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Mikolaj committed Mar 12, 2011
1 parent 05ab163 commit b880066
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Showing 4 changed files with 64 additions and 65 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Actions.hs
Expand Up @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ remember =
checkPartyDeath :: Action ()
checkPartyDeath =
ahs <- gets allHeroes
ahs <- gets allHeroesAnyLevel
pl <- gets splayer
pbody <- gets getPlayerBody
config <- gets sconfig
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Monster.hs
Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ defaultHero :: Char -> String -> Loc -> Int -> Hero
defaultHero symbol name ploc hp =
Movable (Hero symbol name) hp hp Nothing TCursor ploc [] 'a' 10 0

-- The types should be equal, becase monsters can be sometimes
-- player-controlled and heroes can be alien-controlled or panicked, etc.
type Hero = Movable

type Monster = Movable

data Movable = Movable
Expand Down
120 changes: 59 additions & 61 deletions src/State.hs
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Message
-- In practice, we maintain extra state, but that state is state
-- accumulated during a turn or relevant only to the current session.
data State = State
{ splayer :: Actor, -- ^ represents the selected movable
{ splayer :: Actor, -- ^ represents the player-controlled movable
scursor :: Cursor, -- ^ cursor location and level to return to
shistory :: [Message],
ssensory :: SensoryMode,
Expand All @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ data State = State

data Cursor = Cursor
{ ctargeting :: Bool, -- ^ are we in targeting mode?
clocation :: Loc, -- ^ cursor coordinates
creturnLn :: LevelName -- ^ the level current player resides on
clocation :: Loc, -- ^ cursor coordinates
creturnLn :: LevelName -- ^ the level current player resides on
deriving Show

Expand All @@ -55,6 +55,50 @@ defaultState pl ploc dng lvl =

-- The operations with "Any", and those that use them, consider all the dungeon.
-- All the other actor and level operations only consider the current level.

-- | Finds an actor body on any level. Error if not found.

findActorAnyLevel :: Actor -> State -> Maybe (LevelName, Movable)
findActorAnyLevel actor state@(State { slevel = lvl,
sdungeon = Dungeon m }) =
let chk lvl =
fmap (\ m -> (lname lvl, m)) $
case actor of
AHero n -> IM.lookup n (lheroes lvl)
AMonster n -> let l = lmonsters lvl
in if L.length l <= n then Nothing else Just $ l !! n
in listToMaybe $ mapMaybe chk (lvl : M.elems m)

getPlayerBody :: State -> Movable
getPlayerBody state = snd $ fromMaybe (error "getPlayerBody") $
findActorAnyLevel (splayer state) state

-- | The list of actors and levels for all heroes in the dungeon.
-- Heroes from the current level go first.
allHeroesAnyLevel :: State -> [(Actor, LevelName)]
allHeroesAnyLevel state =
let Dungeon m = sdungeon state
one (Level { lname = ln, lheroes = hs }) = (\ (i, _) -> (AHero i, ln)) (IM.assocs hs)
in L.concatMap one (slevel state : M.elems m)

updateAnyHero :: (Hero -> Hero) -> Int -> State -> State
updateAnyHero f ni state =
case findActorAnyLevel (AHero ni) state of
Just (ln, _) ->
let upd = IM.adjust f ni
in updateAnyLevel (updateHeroes upd) ln state
Nothing -> error $ "updateAnyHero: hero " ++ show ni ++ " not found"

updateAnyLevel :: (Level -> Level) -> LevelName -> State -> State
updateAnyLevel f ln state@(State { slevel = level,
sdungeon = Dungeon dng })
| ln == lname level = updateLevel f state
| otherwise = updateDungeon (const $ Dungeon $ M.adjust f ln dng) state

-- | Gets actor body from the current level. Error if not found.
getActor :: State -> Actor -> Movable
getActor (State { slevel = lvl }) a =
case a of
Expand All @@ -77,67 +121,18 @@ insertActor a m =
AMonster n -> let ins l = L.take n l ++ m : L.drop n l
in updateLevel (updateMonsters ins)

-- | Finds an actor body on any level.
-- Possible optimization: check current level first.
findAnyActor :: State -> Actor -> Movable
findAnyActor state@(State { slevel = level,
sdungeon = dungeon }) a =
let Dungeon m = putDungeonLevel level dungeon
chk lvl =
case a of
AHero n -> IM.lookup n (lheroes lvl)
AMonster n -> let l = lmonsters lvl
in if L.length l <= n then Nothing else Just $ l !! n
filtered = M.mapMaybe chk m
in fst $ fromMaybe (error "findAnyActor") $ M.minView $ filtered

getPlayerBody :: State -> Movable
getPlayerBody state = findAnyActor state (splayer state)

-- | The level on which the current player resides.
playerLevel :: State -> LevelName
playerLevel state = creturnLn $ scursor state

levelHeroList :: State -> [Hero]
levelHeroList (State { slevel = Level { lheroes = hs } }) = IM.elems hs

findActorLevel :: Actor -> State -> Maybe LevelName
findActorLevel (AHero ni) state@(State { slevel = level,
sdungeon = dungeon }) =
let Dungeon m = putDungeonLevel level dungeon
chk ln lvl = fmap (const ln) (IM.lookup ni (lheroes lvl))
filtered = M.mapMaybeWithKey chk m
in fmap fst $ M.minView $ filtered

-- | The list of actors and levels for all heroes in the dungeon.
-- Heroes from the current level go first.
allHeroes :: State -> [(Actor, LevelName)]
allHeroes state =
let Dungeon m = sdungeon state
one (Level { lname = ln, lheroes = hs }) = (\ (i, _) -> (AHero i, ln)) (IM.assocs hs)
in L.concatMap one (slevel state : M.elems m)

updateAnyHero :: (Hero -> Hero) -> Int -> State -> State
updateAnyHero f ni state =
case findActorLevel (AHero ni) state of
Just ln ->
let upd = IM.adjust f ni
in updateAnyLevel (updateHeroes upd) ln state
Nothing -> error $ "updateAnyHero: hero " ++ show ni ++ " not found"

updateAnyLevel :: (Level -> Level) -> LevelName -> State -> State
updateAnyLevel f ln state@(State { slevel = level,
sdungeon = Dungeon dng })
| ln == lname level = updateLevel f state
| otherwise = updateDungeon (const $ Dungeon $ M.adjust f ln dng) state

updateCursor :: (Cursor -> Cursor) -> State -> State
updateCursor f s = s { scursor = f (scursor s) }

updateHistory :: ([String] -> [String]) -> State -> State
updateHistory f s = s { shistory = f (shistory s) }

updateTime :: (Time -> Time) -> State -> State
updateTime f s = s { stime = f (stime s) }

updateDiscoveries :: (Discoveries -> Discoveries) -> State -> State
updateDiscoveries f s = s { sdiscoveries = f (sdiscoveries s) }

Expand All @@ -147,20 +142,23 @@ updateLevel f s = s { slevel = f (slevel s) }
updateDungeon :: (Dungeon -> Dungeon) -> State -> State
updateDungeon f s = s {sdungeon = f (sdungeon s)}

updateTime :: (Time -> Time) -> State -> State
updateTime f s = s { stime = f (stime s) }

toggleVision :: State -> State
toggleVision s = s { ssensory = case ssensory s of Vision 1 -> Implicit; Vision n -> Vision (n-1); _ -> Vision 3 }
toggleVision s = s { ssensory = case ssensory s of Vision 1 -> Implicit
Vision n -> Vision (n-1)
_ -> Vision 3 }

toggleSmell :: State -> State
toggleSmell s = s { ssensory = if ssensory s == Smell then Implicit else Smell }

toggleOmniscient :: State -> State
toggleOmniscient s = s { sdisplay = if sdisplay s == Omniscient then Normal else Omniscient }
toggleOmniscient s = s { sdisplay = if sdisplay s == Omniscient
then Normal
else Omniscient }

toggleTerrain :: State -> State
toggleTerrain s = s { sdisplay = case sdisplay s of Terrain 1 -> Normal; Terrain n -> Terrain (n-1); _ -> Terrain 4 }
toggleTerrain s = s { sdisplay = case sdisplay s of Terrain 1 -> Normal
Terrain n -> Terrain (n-1)
_ -> Terrain 4 }

instance Binary State where
put (State player cursor hst sense disp time assocs discs dng lvl config) =
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Turn.hs
Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ handleMonsters =
time <- gets stime
case ms of
[] -> nextMove
(m@(Movable { mtime = mt }) : ms)
(m@(Movable { mtime = mt }) : rest)
| mt > time -> -- no monster is ready for another move
| otherwise -> -- monster m should move; we temporarily remove m from the level
Expand All @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ handleMonsters =
-- (in particular hero selection) in case of two
-- simultaneous battles.
modify (updateLevel (updateMonsters (const ms)))
modify (updateLevel (updateMonsters (const rest)))
handleMonster m

-- | Handle the move of a single monster.
Expand Down

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