to connect to.
  • user: defaults to "Gary". (user@netmask)
  • realname: defaults to "Gary" (Shown in whois)
  • server_password: the server password. Omit if not needed.
  • nickserv_password: defaults to "" (no login is performed)
  • nickserv_name: defaults to "nickserv" (standard on most networks)
  • nickserv_command: defaults to "IDENTIFY %s" (interpolated with password)
  • ssl: defaults to false. Set to true to connect to the server using SSL
  • ignore_cert: defaults to true. Set to false to validate the certificate that the remote host uses for the SSL connection.


A single Gary instance can have multiple connections and multiple channels:

    "public bot":
      "server": "",
      "nick": "publicbot",
      "channels": ["#main"]
    "private bot":
      "server": "",
      "nick": "privatebot",
      "channels": ["#secret", "#admin"]

The user and realname can be set.

    "poker irc":
      "server": "",
      "nick": "pokerbot",
      "channels": ["#poker"],
      "user": "pokerbot",
      "realname": "Pokerbot - a fork of Gary",

Automatic identification is possible.

  • nickserv_password: defaults to "" (no login is performed)
  • nickserv_name: defaults to "nickserv" (standard on most networks)
  • nickserv_command: defaults to "IDENTIFY %s" (interpolated with password)
    "poker irc":
      "server": "",
      "nick": "pokerbot",
      "nickserv_password": "aceofspades",
      "channels": ["#poker"]
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