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Kuyruk is a simple and easy way of distributing tasks to run on servers.

It uses RabbitMQ as message broker and depends on Pika which is a pure-Python RabbitMQ client library.

How to install?

Kuyruk is available on PyPI.

$ pip install kuyruk

How to run tests?

Normally you don't need this but it is easy. kuyruk/test directory contains files of both unit and integration tests. Make sure that RabbitMQ is running before running tests. Tests also run on Travis CI automatically on push.

$ git clone git://
$ cd kuyruk
$ pip install -r kuyruk/test/requirements.txt
$ nosetests

How to define tasks?

Instantiate a Kuyruk object somewhere. Then just put a kuyruk.task decorator on top of your function that you want to run in background. After decorating, when you call the function it will send the task to default queue instead of running the function. Since Kuyruk does not support a result backend yet you should not be using the return value of the function.

from kuyruk import Kuyruk

kuyruk = Kuyruk()

def echo(message):
    print message

# This will send a message to queue
echo('Hello, Kuyruk.')

How to run the worker?

Running the worker command with no parameters is enough for processing the tasks in the default queue.

$ kuyruk worker

Where is the documentation?

Here it is: