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It's a chat project that was created using Create React App, Node.js, WebSocket and Firebase. The project contains the following components:

  1. Login page
  2. Authorization page
  3. Chat page
  4. Profile menu
  5. Contacts add/delete modal window


  1. Go to the directory chat-app/server and run the command npm install
  2. Go to the directory chat-app and also run the command npm install
  3. After this go to the directory chat-app/server and start the server (port 4200) with the command node app.js
  4. And then go to the directory chat-app and start the client (port 3000) with the command npm start
  5. The project will be available at http://localhost:3000/


  1. Database operations are implemented on the client using Firebase (see directory src/services)
  2. WebSocket is used to send messages and update the chat. There are different types of WebSocket messages (see file server/services/handleClients.js):
    1. type: '__COMMON__' is used for chat messaging between the user and his friend
    2. type: '__INIT__' is used to remember the user's client on the server
    3. type: '__UPDATE__' is used to notify other clients of user's changes (edit profile and add/delete contacts)
  3. Receiving and sending WebSocket messages is implemented in the component Main. Different useEffect() hooks react to state changes caused by WebSocket messages
  4. Almost all database operations require user's id. After successful Authorization the received id from Firebase is saved in localStorage
  5. Every two seconds the client polls the server to determine a current status of each contact (online/offline)
  6. Form validation is implemented using the lib react-hook-form
  7. Opening the modal window blocks clicking on the outside zone with using the underlay (component Substrate)
  8. The username has two parts (for example Randy Marsh). So the filter by name first tries to check for a complete match with filter's text and if it fails it searches for a match by parts of the username
  9. The user notification system is implemented using the component Alert
  10. An example of the database structure can be found in the directory database-example (json file)


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