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Recursion Scheme Combinators Library for Scala

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recur v1.0 : provide recursion scheme combinators for Scala

recur is a library provide recursion scheme combinators (catamorphism, paramorphism, anamorphism, etc.) for Scala. It's based on Category:Recursion Schemes

Using recur


Catamorphisms provided via generic function : F_Algebra.cata, Mendler_Style.mcata, F_W_Algebra.g_cata or use the constructor type-functors (will be introduced later)

Initial Fixed-Point

Use the F_Algebra.cata (standard fold)

  import algebra.Functor, algebra.F_Algebra.{Fix, mu, cata}

  //type List[A] = μ(ListFFunctor[A])
  trait ListF[+A, +B]
  case object Nil extends ListF[Nothing, Nothing]
  case class Cons[A, B](a: A, b: B) extends ListF[A, B]

  //an endofunctor F
  implicit def ListFFunctor[T] = new Functor[ListF[T, ?]] {
    def map[A, B](fa: ListF[T, A])(f: A => B): ListF[T, B] = fa match {
      case Nil => Nil
      case Cons(a, b) => Cons(a, f(b))

  type ListFInt[A] = ListF[Int, A]
  def nil = mu[ListFInt[Nothing], ListFInt](Nil)
  def cons[B](a: Int, b: B) = mu[ListFInt[B], ListFInt](Cons(a, b))

  //algSum :: ListF Int Int -> Int
  val algSum: ListFInt[Int] => Int = {
    case Nil => 0
    case Cons(e, acc) => e + acc

  //lst :: Fix (ListF Int)
  val lst: Fix[ListFInt] = cons(2, cons(3, cons(4, nil)))

  val foldr = cata[ListFInt, Int](algSum)

  println(foldr(lst)) //9

Mendler Style

catamorphism as a recursion scheme a la Mendler, which removes the dependency on the Functor typeclass, because Algebra (CoYoneda f) a = MendlerAlgebra f a

  import algebra.~>>
  import algebra.Mendler_Style.{mcata, MendlerAlgebra}

  //rank-2 function
  object ms_algSum extends MendlerAlgebra[ListFInt, Int] {
    override def apply(v1: algebra.Id ~>> Int): ListFInt ~>> Int = {
      val sum = new (ListFInt ~>> Int) {
        override def apply[A](a: ListFInt[A]): Int = a match {
          case Nil => 0
          case Cons(e, acc) => e + v1(acc)
  val foldr2 = mcata[ListFInt, Int](ms_algSum)
  println(foldr2(lst)) //9

Generalized Catamorphisms

Most more advanced recursion schemes for folding structures, such as paramorphisms and zygomorphisms can be seen in a common framework as "generalized" catamorphisms

recur also have the g_cata, you can use it via F_W_Algebra.g_cata, but you need write distributive law (it is rank-2 type signatures) and define a Comonad

//TODO give a sample of use it

T-homomorphisms : for all i . ([ g1,..., gn ]) . ti = gi . Fi ([ g1,..., gn ])

Use the constructor type-functors, and set the recursive type (e.g. List[A]) as the Initial Algebra, so you don't need use mu & write a base functor (e.g. ListF[T, ?]),just use the type-functors(determine the constructors) : F1,...,Fn
(use the right part of the equation : type List[A] = μ(ListFFunctor[A]))

  import algebra.PFunctor, algebra.PFunctor._

  //recursive type as initial algebra
  sealed trait List[+T]
  case class Cons[T](hd: T, tl: List[T]) extends List[T]
  sealed trait Nil extends List[Nothing]
  case object Nil extends Nil

  val pf = PFunctor[List[Int]] //get base functor of the initial algebra

  //for all i . ([ g1,..., gn ]) . ti = gi . Fi ([ g1,..., gn ])
  def fold[B](g1: Unit => B, g2: (Int, B) => B)(l: List[Int]): B = l match {
    case Nil => (g1 compose ((u: Unit) => pf.term(termName[Nil.type]).map(u)(fold(g1, g2)))) ()
    case Cons(h, t) =>
      val fmap_cata = (p: Pair[Int, List[Int]]) => pf.term(termName[Cons[Int]]).map(p)(fold(g1, g2)).asInstanceOf[Pair[Int, B]]
      ((p: Pair[Int, List[Int]]) => g2(fmap_cata(p).outl, fmap_cata(p).outr)) (Pair(h, t))
  val l = Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Nil)))
  val res = fold[Int](_ => 0, _ + _)(l)
  println(res) //9

The fold function body just come from the equations:

let h = fold(c, f) :
h nil = (g1 . F1 h) ()
h cons(a , xs) = (g2 . F2 h) (a, xs)

Nil is abstracted as (), and Cons(h, t) is abstracted as Pair(h, t) (which is (h, t))

In current version, as you can see, there are lots of boilerplate code need write

Building recur

recur is built with SBT 0.13.11 or later, and its master branch is built with Scala 2.12.1 (and jdk 1.8).


  • Add paramorphisms & zygomorphisms for F_W_Algebra
  • Support Mutual Type Recursion (via initial fixed-point of product category functor)
  • Add Adjoint Fixed-Point Equations (Adjoint-Folds) to unify the recursion schemes
  • Use macro to reduce the boilerplate code of T-homomorphisms, so you don't need write the fold function, the fold function will come with the data type definition (in recur v2.0)
  • Add unfold function just like fold in v2.0
  • Add hylomorphisms (just combination of cata- & ana-)
  • Add metamorphisms for Abstract Data Types



Recursion Scheme Combinators Library for Scala






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