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Java MultiPurpose Spring Library. Provide additional classes and Spring configuration for Java with Spring Boot WebAPI projects.


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Java multi purpose Spring library (in short JMPSL) it's a multi-module development library project for rapidly building REST-type services in the Spring Boot framework. It provides services for authentication, authorization, creating raster graphics, sending files via FTP, messaging using popular communication protocols, and much more.

Table of content

Modules JMPSL Core JMPSL Communication JMPSL File


Library consists of the following modules:

  • JMPSL Core - main module: configuration, data access and utilities classes,
  • JMPSL Communication - provide classes for point-to-point communication (email, websockets etc.),
  • JMPSL File - provide classes for generators, receivers and senders to local or remove FTP server,
  • JMPSL Gfx - provide classes for 2D raster images generators and manipulators,
  • JMPSL Security - provide classes which extending Spring Security (for most typical REST API scenarios),
  • JMPSL OAuth2 - provide classes for OAuth2 Spring Security authorization via stateless REST endpoints.


Stable releases, from Maven Central

  • for Maven project:
  • for Gradle project with Groovy:
repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'pl.miloszgilga:jmpsl-[MOD]:X.Y.Z_AA'
  • for Gradle project with Kotlin:
repositories {

dependencies {

Snapshot releases, from JitPack repository

  • for Maven project:

  • for Gradle project with Groovy:
repositories {
  maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'pl.miloszgilga.jmpsl:jmpsl-[MOD]:X.Y.Z_AA'
  • for Gradle project with Kotlin:
repositories {
  maven { url = '' }

dependencies {


  • X.Y.Z_AA is the selected version
  • [MOD] is one of the selected module (core, communication, file, gfx, security or oauth2).

For more info about installation script and integrate with other Java build project technologies, go to official Maven repository website.

Download JAR archives and generate SHA1

If you are not using any build system, you can optionally download the .jar archive from following links:

  • from MAVEN CENTRAL - stable releases
  • from JitPack - snapshot releases:
    create link via pattern[MOD]/X.Y.Z_AA/jmpsl-[MOD]-X.Y.Z_AA-sources.jar for sources, where:
    • X.Y.Z_AA is the selected library version
    • [MOD] is one of the module (core, communication, file, gfx, security or oauth2)

For check SHA1 checksum, download file with .sha1 extension and generate checksum of downloaded .jar file via on UNIX systems:

$ sha1sum [filePath]

where [filePath] is the path to downloaded source .jar. For Windows, you can use this website.

NOTE: At this moment, SHA1 checksums of source files are not available on JitPack.

Versioning strategy

Stable, tested versions are available in the official Maven repositories. New, not fully tested versions (alpha, beta and snapshots) will be posted in the JitPack repository. To find, how to add a library to your project go to Installation section for selected module.

Versions of this library are annotated by X.Y.Z_AA, where AA is the next iteration of testing, for example, the full version is 1.0.2 and the test version of this full version is 1.0.2_04.

JMPSL Core [page]


Main module: configuration, data access and utilities classes.

Basic usage

  1. Apply following properties in or application.yml:
# avaialble application locales (defined as array list, for ex. <i>fr,pl,en_GB,en_US</i>). Property not required.
# by default it is en_US.
jmpsl.core.locale.available-locales = en_US,pl

# default selected application locale (defined as locale string, for ex. <i>en_US</i>). Property not required.
# by default it is en_US.
jmpsl.core.locale.default-locale = en_US

# default locale message bundles. Property not required. Default location is in classpath: 'i18n/messages'.
# accept multiple values separated by period's
jmpsl.core.locale.messages-paths = i18n-api/messages,i18n-mail/messages,i18n-jpa/messages

i18n API implementation (internationalization)

  1. To initialized i18n in your application, firstly create resources bundle in resources/i18n directory. Resource files should be named as messages_[lang].properties, where [lang] is the language prefix (ex. en-US, pl, fr etc.). Example:
app.exception.NumberFormatException = Incorrect number format.

app.exception.NumberFormatException = Nieprawidłowy format liczbowy.
  1. In created resources insert key <> values pairs with messages.
  2. Create following enum class extends org.jmpsl.core.i18n.ILocaleEnumSet interface:
public enum AppLocaleSet implements ILocaleEnumSet {
    private final String holder;

    public String getHolder() {
        return holder;
  1. Sample usage in Spring Bean:
public class InternationalizationExample {

    private final LocaleMessageService localeMessageService;

    // constructor for dependency injections
    public void showMessage() {
        final String message = localeMessageService

Exceptions listener

  1. For create basic custom exception listener, create Spring Bean extending org.jmpsl.core.exception.AbstractBaseRestExceptionListener class. In basic, library catching following exceptions:

    • org.jmpsl.core.exception.RestServiceServerException
    • org.jmpsl.core.exception.RestServiceAuthServerException
    • org.springframework.web.servlet.NoHandlerFoundException [See NOTE below]
    • org.springframework.web.bind.MethodArgumentNotValidException
    • org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException
    • org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException
    • java.lang.Exception

    For others exception, create own exception listener (annotated by org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler).

public class ExceptionsListener extends AbstractBaseRestExceptionListener {
    ExceptionsListener(LocaleMessageService messageService) {
    // here you can insert optional exceptions listeners

NOTE: For org.springframework.web.servlet.NoHandlerFoundException properly handling exception capture, you need to add the following entries in the or application.yml file:

spring.web.resources.add-mappings = false
spring.mvc.log-resolved-exception = false
spring.mvc.throw-exception-if-no-handler-found = true

JMPSL Communication [page]


Provide classes for point-to-point communication (email, websockets etc.),

Required artifacts: jmpsl-core. Corresponding versions.
Required spring boot starter: spring-boot-starter-mail. Min version: 3.0.2

Basic usage

  1. Add Spring Boot Mail starter:
  • for Maven projects
  • for Gradle with Groovy projects
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-mail:3.X.Y'
implementation 'org.freemarker:freemarker:X.Y.Z'
  • for Gradle with Kotlin projects


  • X.Y.Z_AA is the selected version
  1. Apply following properties in or application.yml:
# define email Freemarker templates directory path. By default "classpath:/templates". Property required.
# templates should be in /resources directory.
jmpsl.communication.mail.freemarker-templates-dir = classpath:/templates

# external resource bundle file for i18n messages (in src/main/resources). Property not requred.
jmpsl.core.locale.messages-path = i18n-mail/messages,... others message bundles

Email messages sender API

  1. Create messages_[lang].properties in i18n-mail directory, where lang is i18n tag (pl, en-US etc.):
sample.message = This is a sample message {0}.
sample.message = To jest testowa wiadomość {0}.
  1. Create sample email template file in /resources/templates with .ftl extension.
<#assign sampleMessage = i18n("sample.message", [ injectedText ])>
  1. Create enum implementing interface org.jmpsl.communication.mail.IMailEnumeratedTemplate with names of templates:
public enum MailTemplate implements IMailEnumeratedTemplate {
    SAMPLE_TEMPLATE                 ("/sample-template.template.ftl");
    private final String templateName;
    public String getTemplateName() {
        return templateName;
  1. Build mail message with org.jmpsl.communication.mail.MailRequestDto class:
import java.util.HashMap;

class MailSender {

    private final JmpslMailService jmpslMailService;

    // constructor for dependency injections

    public void sendMessage() {
        // prepare mime message DTO
        final MailRequestDto requestDto = MailRequestDto.builder()
            .sendTo(Set.of(/* insert here all mail accounts */))
            .sendFrom(/* insert here server responder, ex. */)
            .setLocale(/* insert here locale for messages bundle */)
            .setRequest(/* optionally, if you can have access to "baseServletPath" in templates */)
            .setAppName(/* application name, property "appName" in templates */)
            .setReplyAddress(/* reply address for responding on auto-generated message */)
            .messageSubject("This is a sample message")
            .attachments(/* optionally, insert here all attachements as file handler and mime type */)
            .inlineResources(/* optionally, insert here embedded inline resources in mail message (ex. images) */)

        final Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
        parameters.put("injectedText", "This is injected text.");
        // ... and more additional parameters
        // send message with passed request DTO and parameters with template name (in last argument)
        jmpslMailService.sendEmail(requestDto, parameters, MailTemplate.SAMPLE_TEMPLATE);

JMPSL File [page]


Provide classes for generators, receivers and senders to local or remote FTP server.

Required artifacts: jmpsl-core. Corresponding versions.

Basic usage

  1. Apply following properties in or application.yml:
# define, if SSH/SFTP service is active. By default "true". Property required. = true

# define SSH/SFTP service host address. By default "" (localhost). Property required.
jmpsl.file.ssh.socket-host =

# define SSH/SFTP service login. Property required.
jmpsl.file.ssh.socket-login = sampleLogin123

# define file name for known hosts in SSH/SFTP service. By default "known_hosts.dat". Property required.
# File must be located in ROOT project directory.
jmpsl.file.ssh.known-hosts-file-name = known_hosts.dat

# define SFTP server address. By default "" (localhost). Property required.
jmpsl.file.ssh.user-private-key-file-name = id_rsa

# define SFTP server address. By default "" (localhost). Property required.
jmpsl.file.sftp.server-url =

# define SSH/SFTP path from server root to domain directory. Property required. Property must be end with "/" character.
jmpsl.file.basic-external-server-path = /external-file-server-path

# define SSH/SFTP directory name for application static resources. By default "". Property required. Property
# cannot be end with "/" character. = /static-images

# define file name hash generator separator. By default "-". Property non-required.
jmpsl.file.hash-code.separator = "-"

# single sequences count in all hash word. By default "4". Property required. Only unsigned values (1-255).
jmpsl.file.hash-code.count-of-sequences = 4

# Define count of characters in single hash sequence. By default "5". Property required. Only unsigned values (1-255).
jmpsl.file.hash-code.sequence-length = 5

Basic usage

public class SftpConnecion {
    private final SshFileSocketConnector connector;

    // constructor for dependency injections
    // perform connection in legacy Java style
    public void makeConnectionLegacy() {
        connector.connectToSocketAndPerformAction(new ISshFileSocketExecutor() {
            public void execute(StatefulSFTPClient sftpClient) {
                // insert here code perform action on SFTP Client
                // any exception return status code 500 and RestAPI respone JSON object
    // perform connection in new Java style
    public void makeConnection() {
        connector.connectToSocketAndPerformAction(client -> {
            // insert here code perform action on SFTP Client
            // any exception return status code 500 and RestAPI respone JSON object

JMPSL GFX [page]


Provide classes for 2D raster images generators and manipulators.

Required artifacts: jmpsl-core, jmpsl-file. Corresponding versions.

Basic usage

  1. Apply properties from JMPSL File module for SSH/SFTP external server connection.
  2. Apply following properties in or application.yml:
# SSH/SFTP server path for static user graphics resources. Property required.
jmpsl.gfx.user-gfx.static-images-content-path = images

# font location for user default profile image generator. Property not required. Font file should be in
# /resources directory
jmpsl.gfx.user-gfx.preferred-font-link = static/font/noto-serif-v21-latin-regular.ttf

# font name for user default profile image generator. Property required
jmpsl.gfx.user-gfx.preferred-font-name = Noto Serif

# colors which usage in generated user avatar images. Property not required. Default colors:
#   "#f83f3d", "#fe5430", "#ff9634", "#ffbf41", "#cad958", "#85c15d", "#029489", "#00bcd2", "#1197ec",
#   "#4151b0", "#6a3ab0", "#a128a9", "#ee1860",
jmpsl.gfx.user-gfx.preferred-hex-colors = #00ff00,#2254fc

# preffered foreground for user avatar generator. Property not required. By default it is #ffffff (white)
jmpsl.gfx.user-gfx.preferred-foreground-color = #ffffff

Image generators and serders via API example

class ProfileImage {
    private final UserImageSftpService imageSftpService;
    // constructor for dependency injections
    public void createOrUpdate() {
        // create buffered image generator payload
        final BufferedImageGeneratorPayload payload = BufferedImageGeneratorPayload.builder()
            .fontSize(14) // 14pt
            .size(100) // 100px x 100px
            .initials(new char[] { 'b', 'a' })
        // created or updated image with sample name: "profile_16943204364521622266.png" 
        // in SFTP server directory: "/user1_7LFAC-XxrJC-aZi0E-lbGxH"

        // generate image and send to SFTP server 
        final BufferedImageGeneratorRes response = imageSftpService
            .generateAndSaveDefaultUserImage(payload, ImageExtension.PNG);
        // show saved image location in remove SFTP server
    public void sendOrUpdate() {
        // create buffered image sender payload
        final BufferedImageSenderPayload imageSenderPayload = BufferedImageSenderPayload.builder()
            .bytesRepresentation(/* insert image as bytes representation */)
            .preferredWidth(100) // 100px, available rescaling
            .preferredHeight(100) // 100px, available rescaling
        // created or updated image with sample name: "profile_16943204364521622266.png" 
        // in SFTP server directory: "/user1_7LFAC-XxrJC-aZi0E-lbGxH"
        // send image to SFTP server
        final BufferedImageRes response = userImageSftpService
            .saveUserImage(imageSenderPayload, ImageExtension.PNG);
        // show saved image location in remove SFTP server
    public void delete() {
        // create buffered image delete payload
        final BufferedImageDeletePayload deletePayload = BufferedImageDeletePayload.builder()
        // delete image from SFTP server

NOTE: If the image in the specified folder already exists (same ID, hash and unique image prefix), it will be overwritten.

On any exception during saving or sending file to external SFTP server, application will return JSON stardard error response with code, time and additional informations. Standard WebAPI exception class you will find in JMPSL Core module.

JMPSL Security [page]


Provide classes which extending Spring Security (for most typical REST API scenarios).

Basic usage

  1. Add Spring Boot Security starter:
  • for Maven projects
  • for Gradle with Groovy projects
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security:3.X.Y'
  • for Gradle with Kotlin projects
  1. Apply following properties in or application.yml:
# OTA (One Time Access) token elapsed time in minutes. Property not required. By default it is 10 minutes = 10

# password encoder strength (reccomended from 8 to 12). Property not required. By default it is 8 units = 8

# JWT secret key (salt). Property required. = fm92400mfomvnoifd1039cmoivmoeifmd01390d9fomfv

# JWT issuer (key signatory). Property required. = applicationName

# time (in minutes) after JWT is expired. Property not required. By default it is 5 minutes = 5

# time (in days) after refresh token is expired. Property not required. By default it is 30 days = 30

# enabled address in CORS policy (for more info check Property required. =

# max CORS alive time in milis. Property not required. By default it is 3600 milis = 3600
  1. Create entity class represents User database model and implements IAuthUserModel interface:
public class UserEntity implements Serializable, IAuthUserModel<SimpleGrantedRole> { 
    @Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // standard hibernate columns, getters, setters and non arguments constructor
    public String getAuthUsername() {
        // return here user unique identifier (user name or email address)
    public String getAuthPassword() {
        // return here user password (hashable form data)
    public Set<SimpleGrantedRole> getAuthRoles() {
        // return user roles as Set of strings, ex. USER, ADMIN, OWNER
        return SimpleGrantedRole.getSetCollection(); // return default roles

    public boolean isAccountEnabled() {
        // return true, if account is enabled. NOTE! By default, returns false.
        return true;
    // ...
  1. Create service class for loading user to Spring Security Context:
public class AuthUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {
    public AuthUser<SimpleGrantedRole> loadUserByUsername(String identifier) {
        // identifier is getting by getAuthUsername() method from IAuthUserModel interface
        // get user from database and return user entity object
  1. Create standard OncePerRequestFilter filter for validating JWT and setting Spring Security Context. You can use default pre-defined AbstractJwtRequestFilter from JMPSL Security module or create own custom filter:
public class JwtAuthenticationFilter extends AbstractJwtRequestFilter {

   public JwtAuthenticationFilter(JwtService jwtService, AuthUserDetailsService details) {
      // extract and validate user by functional expression. Take token from request and return user identifier or null
      super(jwtService, details, token -> {
         /* extracted user details from JWT */
  1. Create configurable class for Spring Security OAuth2 configuration (sample configurable class):
public class SpringSecurityConfigurer {
    private final Environment env;
    private final AuthResolverForRest authResolverForRest;
    private final MiddlewareExceptionFilter middlewareExceptionFilter;
    private final AccessDeniedResolverForRest accessDeniedResolverForRest;

    // injected authentication filter from step 5
    private final JwtAuthenticationFilter jwtAuthenticationFilter;
    // constructor for fields injection

    public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
        httpSecurity.sessionManagement(options -> options.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS))
            .addFilterBefore(middlewareExceptionFilter, LogoutFilter.class)
            .exceptionHandling(ex -> ex
            .authorizeHttpRequests(auth -> auth
                .requestMatchers("/", "/error").permitAll()
                // insert here requestMatchers
            .addFilterBefore(jwtAuthenticationFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
    public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager(AuthenticationConfiguration configuration) throws Exception {
        return configuration.getAuthenticationManager();

JMPSL OAuth2 [page]


Provide classes for OAuth2 Spring Security authorization via stateless REST endpoints. At this moment, support following OAuth2 authentication providers:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Github
  • LinkedIn

Required artifacts: jmpsl-core, jmpsl-security. Corresponding versions.
Required spring boot starter: spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client. Min version: 3.0.2

Data flow:

  1. Client make request for address[supplier]?base_uri=[base]&after_login_uri=[login]&after_signup_uri=[signup], where
    • [supplier] is the supplier name (facebook, google)
    • [base] is the base frontend application URL, ex.
    • [login] is the redirect address suffix after successfully login new user, ex. auth/login
    • [signup] is the redirect address suffix after successfully register, ex. auth/after-register
  2. For login scenario after successfully authenticated, server make redirect to[rawToken], where [rawToken] is the generated JWT from API (similarly, the data flow will be represented by the registration action).
  3. On some authentication exception, server make redirect to[action]?error=[message], where
    • [action] is the one of the suffix, ex. login or after-register
    • [message] is the specific error message

Basic usage

  1. Add Spring Boot OAuth2 Client starter:
  • for Maven projects
  • for Gradle with Groovy projects
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client:3.X.Y'
  • for Gradle with Kotlin projects
  1. Apply following properties in or application.yml (example for facebook and google providers):
# standard Spring Boot OAuth2 starter properties, requireds = <insert here google client id> = <insert here google client key>
security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.clientId = <insert here facebook client id>
security.oauth2.client.registration.facebook.clientSecret = <insert here facebook client key>

# true, if OAuth2 is active, false if is not active. WARN! If OAuth2 is active, in the absence of any below the required
# property, program will immediately terminate with an error = true

# time (in minutes) after which cookie from external OAuth2 authentication server is expired. Property not required; by
# default is 3 minutes
jmpsl.oauth2.cookie-expired-minutes = 3

# list of all supported suppliers by application. Available options: facebook, google, github, linkedin. Property required.
jmpsl.oauth2.available-suppliers = google,facebook

# redirect URLs after successfull or failure authentication via OAuth2. Separated by comma. Property required.
jmpsl.oauth2.redirect-uris = http://localhost:4200/oauth2/redirect
  1. Create entity class represents User database model and implements IAuthUserModel interface:
public class UserEntity implements Serializable, IAuthUserModel<SimpleGrantedRole> { 
    @Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // standard hibernate columns, getters, setters and non arguments constructor
    public String getAuthUsername() {
        // return here user unique identifier (user name or email address)
    public String getAuthPassword() {
        // ONLY FOR LOCAL ACCOUNTS: return user password, otherwise (if your authnetication method
        // is only realized by OAuth2, return null)
    public Set<SimpleGrantedRole> getAuthRoles() {
        // return user roles as Set of strings, ex. USER, ADMIN, OWNER
        return SimpleGrantedRole.getSetCollection(); // return default roles

    public boolean isAccountEnabled() {
        // return true, if account is enabled. NOTE! By default, returns false.
        return true;
  1. Create service class, which implementing IOAuth2LoaderService interface:
public class OAuth2Service implements IOAuth2LoaderService<SimpleGrantedRole> {
    public OAuth2UserExtender<SimpleGrantedRole> registrationProcessingFactory(OAuth2RegistrationDataDto registrationData) {
        // persist or update OAuth2 user details and return fabricated user using fabricateUser()
        // method from OAuth2Util class
  1. Create service class which generating JWT for OAuth2 purposes:
public class JwtGenerator implements IOAuth2TokenGenerator {
    public String generateToken(Authentication auth) {
        // generate JWT based principals from Authentication class and return raw token
  1. Create service class for loading user to Spring Security Context:
public class AuthUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {
    public OAuth2UserExtender<SimpleGrantedRole> loadUserByUsername(String identifier) {
        // identifier is getting by getAuthUsername() method from IAuthUserModel interface
        // get user from database and return fabricated user using fabricateUser() method from OAuth2Util class
  1. Create standard OncePerRequestFilter filter for validating JWT and setting Spring Security Context. You can use default pre-defined AbstractJwtRequestFilter from JMPSL Security module or create own custom filter:
public class JwtAuthenticationFilter extends AbstractJwtRequestFilter {

   public JwtAuthenticationFilter(JwtService jwtService, AuthUserDetailsService details) {
      // extract and validate user by functional expression. Take token from request and return user identifier or null
      super(jwtService, details, token -> {
         /* extracted user details from JWT */
  1. Create configurable class for Spring Security OAuth2 configuration (sample configurable class):
public class SpringSecurityConfigurer {
    private final Environment env;

    private final OAuth2OnFailureResolver oAuth2OnFailureResolver;
    private final MiddlewareExceptionFilter middlewareExceptionFilter;
    private final CookieOAuth2ReqRepository cookieOAuth2ReqRepository;
    private final AuthResolverForRest authResolverForRest;
    private final AccessDeniedResolverForRest accessDeniedResolverForRest;

    // injected service from step 4
    private final OAuth2Service oAuth2Service;
    // injected JWT generator from step 5
    private final JwtGenerator jwtGenerator;
    // injected authentication filter from step 7
    private final JwtAuthenticationFilter jwtAuthenticationFilter;
    // constructor for fields injection

    public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
        httpSecurity.sessionManagement(options -> options.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS))
            .addFilterBefore(middlewareExceptionFilter, LogoutFilter.class)
            .exceptionHandling(ex -> ex
            .authorizeHttpRequests(auth -> auth
                .requestMatchers("/", "/error", "/oauth2/**").permitAll()
                // insert here requestMatchers
            .oauth2Login(oauth2Login -> oauth2Login
                .authorizationEndpoint(p2p -> p2p.authorizationRequestRepository(cookieOAuth2ReqRepository))
                .userInfoEndpoint(info -> info
                    .oidcUserService(new AppOidcUserService(oAuth2Service))
                    .userService(new AppOAuth2UserService(env, oAuth2Service))
                .tokenEndpoint(p2p -> p2p.accessTokenResponseClient(OAuth2Util.auth2AccessTokenResponseClient()))
            .addFilterBefore(jwtAuthenticationFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
    public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager(AuthenticationConfiguration configuration) throws Exception {
        return configuration.getAuthenticationManager();
    public OAuth2OnSuccessfulResolver oAuth2OnSuccessfulResolver() {
        return new OAuth2OnSuccessfulResolver(env, jwtGenerator);


Created by Miłosz Gilga. If you have any questions about this application, send message:

Project status

Project is still in development.


This application is on MIT License.