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Repository files navigation


here's a theory to have a better and cleaner code. the concept is that everything like model layer and DTO layer be supported in a data object unit.

Use case

get data from database

$user = new User();
if (!$user->load(['id' => 12])) {
    return 'user not found!';
return $user->name;

use as DTO

$user = new User($_POST);
if(!$user->validate()) { // you must config validator 
    return 'bad request';
$user->load(); // must update load support DTO
$username = $_POST['username'] ?? false;
if (!$username) {
    return 'bad request';
$user = new User();
if (!$user->load(['name'=> $username]){
    return 'user not exist';
    // or return 'username and password does not match';
$password = $_POST['password'] ?? '';
if(!$user->checkPassword($password) ) {
    return 'username and password does not match';
$token = $user->createAccessToken();

use to do actions based on DOU

$user = new User();
if (!$user->load(12)) { // the same as ['id' => 12]
    throw new error();
array $postList = $user->getPosts(); // array in type of post DOU or []

use DOU as ORM based model data object

$user = new User();
$user->name = 'other name';
$user->save(); // this will update user data on database

basic methods

method params return descriptions
model ModelHandler to init Model handler using prototype
load [called class] loads data from repository or database
isStaged boolean retrun change state. if true then some data changed but not saved
save boolean saves data and return if save process succeeded.
dataFixed boolean if true then any changes will be staged. usually it will be set true ofter load()
onBeforeSet $name:string, $value:mixed mixed middleware function before setting a value in DOU
onBeforeSave $data:array array middleware function before save oon repository

initiate and configure

first you need to init a prototype documentation available at miladm/prototype

create connection

use miladm\table\Connection;

class MainConnection extends Connection
    public $host = "";
    public $databaseName = "sample";
    public $user = 'root';
    public $password = 'root';

create prototype

use miladm\Prototype;
use miladm\prototype\Schema;

class UserP extends Prototype
    public function init(): Schema
        return $this->schema('user')
            ->hash('password')->hashFunction(fn ($data) => md5($data))

    public function connection(): Connection
        return new MainConnection;

create your dou

Note: all variables of dou must be protected.

use miladm\DataObjectUnit;
use miladm\prototype\ModelHandler;

class User extends DataObjectUnit
    protected string $name;
    protected string $email;
    protected ?string $something;
    protected string $password;

    function model(): ModelHandler
        return UserP::model();

middleware functions


you can change or check value if necessary. for example hash password or check if something exists;

use miladm\dou\OnBeforeSave;

class User extends DataObjectUnit implements OnBeforeSave 
    protected string $name;
    protected string $email;
    protected ?string $something;
    protected string $password;
    protected array $roles = ['updateData'];

    function model(): ModelHandler
        return UserP::model();

    function onBeforeSave($data): array
        if (!$this->hasPermissionTo('updateData')) {
            return [];
        return $data;

    private function hasPermissionTo($permissionString): bool
        return in_array($permissionString, $this->roles);


you can change or check value if necessary. for example hash password or check if something exists;

use miladm\dou\OnBeforeSet;

class User extends DataObjectUnit implements OnBeforeSet
    protected string $name;
    protected string $email;
    protected ?string $something;
    protected string $password;
    protected array $roles = ['updateData'];

    function model(): ModelHandler
        return UserP::model();

    function onBeforeSet($name, $value): mixed
        if ($name === 'password') {
            if(!$this->passwordValidation($value)) {
                return $this->password;
        return $value;

    private function passwordValidation($value): bool
        // check if 8 character and has special characters and ect.


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